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Created December 22, 2016 22:08
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A too complicated implementation of NestedDiff (diffing collections containing collections (i.e. arrays containing arrays).
public struct NestedDiff: DiffProtocol {
public enum Element {
case deleteSection(Int)
case insertSection(Int)
case deleteRow(Int, section: Int)
case insert(row: Int, section: Int)
/// Returns the position immediately after the given index.
/// - Parameter i: A valid index of the collection. `i` must be less than
/// `endIndex`.
/// - Returns: The index value immediately after `i`.
public func index(after i: Int) -> Int {
return i + 1
public let elements: [Element]
public protocol Keyed {
associatedtype KeyType: Equatable
var key: KeyType { get }
public extension Collection
where Iterator.Element: Collection,
Iterator.Element: Keyed,
Iterator.Element.Iterator.Element: Equatable {
func nestedDiff(to: Self) -> NestedDiff {
let fromKeys = flatMap { $0.key }
let toKeys = to.flatMap { $0.key }
let diffTraces = fromKeys.outputDiffPathTraces(to: toKeys)
// Diff sections
var elements = Diff(traces: diffTraces).map { element -> NestedDiff.Element in
switch(element) {
case let .delete(at):
return .deleteSection(at)
case let .insert(at):
return .insertSection(at)
// Diff matching sections (moves, deletions, insertions)
let filterMatchPoints = { (trace: Trace) -> Bool in
if case .matchPoint = trace.type() {
return true
return false
// offset & section
let fromMatchingSectionIndices = diffTraces
.map { $0.from.x }
let toMatchingSectionIndices = diffTraces
.map { $0.from.y }
let fromElements = fromMatchingSectionIndices
.map { self[index(startIndex, offsetBy: IndexDistance(IntMax($0)))] }
let toElements = toMatchingSectionIndices
.map { to[to.index(to.startIndex, offsetBy: IndexDistance(IntMax($0)))] }
let fromSectionCounts = { Int($0.count.toIntMax()) }
let toSectionCounts = { Int($0.count.toIntMax()) }
let fromSectionOffsets = sectionOffsets(in: fromElements)
let toSectionOffsets = sectionOffsets(in: toElements)
let diff =
.flatMap { $0 }
.flatMap { $0 }
var sectionDifferences: [Int] = []
var deletedIndicesInSection: [Set<Int>] = []
if var section = diff.indices.first {
var currentSectionDiff = fromSectionCounts[0] - toSectionCounts[0]
var deletedIndices = Set<Int>()
for element in diff {
switch element {
case let .delete(at):
while section < fromSectionOffsets.count - 1
&& fromSectionOffsets[section + 1] <= at {
section += 1
currentSectionDiff = toSectionCounts[section] - fromSectionCounts[section]
deletedIndices = Set<Int>()
let offset = fromSectionOffsets[section]
elements.append(.deleteRow(at - offset, section: fromMatchingSectionIndices[section]))
deletedIndices.insert(at - offset)
currentSectionDiff -= 1
case let .insert(at):
while section < toSectionOffsets.count - 1
&& toSectionOffsets[section + 1] <= at {
section += 1
currentSectionDiff = toSectionCounts[section] - fromSectionCounts[section]
deletedIndices = Set<Int>()
let offset = toSectionOffsets[section]
elements.append(.insert(row: at - offset, section: toMatchingSectionIndices[section]))
currentSectionDiff += 1
for section in sectionDifferences.count ..< fromSectionOffsets.count {
sectionDifferences.append(toSectionCounts[section] - fromSectionCounts[section])
if var section = diffTraces.indices.first {
var prevTrace: Trace?
for trace in diffTraces {
guard let prev = prevTrace,
case .matchPoint = prev.type(),
case .matchPoint = trace.type()
else {
if case .matchPoint = trace.type() {
prevTrace = trace
let lastIndex = fromSectionCounts[section] - 1
let numberOfElementsToShift = sectionDifferences[section]
if numberOfElementsToShift > 0 {
// More insertions than deletions
for index in lastIndex + 1 ... (lastIndex + numberOfElementsToShift) {
elements.append(.insert(row: index, section: toMatchingSectionIndices[section]))
var elementShift = 0
var sectionShift = 1
for index in 0 ..< abs(numberOfElementsToShift) {
while (deletedIndicesInSection[section + sectionShift].contains(index)) {
elementShift += 1
while fromSectionOffsets.count - 1 > section + sectionShift && index + elementShift >= fromSectionOffsets[section + sectionShift + 1] {
sectionShift += 1
elementShift = 0
elements.append(.deleteRow(index + elementShift, section: fromMatchingSectionIndices[section + sectionShift]))
} else if numberOfElementsToShift < 0 {
// More deletions than insertions - take last `numberOfElementsToShift` of items and move to the next section
// for index in 0 ..< abs(numberOfElementsToShift) {
// elements.append(.deleteRow(index, section: toMatchingSectionIndices[section]))
// }
// for index in (lastIndex + numberOfElementsToShift + 1) ... lastIndex {
// elements.append(.insert(row: index, section: fromMatchingSectionIndices[section + 1]))
// }
section += 1
prevTrace = trace
return NestedDiff(elements: elements)
func sectionOffsets<T: Collection>(in array: Array<T>) -> [Int] {
return array
.flatMap { $0.count }
.reduce([0]) { prev, item in
let prevCount = prev.last ?? 0
return prev + [(prevCount + Int(item.toIntMax()))]
extension NestedDiff.Element: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public var debugDescription: String {
switch self {
case let .deleteRow(row, section):
return "DR(\(row),\(section))"
case let .deleteSection(section):
return "DS(\(section))"
case let .insert(row, section):
return "I(\(row),\(section))"
case let .insertSection(section):
return "IS(\(section))" }
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