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Last active July 10, 2019 01:05
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Save wolever/2a15db70f8cb255d753b2cdbb8a718ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generates bar charts from your git repo to quantify your work-life balance
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
$ curl -O
$ chmod +x git-work-life
$ sudo mv git-work-life /usr/local/bin
$ cd my-git-repo/
$ git work-life *
4,484 commits
1,364 day span (between 2013-07-17 and 2017-04-11)
891 distinct days (473 days without commits: 34.7%, or ~2.43 days/week)
Day of Week
Mon: 850 ======================================================================
Tue: 875 ========================================================================
Wed: 814 ===================================================================
Thu: 816 ===================================================================
Fri: 731 ============================================================
Sat: 175 ============
Sun: 223 ================
Hour of Day
00h: 132 ===========
01h: 123 ==========
02h: 74 ======
03h: 28 =
04h: 20
05h: 8
06h: 1
07h: 6
08h: 4
09h: 9
10h: 50 ===
11h: 89 ========
12h: 170 ===============
13h: 249 ========================
14h: 314 ===============================
15h: 380 ======================================
16h: 475 ================================================
17h: 559 =========================================================
18h: 539 =======================================================
19h: 450 =============================================
20h: 292 ============================
21h: 214 ====================
22h: 154 ==============
23h: 144 ============
Year and Month
2013-08: 109 ============================
2013-09: 199 ======================================================
2013-10: 191 ====================================================
2013-11: 143 ======================================
2013-12: 179 ================================================
2014-01: 201 =======================================================
2014-02: 153 =========================================
2014-03: 184 ==================================================
2014-04: 135 ====================================
2014-05: 140 =====================================
2014-06: 120 ===============================
2014-07: 92 ========================
2014-08: 57 ==============
import sys
import locale
import subprocess as sp
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from datetime import datetime
from collections import defaultdict
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "en_US")
if "-h" in sys.argv or "--help" in sys.argv:
print "USAGE: %s [AUTHOR_EMAIL_FILTER ...]" %(sys.argv[0], )
print "For example:"
print " $ %s *" %(sys.argv[0], )
def intcomma(x):
return locale.format("%d", x, grouping=True)
def make_author_match_func(filters):
if not filters:
return None
def author_match_func(author):
for filter in filters:
if author == filter or fnmatch(author, filter):
return True
return False
return author_match_func
def itercommits():
p = sp.Popen(["git", "log", "--pretty=%ae %aI"], stdout=sp.PIPE)
while True:
line = p.stdout.readline()
if not line:
author, date_str = line.strip().split()
# 2017-04-10T17:50:07-04:00
tz = date_str[-6:]
if tz[0] not in "-+":
raise AssertionError("unexpected date: %r" %(date_str, ))
date = datetime.strptime(date_str[:-6], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
yield (author, date)
if p.wait() > 0:
def histogram(f, commits, range=None):
res = defaultdict(int)
if range is not None:
res.update((x, 0) for x in range)
for commit in commits:
res[f(commit)] += 1
return zip(*sorted(res.items()))
def show_histogram(title, histogram, label_format=str, width=60, tick="="):
minval, maxval = min(histogram[1]), max(histogram[1])
valspread = maxval - minval
labels = map(label_format, histogram[0])
maxlbl = max(map(len, labels))
print title
print "-" * len(title)
for label, count in zip(labels, histogram[1]):
tick_count = int(0.5 + (
count if maxval <= width else
count * (width / valspread)
count_str = intcomma(count)
tick_count = max(0, tick_count - len(count_str))
print "%*s: %s %s" %(maxlbl, label, count_str, tick_count * tick)
author_match = make_author_match_func(sys.argv[1:])
commits = [
date for (author, date) in itercommits()
if author_match is None or author_match(author)
if not commits:
print "No matching commits."
print "Summary"
print "-------"
print "%s commits" %(intcomma(len(commits)), )
mindate, maxdate = min(commits), max(commits)
total_days = (maxdate - mindate).days
print "%s day span (between %s and %s)" %(
distinct_days = len(set( for x in commits))
days_off = total_days - distinct_days
time_off_pct = days_off / total_days
print "%s distinct days (%s days without commits: %0.01f%%, or ~%0.02f days/week)" %(
time_off_pct * 100,
time_off_pct * 7,
"Day of Week",
histogram(lambda x: x.weekday(), commits),
lambda x: ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"][x],
"Hour of Day",
histogram(lambda x: x.hour, commits, range=range(24)),
lambda x: "%02dh" %(x, ),
"Year and Month",
histogram(lambda x: (x.year, x.month), commits),
lambda x: "%s-%02d" %(x[0], x[1]),
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