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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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  • Save wolf-mtwo/709e69925db20c0a2698 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Caracteres especiales, acentos, signos de interrogacion

Special characters

  • @ = alt + 64
  • ~ = alt gr + +
  • \ = alt + 92 OR alt gr + '

Html entities

* á á
* é é
* í í
* ó ó
* ú ú
* ñ ñ
* ¿ ¿
* ¡ ¡


  • \u00e1 -> á

  • \u00e9 -> é

  • \u00ed -> í

  • \u00f3 -> ó

  • \u00fa -> ú

  • \u00c1 -> Á

  • \u00c9 -> É

  • \u00cd -> Í

  • \u00d3 -> Ó

  • \u00da -> Ú

  • \u00f1 -> ñ

  • \u00d1 -> Ñ

  • ü -> \u00FC

  • Ü -> \u00DC

  • ç -> \u00E7

  • Ç -> \u00C7

  • ¿ -> \u00BF

  • ¡ -> \u00A1

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