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Created February 23, 2017 21:14
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Correctly monkeypatch gevent, PyOpenSSL, and urllib3 to all play well together and support SNI.
The correct set of steps to monkeypatch:
- gevent into threading, socket, etc
- PyOpenSSL with gevent (via gevent_openssl)
- PyOpenSSL to be compatible with
- urllib3 and requests.packages.urllib3 to use PyOpenSSL, which
lets them connect to servers using SNI
import logging
did_init = False
def _patch_urllib3(module):
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
inject_into_urllib3 = import_string(module + ".contrib.pyopenssl.inject_into_urllib3")
except Exception as e:
import gevent
def log_error():
# Give the rest of Django a chance to warm up and configure
# loggers, otherwise this message won't go anywhere.
log = logging.getLogger("akindi.__init__")
"Error injecting PyOpenSSL into %s: %s "
"(things will still work, but SSL certificates "
"with SNI will fail to validate)",
module, e,
def _patch_openssl():
""" Stock PyOpenSSL throws a TypeError if the domain name is unicode. """
from gevent_openssl.SSL import _real_connection as Connection
old_set_tlsext_host_name = Connection.set_tlsext_host_name
def set_tlsext_host_name(self, name):
if isinstance(name, unicode):
name = name.encode("idna")
return old_set_tlsext_host_name(self, name)
set_tlsext_host_name.old = old_set_tlsext_host_name
Connection.set_tlsext_host_name = set_tlsext_host_name
def init_app():
""" Initialize the app. This should be called as early as possible, either
from or app.wsgi. """
global did_init
if did_init:
from gevent import monkey
import gevent_openssl
from gevent_openssl.SSL import Connection
def Connection_sendall_fixed(self, buf, flags=0):
# There is a bug with gevent which causes `sendall` to crash when
# the buffer is large. Work around this by manually implementing
# `sendall`. See also:
while buf:
sent = self.send(buf, flags)
buf = buf[sent:]
Connection.sendall = Connection_sendall_fixed
did_init = True
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