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Created March 3, 2017 23:54
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FRP in Rust without reckless cloning
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::ptr;
// callbacks use a Cow<T> argument so we can choose at runtime if
// we will send a ref or an owned value
struct Callbacks<T: Clone>
fs: Vec<Box<Fn(Cow<T>) -> bool>>,
impl<T: Clone> Callbacks<T>
fn new() -> Self
Callbacks{ fs: Vec::new() }
fn push<F>(&mut self, cb: F)
where F: Fn(Cow<T>) -> bool + 'static
// sends a ref to the first N-1 callbacks, and the owned value to the last
// this way we prevent tons of cloning
fn call(&mut self, arg: T)
let maybe_last = self.fs.pop();
self.fs.retain(|f| f(Cow::Borrowed(&arg)));
if let Some(last) = maybe_last
if last(Cow::Owned(arg))
impl<T: Clone> Default for Callbacks<T>
fn default() -> Self
// type erasure
trait Untyped {}
impl<T> Untyped for T {}
/// Represents a stream of discrete values sent over time
struct Stream<T: Clone>
cbs: Rc<RefCell<Callbacks<T>>>,
source: Option<Rc<Untyped>>, // strong reference to a parent Stream
impl<T: Clone> Stream<T>
fn new() -> Self
Stream{ cbs: Default::default(), source: None }
fn send(&self, arg: T)
/// Creates a new Stream that contains the transformed the value of this Stream
fn map<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> Stream<R>
where F: Fn(Cow<T>) -> R + 'static, R: Clone + 'static, T: 'static
let new_cbs = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Callbacks::new()));
let weak = Rc::downgrade(&new_cbs); |arg| {
.map(|cb| cb.borrow_mut().call(f(arg)))
Stream{ cbs: new_cbs, source: Some(Rc::new(self.clone())) }
/// Read the value without modifying it
fn inspect<F>(self, f: F) -> Self
where F: Fn(Cow<T>) + 'static
{ |arg| { f(arg); true });
/// Creates a Signal that holds the last value sent to this Stream
fn hold_last(&self, initial: T) -> Signal<T>
where T: 'static
let storage = Rc::new(RefCell::new(initial));
let weak = Rc::downgrade(&storage); |arg| {
.map(|st| *st.borrow_mut() = arg.into_owned())
val: SigVal::Shared(storage),
source: Some(Rc::new(self.clone()))
/// Accumulates the values sent over a Stream
fn fold<A, F>(&self, initial: A, f: F) -> Signal<A>
where F: Fn(A, Cow<T>) -> A + 'static, A: Clone + 'static, T: 'static
let storage = Rc::new(RefCell::new(initial));
let weak = Rc::downgrade(&storage); |arg| {
.map(|st| {
let acc = &mut *st.borrow_mut();
let old = unsafe { ptr::read(acc) };
let new = f(old, arg); // maybe should catch_unwind this
unsafe { ptr::write(acc, new) };
val: SigVal::Shared(storage),
source: Some(Rc::new(self.clone()))
enum SigVal<T: Clone>
Dynamic(Rc<Fn() -> T>),
impl<T: Clone> SigVal<T>
fn from_fn<F>(f: F) -> Self
where F: Fn() -> T + 'static
// Represents a continuous value that changes over time
struct Signal<T: Clone>
val: SigVal<T>,
source: Option<Rc<Untyped>>,
impl<T: Clone> Signal<T>
fn constant(val: T) -> Self
Signal{ val: SigVal::Constant(val), source: None }
fn from_fn<F>(f: F) -> Self
where F: Fn() -> T + 'static
Signal{ val: SigVal::from_fn(f), source: None }
/// Sample by value.
/// This clones the content of the signal
fn sample(&self) -> T
match self.val
SigVal::Constant(ref v) => v.clone(),
SigVal::Shared(ref s) => s.borrow().clone(),
SigVal::Dynamic(ref f) => f(),
/// Sample by reference.
/// This is meant to be the most efficient way when cloning is undesirable,
/// but it requires a callback to prevent outliving the RefCell borrow
fn sample_with<F, R>(&self, cb: F) -> R
where F: FnOnce(Cow<T>) -> R
match self.val
SigVal::Constant(ref v) => cb(Cow::Borrowed(v)),
SigVal::Shared(ref s) => cb(Cow::Borrowed(&s.borrow())),
SigVal::Dynamic(ref f) => cb(Cow::Owned(f())),
/// Transform the signal value
fn map<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> Signal<R>
where F: Fn(Cow<T>) -> R + 'static, R: Clone, T: 'static
let cloned = self.clone();
val: SigVal::from_fn(move || cloned.sample_with(|r| f(r))),
source: None
/// Takes a snapshot of the Signal every time the trigger signal fires
fn snapshot<S, F, R>(&self, trigger: &Stream<S>, f: F) -> Stream<R>
where F: Fn(Cow<T>, Cow<S>) -> R + 'static, S: Clone + 'static, R: Clone + 'static, T: 'static
let cloned = self.clone(); |b| cloned.sample_with(|a| f(a, b)))
// test case for the cloning issue
use std::fmt::Debug;
struct Storage<T>
vec: Vec<T>,
impl<T> Storage<T>
fn new() -> Self
Storage{ vec: Vec::new() }
fn push(mut self, item: T) -> Self
impl<T: Clone + Debug> Clone for Storage<T>
fn clone(&self) -> Self
println!("storage cloned! {:?}", self.vec);
Storage{ vec: self.vec.clone() }
fn main()
let stream = Stream::new();
let sig = stream.fold(Storage::new(), |a, v| a.push(*v));
sig.sample_with(|val| println!("result: {:?}", val));
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