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Created January 3, 2017 17:20
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@import Foundation;
@interface Node <T>: NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) T value;
@property(nonatomic, strong, readonly) Node<T> *next;
- (instancetype)initWithValue:(T)value next:(nullable Node<T> *)next;
@interface LinkedList <__covariant T>: NSObject
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger length;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) Node<T> *head;
- (instancetype)initWithValue:(T)value;
+ (instancetype)linkedListWithValue:(T)value;
- (instancetype)appendWithValue:(T)value;
- (instancetype)prependWithValue:(T)value;
- (NSInteger)length;
- (instancetype)sublistWithRange:(NSRange)range;
- (instancetype)removeFirstElement;
- (instancetype)removeLastElement;
@implementation Node
- (instancetype)initWithValue:(id)value next:(Node *)next {
self = [super init];
_value = value;
_next = next;
return self;
- (instancetype)appendWithValue:(id)value {
if (! {
Node *node = [[Node alloc] initWithValue:value next:nil];
return [[Node alloc] initWithValue:_value next:node];
return [[Node alloc] initWithValue:_value
next:[ appendWithValue:value]];
- (instancetype)prependWithValue:(id)value {
if (! {
return [[Node alloc]
next:[[Node alloc] initWithValue:_value next:nil]];
return [[Node alloc] initWithValue:value
next:[ prependWithValue:_value]];
- (instancetype)removeFirstElement {
return [ copy];
- (instancetype)removeLastElement {
if (! {
return nil;
} else if (! {
return [[Node alloc] initWithValue:_value next:nil];
[[Node alloc] initWithValue:_value next:[ removeLastElement]];
- (instancetype)copyNext:(NSInteger)remainingCount {
if (remainingCount == 0) {
return nil;
return [[Node alloc] initWithValue:_value
next:[ copyNext:remainingCount - 1]];
- (instancetype)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
if (! {
return [[Node alloc] initWithValue:_value next:nil];
[[Node alloc] initWithValue:_value next:[ copyWithZone:zone]];
- (instancetype)sublistWithRange:(NSRange)range {
if (range.location == 0) {
return [self copyNext:range.length];
return [
sublistWithRange:NSMakeRange(range.location - 1, range.length)];
- (NSString *)description {
if (! {
return [self.value description];
return [NSString
stringWithFormat:@"%@ -> %@", self.value, [ description]];
@implementation LinkedList
+ (instancetype)linkedListWithValue:(id)value {
return [[self alloc] initWithValue:value];
- (instancetype)initWithValue:(id)value {
self = [super init];
_head = [[Node alloc] initWithValue:value next:nil];
_length = 1;
return self;
- (instancetype)initWithHead:(Node *)node length:(NSInteger)length {
self = [super init];
_head = node;
_length = length;
return self;
- (instancetype)appendWithValue:(id)value {
return [[[self class] alloc] initWithHead:[self.head appendWithValue:value]
length:_length + 1];
- (instancetype)prependWithValue:(id)value {
return [[[self class] alloc] initWithHead:[self.head prependWithValue:value]
length:_length + 1];
- (instancetype)sublistWithRange:(NSRange)range {
NSInteger length = length - range.location;
length = length > 0 ? length : 0;
length = length > range.length ? range.length : length;
return [[[self class] alloc] initWithHead:[self.head sublistWithRange:range]
- (instancetype)removeLastElement {
NSInteger length = length == 0 ? 0 : length - 1;
return [[[self class] alloc] initWithHead:[self.head removeFirstElement]
- (instancetype)removeFirstElement {
NSInteger length = length == 0 ? 0 : length - 1;
return [[[self class] alloc] initWithHead:[self.head removeLastElement]
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