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Created April 11, 2018 16:31
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simple xtensor raytracer
// MIT License
// Thanks to Cyrille Rossant for the initial python version
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include "xtensor-io/ximage.hpp"
#include "xtl/xvariant.hpp"
#include "xtensor/xfixed.hpp"
#include "xtensor/xmath.hpp"
#include "xtensor/xio.hpp"
#include "xtensor/xeval.hpp"
#include "xtensor-blas/xlinalg.hpp"
using namespace xt;
using vector_t = xtensorf<double, xshape<3>>;
using color_t = xtensorf<double, xshape<3>>;
template <class E>
auto normalize(const xexpression<E>& x)
auto& xd = x.derived_cast();
return eval(xd / xt::linalg::norm(xd));
namespace xc
// template <class T = double>
constexpr static double inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
template <class EC, class ED, class EP, class EN>
double intersect_plane(xexpression<EC>& O, xexpression<ED>& D, xexpression<EP>& P, xexpression<EN>& N)
double denom = xt::linalg::dot(D, N)(); // automatically convert to double ...
if (std::abs(denom) < 1e-6)
return xc::inf;
double d = (xt::linalg::dot(P.derived_cast() - O.derived_cast(), N) / denom)();
if (d < 0)
return xc::inf;
return d;
template <class EC, class ED, class ES>
double intersect_sphere(xexpression<EC>& O, xexpression<ED>& D, xexpression<ES>& S, double R)
double a = xt::linalg::dot(D, D)();
auto OS = O.derived_cast() - S.derived_cast();
double b = 2 * xt::linalg::dot(D, OS)();
double c = xt::linalg::dot(OS, OS)() - R * R;
double disc = b * b - 4 * a * c;
if (disc > 0)
auto distSqrt = std::sqrt(disc);
auto q = b < 0 ? (-b - distSqrt) / 2.0 : (-b + distSqrt) / 2.0;
double t0 = q / a;
double t1 = c / q;
std::tie(t0, t1) = std::make_pair(std::min(t0, t1), std::max(t0, t1));
if (t1 >= 0)
return t0 < 0 ? t1 : t0;
return xc::inf;
enum object_type
plane, sphere
template <class T>
class object
object(const T& pos, const color_t& col)
: position(pos), color(col)
object_type type;
vector_t position;
color_t color;
double diffuse = -1;
double specular = -1;
template <class T>
class xsphere : public object<T>
xsphere(const T& pos, double rad, const T& col)
: object<T>(pos, col), radius(rad)
double radius;
template <class E>
auto get_color(xexpression<E>& /*pos*/)
return object<T>::color;
template <class T>
class xplane : public object<T>
T normal;
xplane(const T& pos, const T& nrm, const T& col)
: object<T>(pos, col), normal(nrm)
template <class E>
auto get_color(xexpression<E>& pos)
auto& posd = pos.derived_cast();
if (int(posd(0) * 2) % 2 == int(posd[2] * 2) % 2)
return object<T>::color;
return color_t(object<T>::color * 2);
template <class EO, class ED, class T>
double intersect(xexpression<EO>& O, xexpression<ED>& D, xsphere<T>& obj)
return intersect_sphere(O, D, obj.position, obj.radius);
template <class EO, class ED, class T>
double intersect(xexpression<EO>& O, xexpression<ED>& D, xplane<T>& obj)
return intersect_plane(O, D, obj.position, obj.normal);
template <class T, class EM>
vector_t get_normal(xsphere<T>& obj, xexpression<EM>& M)
return normalize(M.derived_cast() - obj.position);
template <class T, class EM>
vector_t get_normal(xplane<T>& obj, xexpression<EM>& M)
return obj.normal;
static vector_t O = {0., 0.35, -1.}; // Camera
template <class T>
using obj_variant = xtl::variant<xsphere<T>, xplane<T>>;
template <class T>
using scene_t = std::vector<obj_variant<T>>;
static constexpr double ambient = .05;
static constexpr double diffuse_c = 1.;
static constexpr double specular_c = 1.;
static constexpr double specular_k = 50;
static color_t color_light = {1, 1, 0.5};
template <class T, class EO, class ED>
std::tuple<ptrdiff_t, vector_t, vector_t, color_t>
trace_ray(scene_t<T>& scene, xexpression<EO>& rayO, xexpression<ED>& rayD)
static vector_t L = {5, 5, -10}; // Light
double t = xc::inf;
std::size_t obj_idx;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < scene.size(); ++i)
auto& obj = scene[i];
auto t_obj = xtl::visit([&rayO, &rayD](auto& obj) { return intersect(rayO, rayD, obj); }, obj);
if (t_obj < t)
t = t_obj;
obj_idx = i;
if (t == xc::inf)
return std::make_tuple(-1, vector_t{}, vector_t{}, color_t{});
auto& obj = scene[obj_idx];
vector_t M = eval(rayO.derived_cast() + rayD.derived_cast() * t);
vector_t N = xtl::visit([&M](auto& obj) { return get_normal(obj, M); }, obj);
color_t color = xtl::visit([&M](auto& obj) { return obj.get_color(M); }, obj);
auto toL = normalize(L - M);
auto toO = normalize(O - M);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < scene.size(); ++i)
// find if shadowed
if (i == obj_idx) continue;
auto& obj_sh = scene[i];
vector_t xM = M + N * 0.0001;
vector_t xtoL = toL;
double l = xtl::visit([&xM, &xtoL](auto& obj) {
return intersect(xM, xtoL, obj);
}, obj_sh);
if (l < xc::inf)
return std::make_tuple(-1, vector_t{}, vector_t{}, color_t{});
color_t col_ray = color_t(ambient);
// col_ray += obj.get('diffuse_c', diffuse_c) * max(, toL), 0) * color
col_ray += xtl::visit([](const auto& obj) { return obj.diffuse != -1 ? obj.diffuse : diffuse_c; }, obj) * std::max(xt::linalg::dot(N, toL)(), 0.) * color;
// Blinn-Phong shading (specular).
// col_ray += obj.get('specular_c', specular_c) * max(, normalize(toL + toO)), 0) ** specular_k * color_light
col_ray += xtl::visit([](const auto& obj) { return obj.specular != -1 ? obj.specular : specular_c; }, obj) * std::pow(std::max(xt::linalg::dot(N, normalize(toL + toO))(), 0.0), specular_k) * color_light;
return std::make_tuple(ptrdiff_t(obj_idx), M, N, col_ray);
int main()
auto scene = scene_t<vector_t>();
scene.push_back(xsphere<vector_t>({.75, .1, 1}, 0.6, {0.7, 0, 0}));
auto gp = xplane<vector_t>({0., -.5, 0.}, {0, 1, 0}, {0.3, 0.3, 0.3});
gp.specular = 0.2;
gp.diffuse = 0.8;
auto sp2 = xsphere<vector_t>({-0.5, .1, 1}, 0.3, {0, 0.6, 0.8});
sp2.specular = 0.1;
sp2.diffuse = 2;
std::cout << "Raytracing" << std::endl;
static constexpr int w = 400;
static constexpr int h = 300;
double r = float(w) / h;
// # Screen coordinates: x0, y0, x1, y1.
std::array<double, 4> S = {-1., -1. / r + .25, 1., 1. / r + .25};
auto px_x = xt::linspace(S[0], S[2], w);
auto px_y = xt::linspace(S[1], S[3], h);
xtensor<char, 3> img = xtensor<char, 3>::from_shape({h, w, 3});
const int depth_max = 5;
vector_t Q = {0., 0., 0.}; // Camera pointing to.
vector_t O = {0., 0.35, -1.}; // Camera
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < w; ++i)
if (i % 10 == 0)
std::cout << i / float(w) * 100 << "%" << std::endl;
for (std::size_t j = 0; j < h; ++j)
auto x = px_x(i);
auto y = px_y(j);
color_t col = xt::zeros<double>({3});
Q(0) = x;
Q(1) = y;
auto D = normalize(Q - O);
double depth = 0;
auto rayO = O;
auto rayD = D;
double reflection = 1.;
while (depth < depth_max)
auto traced = trace_ray(scene, rayO, rayD);
if (std::get<0>(traced) == -1)
rayO = std::get<1>(traced) + std::get<2>(traced) * 0.0001;
rayD = normalize(rayD - 2 * xt::linalg::dot(rayD, std::get<2>(traced)) * std::get<2>(traced));
col += reflection * std::get<3>(traced);
reflection *= 0.5;
col = xt::clip(col, 0, 1) * 255;
img(h - j - 1, i, 0) = col(0);
img(h - j - 1, i, 1) = col(1);
img(h - j - 1, i, 2) = col(2);
xt::dump_image("test.png", img);
return 0;
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