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Last active August 22, 2020 04:39
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Sublime Text 3 Packages I Use

SUBLIME 3 Packages i Use

fetch package control install:

  • Package Control -- packet installer


  • ApacheConf.tmLanguage -- syntax highliting für apache conf language
  • BracketHighlighter -- highlighting of backets
  • Color Highlighter -- highlights HTML color codes in the color the code repesents
  • INI -- ini syntax highlighting
  • Markdown Extended -- sytax higlighting for markdown
  • Puppet -- puppet syntax higlighting
  • Sass -- sass highlighting
  • Restructured Text (RST) Snippets -- rsT highlighing and snippets
  • TypoScript -- typoscript syntax highlighting

New Commands

  • Missing Palette Commands -- show more commands in ctrl + shift + p
  • SideBarEnhancements -- more commands for the sidebar (rightclick)
  • AdvancedNewFile -- new files wit ctrl+alt+n relative to open project
  • DocBlockr -- easy writing of doc comments
  • Http Requester -- request an url directly from sublime great for debugging
  • Markdown Preview -- preview a rendered markdown file
  • TrailingSpaces -- shows trailing spaces and adds commands to remove them.
  • URLEncode -- easy url Encoding / Decoding of a string


  • TodoReview -- Finds TODO, FIXME Comments in Your Project and Lists them
  • All Autocomplete -- autocomplete from all files in the project instead of the current file
  • Emmet -- easy writing of html strucutrs like ul>li*4
  • LiveStyle -- live edting /syncting between chome dev tools and sublime text
  • SFTP -- fileuplode directly form Sublime text
  • PlainTasks -- Task Managment in sublime .task ..todo

code Linting

  • SublimeLinter -- The Base Liniting Programm
  • SublimeLinter-php -- php code Linting Using php-l (requires php binary installed)
  • SublimeLinter-phpmd -- php-mess detection using phpmd (
  • SublimeLinter-annotations
  • SublimeLinter-contrib-scss-lint -- scss linting requires ruby + gem scss-lint
  • SublimeLinter-csslint -- css linting using nodejs und csslint
  • SublimeLinter-jsl -- javascript linting using jsl (
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