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Last active March 6, 2023 04:50
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HeWeather API v7 parser for Domoticz
curl -L -X GET --compressed ''
"code": "200",
"updateTime": "2021-02-16T14:42+08:00",
"fxLink": "",
"now": {
"pubTime": "2021-02-16T14:00+08:00",
"aqi": "28",
"level": "1",
"category": "优",
"primary": "NA",
"pm10": "28",
"pm2p5": "5",
"no2": "3",
"so2": "2",
"co": "0.2",
"o3": "76"
"station": [
"refer": {
"sources": [
"license": [
"commercial license"
s = request['content']
local deviceId = 22
local aqi = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s, '.now.aqi')
local pm10 = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s, '.now.pm10')
local pm25 = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s, '.now.pm2p5')
local qlty = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s, '.now.category')
local primary = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s, '.now.primary')
local update = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s, '.now.pubTime')
local alert_level = 0 -- 0=gray, 1=green, 2=yellow, 3=orange, 4=red
aqi_value = tonumber(aqi)
if aqi_value >=0 and aqi_value<=50 then
alert_level = 1
elseif aqi_value >=51 and aqi_value<=100 then
alert_level = 2
elseif aqi_value >=101 and aqi_value<=150 then
alert_level = 3
elseif aqi_value >=151 then
alert_level = 4
local short_qlty_desc = qlty .. " " .. aqi .. ", 主要污染物:" .. primary
local long_qlty_desc = short_qlty_desc .. ", 发布时间:" .. update
print("aqi=" .. aqi .. " pm10=" .. pm10 .. " pm25=" .. pm25 .." qlty=" .. qlty)
domoticz_updateDevice(24, 0, aqi)
domoticz_updateDevice(25, 0, pm25)
domoticz_updateDevice(26, 0, pm10)
domoticz_updateDevice(27, 0, long_qlty_desc)
domoticz_updateDevice(28, alert_level, short_qlty_desc)
curl -L -X GET --compressed ''
"code": "200",
"updateTime": "2020-06-30T22:00+08:00",
"fxLink": "",
"now": {
"obsTime": "2020-06-30T21:40+08:00",
"temp": "24",
"feelsLike": "26",
"icon": "101",
"text": "多云",
"wind360": "123",
"windDir": "东南风",
"windScale": "1",
"windSpeed": "3",
"humidity": "72",
"precip": "0.0",
"pressure": "1003",
"vis": "16",
"cloud": "10",
"dew": "21"
"refer": {
"sources": [
"license": [
"commercial license"
s = request['content']
local temp = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s, '.now.temp')
local hum = tonumber(domoticz_applyJsonPath(s, '.now.humidity'))
local pres = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s, '.now.pressure')
local condCode = tonumber(domoticz_applyJsonPath(s, '.now.icon'))
local humStat = 0
if hum < 25 then
humStat = 2
elseif hum > 60 then
humStat = 3
elseif hum >= 25 and hum <= 60 then
humStat = 1
local cond = 0
if condCode == 100 then
cond = 1
elseif condCode == 103 then
cond = 2
elseif condCode == 101 then
cond = 3
elseif condCode >= 300 and condCode < 400 then
cond = 4
print("temp=" .. temp .. " hum=" .. hum .. " pres=" .. pres .." cond=" .. cond)
domoticz_updateDevice(22, 0, temp .. ";" .. hum .. ";" .. humStat .. ";" .. pres .. ";" .. cond)
-- feel temp
local fl = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s, '.now.feelsLike')
domoticz_updateDevice(38, 0, fl)
IDX = id of your device (This number can be found in the devices tab in the column "IDX")
WB = Wind bearing (0-359)
WD = Wind direction (S, SW, NNW, etc.)
WS = 10 * Wind speed [m/s]
WG = 10 * Gust [m/s]
22 = Temperature
24 = Temperature Windchill
local wb = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s, '.now.wind360')
local wd = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s, '.now.windDir')
local ws = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s, '.now.windSpeed') -- km/h
ws = 10 * tonumber(ws) * 1000 / 3600
--local wg = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s, '.HeWeather5[0]')
local wg = "0"
domoticz_updateDevice(39, 0, wb .. ";" .. wd .. ";" .. ws .. ";" .. wg .. ";".. temp .. ";" .. fl)
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