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Last active October 25, 2020 01:04
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Dem Robin sein Printmap
# Print out local connection data for map creation
# do not do anything without maplevel "all"
map_level="$(uci -q get freifunk.@settings[0].publish_map 2> /dev/null)"
# [[ $map_level != "all" ]] && exit 0
# exit if uptime is less than an hour
uptime=$(awk '{print(int($1))}' /proc/uptime)
# [[ $uptime -lt 3600 ]] && exit 0
# if no offset known play the dice and set one
[[ ! -f /tmp/log/random_offset.txt ]] && awk -v min=0 -v max=32400 'BEGIN{srand(); print int(min+rand()*(max-min+1))}' > /tmp/log/random_offset.txt
offset=$(cat /tmp/log/random_offset.txt)
# declare last speedtest done 6 days ago if no other declaration found
[[ ! -f /tmp/log/last_speedtest_ts.txt ]] && awk "BEGIN {print $(date +%s) - 3600 * 24 * 6}" > /tmp/log/last_speedtest_ts.txt
# get a speedtestresult if the one found is older than 1 day
if [ $(cat /tmp/log/last_speedtest_ts.txt) -lt $(awk "BEGIN {print $(date +%s) - 3600 * 24 * 6 + $offset}") ]; then
./ -w
echo "Offset + Last Timestamp to less for a new test."
wan_mbps=$(cat /tmp/log/last_speedtest_wan_mbps.txt)
ff_mbps=$(cat /tmp/log/last_speedtest_ff_mbps.txt)
test_ts=$(cat /tmp/log/last_speedtest_ts.txt)
speed_when=$(date -d @$test_ts +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
rx_bytes=$(cat /sys/class/net/br-freifunk/statistics/rx_bytes)
tx_bytes=$(cat /sys/class/net/br-freifunk/statistics/tx_bytes)
[ -n "$wan_mbps" ] && content=$content"\"downstream_mbits_wan\" : $wan_mbps, "
[ -n "$ff_mbps" ] && content=$content"\"downstream_mbits_ff\" : $ff_mbps, "
[ -n "$speed_when" ] && content=$content"\"tested_when\" : \"$speed_when\", "
[ -n "$rx_bytes" ] && content=$content"\"rx_bytes\" : $rx_bytes, "
[ -n "$tx_bytes" ] && content=$content"\"tx_bytes\" : $tx_bytes"
if [ "$1" = "-p" ]; then
if [ -n "$content" ]; then
#make sure alfred is running
pidof alfred > /dev/null || /etc/init.d/alfred start
#publish content via alfred
echo "$content" | /usr/sbin/alfred -s 69 -u /var/run/alfred.sock
echo "map published"
echo "nothing published"
echo "$content"
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