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Created December 28, 2019 07:09
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efb 中间件


  • 在关闭消息通知的tg群组内,通过@来提醒
  • 给微信消息添加 #标签,方便查找



- 取件通知
- 超期提醒
- 取出通知
- 取件成功通知

- 取件通知
- 超期提醒:取件通知




master_channel: blueset.telegram
- blueset.wechat
- notice.NoticeMiddleware
# coding: utf-8
import io
import os
import re
import logging
import string
from urllib.parse import quote
import urllib.request
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from typing import Optional
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
from ehforwarderbot import EFBMiddleware, EFBMsg, EFBStatus, \
EFBChat, coordinator, EFBChannel, utils
from ehforwarderbot.message import EFBMsgSubstitutions
# from link_preview import link_preview
class NoticeMiddleware(EFBMiddleware):
EFB Middleware - NoticeMiddleware
An extension for link preview.
middleware_id = "notice.NoticeMiddleware"
middleware_name = "Notice Middleware"
__version__: str = '1.0.0'
logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger("plugins.%s" % middleware_id)
def __init__(self, instance_id=None):
if hasattr(coordinator, "master") and isinstance(coordinator.master, EFBChannel):
self.admin = coordinator.master.config['admins'][0]
if hasattr(coordinator, "slaves") and coordinator.slaves['blueset.wechat']:
self.channel_ews = coordinator.slaves['blueset.wechat']
self.notices_pattern = None
self.tags_pattern = None
def load_config(self):
Load configuration from path specified by the framework.
Configuration file is in YAML format.
config_path = utils.get_config_path(self.middleware_id)
if not config_path.exists():
with as f:
data = YAML().load(f)
# Verify configuration
notices = data.get("notices", [])
if notices and not isinstance(notices, list):
raise ValueError("notices are expected to be a list, but {} is found.".format(notices))
if len(notices) > 0:
self.notices_pattern = re.compile('|'.join(notices))
tags = data.get("tags", [])
if tags and not isinstance(tags, list):
raise ValueError("tags are expected to be a list, but {} is found.".format(tags))
if len(tags) > 0:
self.tagMap = {}
_tag = []
for tag in tags:
t = tag.split(':', 1)
if len(t) == 2:
self.tagMap[t[0]] = t[1]
self.tags_pattern = re.compile('|'.join(_tag))
def sent_by_master(self, message: EFBMsg) -> bool:
author =
if author and author.module_id and author.module_id == 'blueset.telegram':
return True
return False
def process_message(self, message: EFBMsg) -> Optional[EFBMsg]:
Process a message with middleware
message (:obj:`.EFBMsg`): Message object to process
Optional[:obj:`.EFBMsg`]: Processed message or None if discarded.
# self.logger.log(99, "Received message from NoticeMiddleware: %s", message.__dict__)
if self.sent_by_master(message):
return message
# 去重
tags = {}
attributes = message.attributes
if getattr(attributes, 'title', None) or getattr(attributes, 'description', None):
search_text = f"{getattr(attributes, 'title', '')}{getattr(attributes, 'description', '')}"
if self.notices_pattern:
# self.logger.log(99, "Received message from NoticeMiddleware: %s", attributes.__dict__)
result = self.notices_pattern.findall(search_text)
if len(result) > 0:
attributes.image = 'tg://user?id=%s' % self.admin
# self.logger.log(99, "Received message from NoticeMiddleware: %s", message.__repr__)
if self.tags_pattern:
result = set(self.tags_pattern.findall(search_text))
if len(result) > 0:
append = '\n\n'
for item in result:
if not tags.get(item):
tag = self.tagMap.get(item, item)
tags[tag] = True
append += '#%s ' % tag
attributes.description = getattr(attributes, 'description', '').strip() + append.strip(' ')
text = message.text
if text:
if self.tags_pattern:
result = set(self.tags_pattern.findall(text))
if len(result) > 0:
append = '\n\n'
for item in result:
if not tags.get(item):
tag = self.tagMap.get(item, item)
tags[tag] = True
append += '#%s ' % tag
message.text = message.text.strip() + append.strip(' ')
if self.notices_pattern:
result = self.notices_pattern.findall(text)
if len(result) > 0:
message.text = '🔊 ' + message.text
message.substitutions = EFBMsgSubstitutions({
(0, 1): EFBChat(self.channel_ews).self()
return message
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