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Anton Tsitou wolfy-j

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iwatake2222 /
Last active January 17, 2022 10:34
How to generate tensorflowlite.dll for Visual Studio (Windows)
# On Git Bash
cd path-to-tensorflow
git checkout 00cb358ab2e67d0b06a21901ded13c57fd47e673
nano tensorflow/lite/build_def.bzl
# --- a/tensorflow/lite/build_def.bzl
# +++ b/tensorflow/lite/build_def.bzl
# @@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ def tflite_cc_shared_object(
hkwi /
Last active November 27, 2024 15:47
Linux vxlan nat traversal example

This example shows vxlan nat traversal, using UDP hole punching.

         | (node5) vxlan |
                  | uplink
       | (node4) masquerade |
turtlemonvh / Makefile
Last active July 26, 2024 09:30
Golang Project Makefile Template
# Borrowed from:
BINARY = superdo
TEST_REPORT = tests.xml
GOARCH = amd64
denji /
Last active December 23, 2024 02:18 — forked from spikebike/client.go
Simple Golang HTTPS/TLS Examples

Moved to git repository:

Generate private key (.key)
# Key considerations for algorithm "RSA" ≥ 2048-bit
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048

# Key considerations for algorithm "ECDSA" ≥ secp384r1
# List ECDSA the supported curves (openssl ecparam -list_curves)
krisleech /
Created October 20, 2014 12:58
Hexagonal Rails


class Bid < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :buyer, class_name: Customer
  def self.from_form(form)
chanks / gist:7585810
Last active September 17, 2024 11:55
Turning PostgreSQL into a queue serving 10,000 jobs per second

Turning PostgreSQL into a queue serving 10,000 jobs per second

RDBMS-based job queues have been criticized recently for being unable to handle heavy loads. And they deserve it, to some extent, because the queries used to safely lock a job have been pretty hairy. SELECT FOR UPDATE followed by an UPDATE works fine at first, but then you add more workers, and each is trying to SELECT FOR UPDATE the same row (and maybe throwing NOWAIT in there, then catching the errors and retrying), and things slow down.

On top of that, they have to actually update the row to mark it as locked, so the rest of your workers are sitting there waiting while one of them propagates its lock to disk (and the disks of however many servers you're replicating to). QueueClassic got some mileage out of the novel idea of randomly picking a row near the front of the queue to lock, but I can't still seem to get more than an an extra few hundred jobs per second out of it under heavy load.

So, many developers have started going straight t

JohannesHoppe / 666_lines_of_XSS_vectors.html
Created May 20, 2013 13:38
666 lines of XSS vectors, suitable for attacking an API copied from
<img src=1 href=1 onerror="javascript:alert(1)"></img>
xeoncross / fingerprint.php
Last active August 12, 2020 23:37
Generate a fingerprint from and RSA SSH public key
print "\n";
$rsa = file_get_contents('');
$ssh = file_get_contents('');
// For reference
print $rsa . "\n\n";
print $ssh . "\n\n";