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Created September 16, 2022 08:01
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Nice jest bindings for rescript
type expectException
type expect<'a, 'ret>
@module("@jest/globals") external describe: (string, unit => unit) => unit = "describe"
@module("@jest/globals") external test: (string, unit => unit) => unit = "test"
@module("@jest/globals") external testAsync: (string, unit => Js.Promise.t<unit>) => unit = "test"
@module("@jest/globals") external expect: 'a => expect<'a, unit> = "expect"
@module("@jest/globals") external expectF: (unit => 'a) => expect<expectException, unit> = "expect"
external expectAsync: Js.Promise.t<'a> => expect<Js.Promise.t<'a>, Js.Promise.t<unit>> = "expect"
@get external not: expect<'a, 'ret> => expect<'a, 'ret> = "not"
@send external toEqual: (expect<'a, 'ret>, 'a) => 'ret = "toEqual"
@send external toBe: (expect<'a, 'ret>, 'a) => 'ret = "toBe"
@send external toBeNull: expect<'a, 'ret> => 'ret = "toBeNull"
@send external toBeDefined: expect<'a, 'ret> => 'ret = "toBeDefined"
@send external toBeUndefined: expect<'a, 'ret> => 'ret = "toBeUndefined"
@send external toBeTruthy: expect<'a, 'ret> => 'ret = "toBeTruthy"
@send external toBeFasly: expect<'a, 'ret> => 'ret = "toBeFasly"
@send external toMatch: (expect<string, 'ret>, Js.Re.t) => 'ret = "toMatch"
@send external toContain: (expect<array<'a>, 'ret>, 'a) => 'ret = "toContain"
@send external toThrow: expect<expectException, 'ret> => 'ret = "toThrow"
@send external fail: string => _ = "fail"
external resolves: expect<Js.Promise.t<'a>, unit> => expect<'a, Js.Promise.t<unit>> = "resolves"
external rejects: expect<Js.Promise.t<'a>, unit> => expect<_, Js.Promise.t<unit>> = "rejects"
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