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Created July 26, 2022 18:10
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`change_logs.sql` - automatically track changes to Postgres tables.
change_logs: use triggers to automatically track changes to certain columns in
database tables.
To enable change tracking for a table:
select change_logs_track_table(
-- table name
-- primary key column
-- a list of columns to track
array['foo', 'bar']
This will do two things:
1. Setup a trigger after inserts, updates, and deletes on 'table_to_track'
which calls 'change_logs_create(...)' each time there is a change to the
2. Write a row to 'change_logs_track_table' with the table name, primary key
column, and columns to log.
The 'change_logs_track_table(...)' is idempotent and can safely be called
multiple times with different columns to track.
* The "age" calculation can be expensive for columns updated infrequently on a
table which is updated frequently (because, currently, there is no index on
the column names in each change).
* Only necessary columns should be tracked, as it will get expensive to log all
changes to all columns.
create table if not exists change_logs (
id bigserial not null,
tbl varchar(64) not null,
pk varchar(64) not null,
ts timestamp with time zone not null,
user_id int,
old jsonb null,
new jsonb null,
age jsonb null
create index if not exists change_logs_tbl_pk_ts on change_logs (tbl, pk, ts);
create table if not exists change_logs_tracked_tables (
table_name varchar(64) primary key,
pk_column varchar(64) not null,
logged_columns text[] not null
(internal) selects `_cols` from `_obj`, returning a new object containing only
the columns in `_cols`.
`_cols` can contain a wildcard `*` to select all columns, and a column name
can be prefixed with '-' to exclude it from the result.
> _change_logs_join_columns(array['*', '-foo'], '{"foo": "bar", "baz": 42}')
{'baz': 42}
create or replace function _change_logs_jsonb_filter_object(_cols text[], _obj jsonb)
returns jsonb as $pgsql$
res jsonb := jsonb_build_object();
col text;
cols_to_log text[];
if _obj is null then
return null;
end if;
cols_to_log := case
when '*' = any(_cols) then array(select jsonb_object_keys(_obj)) || _cols
else _cols
foreach col in array cols_to_log loop
if col = '*' then
end if;
res := case
when col like '-%' then res - substring(col, 2)
else res || jsonb_build_object(col, _obj->col)
end loop;
return res;
$pgsql$ language plpgsql returns null on null input;
(internal) change_logs_create: creates a record in the `change_logs` table.
Called by `change_logs_insert_update_delete_trigger` each time a row is inserted,
updated, or deleted in a table which is tracked by `change_logs_track_table`.
create or replace function change_logs_create(_table text, _old jsonb, _new jsonb)
returns void as $pgsql$
def change_logs_tracked_tables;
_pk text;
col text;
old_to_add jsonb;
new_to_add jsonb;
ages jsonb;
did_change boolean;
def := (
select row(t.*)
from change_logs_tracked_tables as t
where table_name = _table
if def is null then
end if;
_pk := COALESCE(_new->>(def.pk_column), _old->>(def.pk_column));
if _pk is null THEN
raise exception 'Primary key % for table % not found in old=% or new=%', def.pk_column, _table, _old, _new;
end if;
_old := _change_logs_jsonb_filter_object(def.logged_columns, _old);
_new := _change_logs_jsonb_filter_object(def.logged_columns, _new);
-- Handle new rows
if _old is null then
insert into change_logs (
tbl, pk,
old, new,
) values (
_table, _pk,
nullif(current_setting('change_logs.current_user_id', true), '')::integer,
null, _new,
end if;
-- Handle changes to existing rows
if _new is not null then
old_to_add := jsonb_build_object();
new_to_add := jsonb_build_object();
ages := jsonb_build_object();
did_change := false;
foreach col in array array(select jsonb_object_keys(_old)) loop
if (_old->col) is distinct from (_new->col) then
did_change := true;
old_to_add := old_to_add || jsonb_build_object(col, _old->col);
new_to_add := new_to_add || jsonb_build_object(col, _new->col);
ages := ages || jsonb_build_object(col, (
select now() - ts
from change_logs
tbl = _table and
pk = _pk and
new ? col
order by ts desc
limit 1
end if;
end loop;
if not did_change then
end if;
insert into change_logs (
tbl, pk,
old, new,
) values (
_table, _pk,
nullif(current_setting('change_logs.current_user_id', true), '')::integer,
old_to_add, new_to_add,
end if;
-- Handle deleted rows
if _new is null then
ages := jsonb_build_object();
foreach col in array array(select jsonb_object_keys(_old)) loop
if (_old->col) is distinct from (_new->col) then
ages := ages || jsonb_build_object(col, (
select now() - ts
from change_logs
tbl = _table and
pk = _pk and
new ? col
order by ts desc
limit 1
end if;
end loop;
insert into change_logs (
tbl, pk,
old, new,
) values (
_table, _pk,
nullif(current_setting('change_logs.current_user_id', true), '')::integer,
_old, null,
end if;
$pgsql$ language plpgsql;
(internal) change_logs_insert_update_delete_trigger: trigger added to all
tables tracked with `change_logs_track_table`.
create or replace function change_logs_insert_update_delete_trigger()
returns trigger as $pgsql$
perform change_logs_create(
case TG_OP when 'INSERT' then NULL else row_to_json(OLD)::jsonb end,
case TG_OP when 'DELETE' then NULL else row_to_json(NEW)::jsonb end
return new;
$pgsql$ language plpgsql;
(internal) change_logs_assert_column: asserts that `_col` exists on `_table`.
When `_col='*'`, this function asserts only that `_table` exists.
When `_col like '-%'`, this function will strip the '-' before asserting that
`_col` exists on `_table`.
create or replace function change_logs_assert_column(_table text, _col text)
returns void as $pgsql$
cols text[];
if _col = '*' then
end if;
if _col like '-%' then
_col := substring(_col, 2);
end if;
cols := (
SELECT array_agg(column_name)
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name=_table
if cols is null then
raise exception 'Table not found: "%"', _table;
end if;
if not (_col = any(cols)) then
raise exception 'Column "%" not found on table "%"', _col, _table;
end if;
$pgsql$ language plpgsql;
change_logs_track_table: track changes to `_cols` on `_table`, with rows identified by
primary key column `_pk_col`.
Note: if the table has previously been tracked with `change_logs_track_tables`, the
old `_pk_col` will be overwritten, and `_cols` will be added to the list of tracked columns.
For example::
> select * from change_logs_track_table('users', 'id', array['username', 'email']);
table_name | pk_column | logged_columns
users | id | {username, email}
> select * from change_logs_track_table('users', 'unknown_column', array[...]);
ERROR: Column "unknown_column" not found on table "users"
> select * from change_logs_track_table('unknown_table', 'id', array[...]);
ERROR: Table not found: "unknown_table"
The `_cols` array can contain the special value `*`, which will track all columns.
If any cols in `_cols` are prefixed with a '-', they will be removed from the
list of tracked columns. These columns should appear after the '*'.
For example::
> select * from change_logs_track_table('users', 'id', array['*', '-password']);
table_name | pk_column | logged_columns
users | id | {'*', '-password'}
create or replace function change_logs_track_table(_table text, _pk_col text, _cols text[])
returns change_logs_tracked_tables as $pgsql$
perform change_logs_assert_column(_table, _pk_col);
execute 'drop trigger if exists ' || quote_ident(_table || '_change_logs_tracker') || ' ' ||
'on ' || quote_ident(_table);
execute 'create trigger ' || quote_ident(_table || '_change_logs_tracker') || ' ' ||
'after insert or update or delete ' ||
'on ' || quote_ident(_table) || ' ' ||
'for each row execute procedure change_logs_insert_update_delete_trigger()';
insert into change_logs_tracked_tables values (_table, _pk_col, array[]::text[])
on conflict (table_name) do update
pk_column = _pk_col;
return change_logs_track_columns(_table, _cols);
$pgsql$ language plpgsql;
change_logs_track_columns: adds `_cols` to the list of columns tracked on `_table`.
Returns an error if `_table` is not tracked.
For example::
> select * from change_logs_track_columns('users', array['full_name']);
table_name | pk_column | logged_columns
users | id | {username, email, full_name}
> select * from change_logs_track_columns('users', array['unknown_column']);
ERROR: Column "unknown_column" not found on table "users"
> select * from change_logs_track_columns('unknown_table', array['email']);
ERROR: Table not found: "unknown_table"
The `_cols` array can contain the special value `*`, which will track all columns.
If any cols in `_cols` are prefixed with a '-', they will be removed from the
list of tracked columns. These columns should appear after the '*'.
For example::
> select * from change_logs_track_columns('users', array['*', '-password']);
table_name | pk_column | logged_columns
users | id | {'*', '-password'}
create or replace function change_logs_track_columns(_table text, _cols text[])
returns change_logs_tracked_tables as $pgsql$
res record;
_col text;
foreach _col in array _cols loop
perform change_logs_assert_column(_table, _col);
end loop;
update change_logs_tracked_tables
set logged_columns = logged_columns || (select array(
select col
from unnest(_cols) as x(col)
where not (col = any(logged_columns))
where table_name = _table
returning * into res;
if res is null then
raise exception 'Table "%" not logged (hint: use `change_logs_track_table("%", ''%''::text[])`', _table, _table, _cols;
end if;
return res;
$pgsql$ language plpgsql;
change_logs_set_user_id: sets the current user id to `_id`, which will be
included in any change logs incurred by the current transaction.
> select change_logs_set_user_id(1);
create or replace function change_logs_set_user_id(_id int)
returns void as $pgsql$
perform set_config('change_logs.current_user_id', _id::text, false);
$pgsql$ language plpgsql;
select change_logs_track_table('change_logs_tracked_tables', 'table_name', array['table_name', 'pk_column', 'logged_columns']);
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