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Last active December 12, 2015 07:48
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CoffeeScript version done with js2coffee and some manual formatting ^ ^ )
nonEmpty = (x) -> x and x.length > 0
isChrome = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("chrome") > -1
Bacon.UI = {}
Bacon.UI.textFieldValue = (textfield, initValue) ->
getValue = ->
autofillPoller = ->
if textfield.attr("type") is "password"
Bacon.interval 100
else if isChrome
Bacon.interval(100).take(20).map(getValue).filter(nonEmpty).take 1
textfield.val initValue if initValue isnt null
textfield.asEventStream("keyup input").merge(textfield.asEventStream("cut paste").delay(1)).merge(autofillPoller()).map(getValue).toProperty(getValue()).skipDuplicates()
Bacon.UI.optionValue = (option) ->
getValue = ->
option.asEventStream("change").map(getValue).toProperty getValue()
Bacon.UI.checkBoxGroupValue = (checkboxes, initValue) ->
selectedValues = ->
checkboxes.filter(":checked").map((i, elem) ->
if initValue
checkboxes.each (i, elem) ->
$(elem).attr "checked", initValue.indexOf($(elem).val()) >= 0
checkboxes.asEventStream("click").map(selectedValues).toProperty selectedValues()
Bacon.UI.ajax = (params) ->
Bacon.fromPromise $.ajax(params)
Bacon.Observable::awaiting = (response) ->
Bacon.EventStream::ajax = ->
this["switch"] Bacon.UI.ajax
Bacon.UI.radioGroupValue = (radioButtons, init) ->
if init?
radioButtons.each (i, elem) ->
$(elem).attr 'checked', true if elem.value is init
else init = radioButtons.filter(':checked').first().val()
radioButtons.asEventStream('change').map((e) -> init
Bacon.UI.checkBoxValue = (checkbox, initValue) ->
isChecked = ->
checkbox.attr "checked", initValue if initValue isnt null
Bacon.UI.hash = (defaultValue) ->
defaultValue = "" if defaultValue is undefined
getHash = ->
(if !!document.location.hash then document.location.hash else defaultValue)
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Update to radioGroupValue. Fixes an issue I found with the previous version.

Bacon.UI.radioGroupValue = (radioButtons, init) ->
  if init?
    radioButtons.each (i, elem) ->
      $(elem).attr 'checked', true if elem.value is init
  else init = radioButtons.filter(':checked').first().val()

  radioButtons.asEventStream('change').map((e) -> init

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wolfflow commented Feb 8, 2013

Done )

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