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Last active March 29, 2022 16:42
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geekuni Topic 7 q11
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::CSV qw(csv);
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
my $filename = 'iata_airports.csv';
my $matching = $ARGV[0];
my @matches;
my $airports = csv(
in => $filename,
headers => 'auto');
#print Dumper $airports;
#return $airports;
for my $i (@{ $airports }) {
print "name: $i->{name}\n";
for my $key (keys %$i) {
#print "%$i\n";
print "$key=$i->{$key},";
print "\n";
sub get_name_matching_airports {
# my $fields = parse_airports($airports);
my $match = shift;
for my $x (@{ $airports }) {
if ($x->{name} =~ /$match/i) {
# print "$x\n";
push @matches, $x;
return @matches;
# print Dumper(@matches);
print Dumper(get_name_matching_airports($matching));
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dump 'pp';
use feature 'say';
use Getopt::Long;
use Text::CSV qw(csv);
sub parse_airports {
my $filename = shift;
open(my $data, '<:encoding(utf8)', $filename) or die "Could not open $filename' $!\n";
my $airports = csv(
in => $data,
headers => 'auto');
return $airports;
sub get_name_matching_airports {
my $fields = parse_airports($filename);
my ($match, $str) = @_;
for my $x (@{ $fields }) {
if ($match =~ /$x->{name}/i) {
push @matches, $x;
return @matches;
my $filename = '/home/student/perl-basic/topic-07/iata_airports.csv';
my $number = 1;
my $matching;
my $latitude;
my $longitude;
my $word;
my @matches;
GetOptions (
'filename:s' => \$filename,
'number:i' => \$number,
'matching:s' => \$matching,
'latitude:f' => \$latitude,
'longitude:f' => \$longitude,
'word:s' => \$word,
) or die "Invalid options passed $0\n";
my $rah_airports = parse_airports($filename);
my $rah_airports_found = [];
get_name_matching_airports($matching, $words);
if ($matching) {
say "Up to $number airports matching $matching in $filename:";
elsif ($latitude && $longitude) {
say "Up to $number airports near [$latitude, $longitude] in $filename:"
else {
say "Must have at least --matching, or --latitude and --longitude as arguments";
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A) Arguments should being passed in as a hash:

sub get_name_matching_airports {
    my %args = (
        airports        => undef,
        matching_string => undef,
        word            => undef,

then it's called like

  $rah_airports_found = get_name_matching_airports(
    airports        => $rah_airports,
    matching_string => $matching,
    word            => $word,

B) Line 27 in your code

    my $fields = parse_airports($filename);

is ignoring the arguments passed in and reading from a global variable. This will make the code difficult to turn into a module (and it will also confuse tutor-bot which is passing in its own list of airports).

C) Note that the match should be case insensitive

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