My highlighted notes for the following paper:
Ye, C., Li, Y., He, B., Li, Z., & Sun, J. (2023). Large-scale graph label propagation on gpus. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 36(10), 5234-5248.
My highlighted notes for the following paper:
Ye, C., Li, Y., He, B., Li, Z., & Sun, J. (2023). Large-scale graph label propagation on gpus. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 36(10), 5234-5248.
My highlighted notes for the following paper:
Kozawa, Y., Amagasa, T., & Kitagawa, H. (2017, November). GPU-accelerated graph clustering via parallel label propagation. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (pp. 567-576).
My highlighted notes for the following paper:
Soman, J., & Narang, A. (2011, May). Fast community detection algorithm with gpus and multicore architectures. In 2011 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (pp. 568-579). IEEE.
My highlighted notes for the following paper:
Cecil, T., Peng, D., Abrams, D., Osher, S. J., & Yablonovitch, E. (2022). Advances in inverse lithography. ACS Photonics, 10(4), 910-918.
My highlighted notes are below.
My highlighted notes for the following paper:
Abdelfattah A, Ahrens W, Anzt H, Armstrong C, Brock B, Buluc A, Busato F, Cojean T, Davis T, Demmel J, Dinh G. Interface for Sparse Linear Algebra Operations. arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.13259. 2024 Nov 20.
Loading graph /home/subhajit.sahu/Data/indochina-2004.mtx ... | |
order: 7414866 size: 194109311 {} | |
# Batch size 1e-07 | |
- batch update size: 20 | |
- components: 1749035 | |
- blockgraph-levels: 524 | |
- affected-vertices: 7220621 | |
- affected-components: 1721204 | |
order: 7414866 size: 195418449 {} [27803.355 ms; 000 iters.] [0.0000e+00 err.] pagerankMonolithicOmpSplit (static) |
It seems DRIFT search uses vector similarity search with top-k communities in the top-most hierarchy, and then drills down to the lower hierarchy levels. They seem to use follow-up questions for this purpose. The answers are ranked based on relavance to the query. Need to check the paper for more details.