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Created October 14, 2018 17:37
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package wolfendale.scalacheck.regexp.models
sealed trait Group[A] {
def intersect(other: Group[A]): Group[A]
def ++(other: Group[A]): Group[A]
def --(other: Group[A]): Group[A]
object Group {
final case class Inclusion[A](values: Set[A]) extends Group[A] {
override def intersect(other: Group[A]): Group[A] =
other match {
case Inclusion(others) =>
Inclusion(values intersect others)
case Exclusion(others) =>
Inclusion(values -- others)
override def ++(other: Group[A]): Group[A] =
other match {
case Inclusion(others) =>
Inclusion(values ++ others)
case Exclusion(others) =>
Exclusion(others -- values)
override def --(other: Group[A]): Group[A] =
other match {
case Inclusion(others) =>
Inclusion(values -- others)
case Exclusion(others) =>
Inclusion(values intersect others)
final case class Exclusion[A](values: Set[A]) extends Group[A] {
override def intersect(other: Group[A]): Group[A] =
other match {
case Inclusion(others) =>
Inclusion(others -- values)
case Exclusion(others) =>
Exclusion(values ++ others)
override def ++(other: Group[A]): Group[A] =
other match {
case Inclusion(others) =>
Exclusion(values -- others)
case Exclusion(others) =>
Exclusion(values intersect others)
override def --(other: Group[A]): Group[A] =
other match {
case Inclusion(others) =>
Exclusion(values ++ others)
case Exclusion(others) =>
Inclusion(others -- values)
def apply[A](values: Set[A]): Group[A] =
package wolfendale.scalacheck.regexp.models
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, MustMatchers}
class GroupSpec extends FreeSpec with MustMatchers {
"a group" - {
"must return the intersection of" - {
"an inclusion and an inclusion" in {
val a = Group.Inclusion(Set(1, 2, 3))
val b = Group.Inclusion(Set(2, 3, 4))
(a intersect b) mustEqual Group.Inclusion(Set(2, 3))
"an inclusion and an exclusion" in {
val a = Group.Inclusion(Set(1, 2, 3))
val b = Group.Exclusion(Set(2, 3, 4))
(a intersect b) mustEqual Group.Inclusion(Set(1))
"an exclusion and an inclusion" in {
val a = Group.Exclusion(Set(2, 3, 4))
val b = Group.Inclusion(Set(1, 2, 3))
(a intersect b) mustEqual Group.Inclusion(Set(1))
"an exclusion and an exclusion" in {
val a = Group.Exclusion(Set(1, 2, 3))
val b = Group.Exclusion(Set(2, 3, 4))
(a intersect b) mustEqual Group.Exclusion(Set(1, 2, 3, 4))
"must return the addition of" - {
"an inclusion and an inclusion" in {
val a = Group.Inclusion(Set(1, 2, 3))
val b = Group.Inclusion(Set(2, 3, 4))
(a ++ b) mustEqual Group.Inclusion(Set(1, 2, 3, 4))
"an inclusion and an exclusion" in {
val a = Group.Inclusion(Set(1, 2, 3))
val b = Group.Exclusion(Set(2, 3, 4))
(a ++ b) mustEqual Group.Exclusion(Set(4))
"an exclusion and an inclusion" in {
val a = Group.Exclusion(Set(1, 2, 3))
val b = Group.Inclusion(Set(2, 3, 4))
(a ++ b) mustEqual Group.Exclusion(Set(1))
"an exclusion and an exclusion" in {
val a = Group.Exclusion(Set(1, 2, 3))
val b = Group.Exclusion(Set(2, 3, 4))
(a ++ b) mustEqual Group.Exclusion(Set(2, 3))
"must return the subtraction of" - {
"an inclusion and an inclusion" in {
val a = Group.Inclusion(Set(1, 2, 3))
val b = Group.Inclusion(Set(2, 3, 4))
(a -- b) mustEqual Group.Inclusion(Set(1))
"an inclusion and an exclusion" in {
val a = Group.Inclusion(Set(1, 2, 3))
val b = Group.Exclusion(Set(2, 3, 4))
(a -- b) mustEqual Group.Inclusion(Set(2, 3))
"an exclusion and an inclusion" in {
val a = Group.Exclusion(Set(1, 2, 3))
val b = Group.Inclusion(Set(2, 3, 4))
(a -- b) mustEqual Group.Exclusion(Set(1, 2, 3, 4))
"an exclusion and an exclusion" in {
val a = Group.Exclusion(Set(1, 2, 3))
val b = Group.Exclusion(Set(2, 3, 4))
(a -- b) mustEqual Group.Inclusion(Set(4))
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