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Gordian Envelope Notation LLM Training Prompt
Here is the general format for "Envelope Notation":
<subject> [
<predicate1>: <object1>
<predicate2>: <object2>
A subject with no assertions is:
An assertion is:
<predicate>: <object>
Any of the elements in angle brackets above can be:
- In double quotes, a UTF-8 string:
- "Alice"
- In single quotes, a "known value" (a symbolic value):
- 'isA'
- In no quotes, a CBOR structure:
- PublicKeyBase
- An ISO-8601 date or time:
- 2020-01-01
- 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z
- A CBOR item in diagnostic notation:
- [1, 2, 3]
- {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
- 1234("Tagged Value")
- h'010203ff'
Any of the elements can have additional assertions.
- Assertions on the envelope (the envelope is "wrapped" so assertions can be added on it as a whole):
<subject> [
<predicate1>: <object1>
<predicate2>: <object2>
} [
<predicate3>: <object3>
<predicate4>: <object4>
- Assertions on assertions (the assertion is "wrapped"):
<subject> [
<predicate1>: <object1>
<predicate2>: <object2>
} [
<predicate3>: <object3>
<predicate4>: <object4>
- Assertions on a predicate:
<subject> [
<predicate1>: <object1>
<predicate2> [
<predicate3>: <object3>
<predicate4>: <object4>
]: <object2>
- Assertions on an object:
<subject> [
<predicate1>: <object1>
<predicate2>: <object2> [
<predicate3>: <object3>
<predicate4>: <object4>
"Jane knows John" is:
"Jane" [
'knows': "John"
That same envelope wrapped and signed:
"Jane" [
'knows': "John"
} [
'verifiedBy': Signature
Sample RDF triples (informal):
<Bob> <is a> <person>.
<Bob> <is a friend of> <Alice>.
<Bob> <is born on> <the 4th of July 1990>.
<Bob> <is interested in> <the Mona Lisa>.
<the Mona Lisa> <was created by> <Leonardo da Vinci>.
<the video 'La Joconde à Washington'> <is about> <the Mona Lisa>
Translated to Envelope Notation, where each subject is a separate envelope:
"Bob" [
'isA': "person"
'friendOf': "Alice"
'born': 1990-07-04
'interestedIn': "the Mona Lisa"
"the Mona Lisa" [
'isA': "painting"
'createdBy': "Leonardo da Vinci"
"La Joconde à Washington" [
'isA': "video"
'subject': "the Mona Lisa"
The above three envelopes combined in a single envelope:
"Facts about Bob" [
'fact': "Bob" [
'isA': "person"
'friendOf': "Alice"
'born': 1990-07-04
'interestedIn': "the Mona Lisa"
'fact': "the Mona Lisa" [
'isA': "painting"
'createdBy': "Leonardo da Vinci"
'fact': "La Joconde à Washington" [
'isA': "video"
'subject': "the Mona Lisa"
A JSON-LD example:
"@context": "example-context.json",
"@id": "",
"@type": "Person",
"birthdate": "1990-07-04",
"knows": "",
"interest": {
"@id": "",
"title": "Mona Lisa",
"subject_of": "",
"creator": ""
Converted to Envelope Notation:
"" [
'isA': "Person"
'birthdate': 1990-07-04
'knows': ""
'interest': "" [
'title': "Mona Lisa"
'subjectOf': "" [
'isA': "video"
'title': "La Joconde à Washington"
'createdBy': ""
RDF Turtle:
@prefix ex: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix dbo: <> .
a dbo:MusicalGroup ;
foaf:name "The Beatles" ;
dbo:genre ex:RockMusic ;
dbo:formationDate "1960" ;
dbo:member ex:JohnLennon, ex:PaulMcCartney, ex:GeorgeHarrison, ex:RingoStarr ;
dbo:album ex:AbbeyRoad, ex:Revolver .
a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name "John Lennon" .
a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name "Paul McCartney" .
a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name "George Harrison" .
a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name "Ringo Starr" .
a dbo:Genre ;
foaf:name "Rock" .
a dbo:Album ;
foaf:name "Abbey Road" ;
dbo:releaseDate "1969-09-26" ;
dbo:track ex:ComeTogether, ex:Something, ex:HereComesTheSun .
a dbo:Album ;
foaf:name "Revolver" ;
dbo:releaseDate "1966-08-05" ;
dbo:track ex:EleanorRigby, ex:YellowSubmarine .
a dbo:MusicalWork ;
foaf:name "Come Together" .
a dbo:MusicalWork ;
foaf:name "Something" .
a dbo:MusicalWork ;
foaf:name "Here Comes the Sun" .
a dbo:MusicalWork ;
foaf:name "Eleanor Rigby" .
a dbo:MusicalWork ;
foaf:name "Yellow Submarine" .
Converted to Envelope Notation:
"ex:TheBeatles" [
'isA': "MusicalGroup"
'name': "The Beatles"
'genre': "ex:RockMusic"
'formationDate': 1960
'member': "ex:JohnLennon" [
'isA': "Person"
'name': "John Lennon"
'member': "ex:PaulMcCartney" [
'isA': "Person"
'name': "Paul McCartney"
'member': "ex:GeorgeHarrison" [
'isA': "Person"
'name': "George Harrison"
'member': "ex:RingoStarr" [
'isA': "Person"
'name': "Ringo Starr"
'album': "ex:AbbeyRoad" [
'isA': "Album"
'name': "Abbey Road"
'releaseDate': 1969-09-26
'track': "ex:ComeTogether" [
'isA': "MusicalWork"
'name': "Come Together"
'track': "ex:Something" [
'isA': "MusicalWork"
'name': "Something"
'track': "ex:HereComesTheSun" [
'isA': "MusicalWork"
'name': "Here Comes the Sun"
'album': "ex:Revolver" [
'isA': "Album"
'name': "Revolver"
'releaseDate': 1966-08-05
'track': "ex:EleanorRigby" [
'isA': "MusicalWork"
'name': "Eleanor Rigby"
'track': "ex:YellowSubmarine" [
'isA': "MusicalWork"
'name': "Yellow Submarine"
Here is an example in N-Triples:
<> <> <> .
<> <> "Bob Marley"@en .
<> <> "Bob Marley"@fr .
<> <> <> .
<> <> <> .
<> <> <> .
<> <> "Jamaica"@en .
<> <> "Giamaica"@it .
<> <> "17.9833"^^<> .
<> <> "-76.8"^^<> .
<> <> <> .
Converted to Envelope Notation:
"" [
'isA': ""
'label': "Bob Marley" [
'language': "en"
'label': "Bob Marley" [
'language': "fr"
'seeAlso': ""
'birthPlace': "" [
'isA': ""
'label': "Jamaica" [
'language': "en"
'label': "Giamaica" [
'language': "it"
'latLong': [17.9833, -76.8]
'homepage': ""
Here is a RDF schema:
@prefix rdf: <>
@prefix rdfs: <>
@prefix xsd: <>.
@base <>
:MotorVehicle a rdfs:Class.
:PassengerVehicle a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf :MotorVehicle.
:Truck a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf :MotorVehicle.
:Van a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf :MotorVehicle.
:MiniVan a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf :Van.
rdfs:subClassOf :PassengerVehicle;
:Person a rdfs:Class.
xsd:integer a rdfs:Datatype.
:registeredTo a rdf:Property;
rdfs:domain :MotorVehicle;
rdfs:range :Person.
:rearSeatLegRoom a rdf:Property;
rdfs:domain rdf:resource :MotorVehicle;
rdfs:range xsd:integer.
:driver a rdf:Property;
rdfs:domain :MotorVehicle.
:primaryDriver a rdf:Property;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :driver.
Converted to Envelope Notation:
"" [
'isA': "Schema"
'class': "MotorVehicle" [
'isA': "rdfs:Class"
'class': "PassengerVehicle" [
'isA': "rdfs:Class"
'subClassOf': "MotorVehicle"
'class': "Truck" [
'isA': "rdfs:Class"
'subClassOf': "MotorVehicle"
'class': "Van" [
'isA': "rdfs:Class"
'subClassOf': "MotorVehicle"
'class': "MiniVan" [
'isA': "rdfs:Class"
'subClassOf': "Van"
'subClassOf': "PassengerVehicle"
'class': "Person" [
'isA': "rdfs:Class"
'datatype': "xsd:integer" [
'isA': "rdfs:Datatype"
'property': "registeredTo" [
'isA': "rdf:Property"
'domain': "MotorVehicle"
'range': "Person"
'property': "rearSeatLegRoom" [
'isA': "rdf:Property"
'domain': "MotorVehicle"
'range': "xsd:integer"
'property': "driver" [
'isA': "rdf:Property"
'domain': "MotorVehicle"
'property': "primaryDriver" [
'isA': "rdf:Property"
'subPropertyOf': "driver"
Now when you are asked to convert knowledge to Envelope Notation, you know how to do it!
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