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Last active September 17, 2019 10:38
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Move window on Linux systems using Python, xdotool and wmctrl
# Move and resize window into screen corners.
# works with multiple, horizontally aligned displays.
# Requirements:
# * Python3.7 (for dataclass)
# * wmctrl
# * xdotool
# pip: screeninfo, click
import logging
import re
import subprocess
from dataclasses import dataclass
import click
from screeninfo import Monitor, get_monitors
logger = logging.getLogger()
monitors = get_monitors()
class WindowDimension:
abs_left_x: int
abs_left_y: int
rel_left_x: int
rel_left_y: int
width: int
height: int
def get_active_window_id() -> str:
Get window ID of currently active window
return subprocess.check_output(['xdotool', 'getactivewindow']).decode().strip()
def reset_window():
Reset window maximizations so move-resize actually works
['wmctrl', '-i', '-r', get_active_window_id(), '-b', 'remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz'])
def window_move_resize(x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int):
Move and resize window
cmd = ['wmctrl', '-i', '-r', get_active_window_id(), '-e', f'1,{x},{y},{width},{height}']
logger.debug(f"Running cmd: '{' '.join(cmd)}'")
return subprocess.check_output(cmd)
def get_monitor(x) -> Monitor:
Get monitor belonging to screen coordinate
for i, monitor in enumerate(monitors):
logger.debug(f"monitor {i} width: {monitor.width}")
logger.debug(f"monitor {i} height: {monitor.height}")
logger.debug(f"monitor {i} x: {monitor.x}")
logger.debug(f"monitor {i} y: {monitor.y}\n")
if monitor.x <= x <= monitor.x + monitor.width:
return monitor
def get_window_dimensions() -> WindowDimension:
win_info = subprocess.check_output(['xwininfo', '-id', get_active_window_id()]).decode()
abs_left_x = int(re.findall('Absolute upper-left X: (\d*)', win_info)[0])
abs_left_y = int(re.findall('Absolute upper-left Y: (\d*)', win_info)[0])
rel_left_x = int(re.findall('Relative upper-left X: (\d*)', win_info)[0])
rel_left_y = int(re.findall('Relative upper-left Y: (\d*)', win_info)[0])
width = int(re.findall('Width: (\d*)', win_info)[0])
height = int(re.findall('Height: (\d*)', win_info)[0])
return WindowDimension(
abs_left_x=abs_left_x, abs_left_y=abs_left_y,
rel_left_x=rel_left_x, rel_left_y=rel_left_y,
width=width, height=height)
def configure_logging(verbose: int):
loglevel = logging.WARNING
if verbose >= 2:
loglevel = logging.DEBUG
elif verbose >= 1:
loglevel = logging.INFO
@click.option('-v', '--verbose', count=True)
@click.argument('direction', type=click.Choice([
'top', 'top-right', 'right', 'bottom-right', 'bottom', 'bottom-left', 'left', 'top-left',
'left-display', 'right-display', 'fullscreen']))
def move_window(verbose, direction):
dimension = get_window_dimensions()
win_mon = get_monitor(dimension.abs_left_x)
logger.debug(f"window monitor: {win_mon}")
if direction == 'top':
win_mon.x, win_mon.y,
win_mon.width, int(win_mon.height / 2))
if direction == 'top-right':
win_mon.x + int(win_mon.width / 2), win_mon.y,
int(win_mon.width / 2), int(win_mon.height / 2))
elif direction == 'right':
win_mon.x + int(win_mon.width / 2), win_mon.y,
int(win_mon.width / 2), win_mon.height)
if direction == 'bottom-right':
win_mon.x + int(win_mon.width / 2), win_mon.y + int(win_mon.height / 2),
int(win_mon.width / 2), int(win_mon.height / 2))
elif direction == 'bottom':
win_mon.x, win_mon.y + int(win_mon.height / 2),
win_mon.width, int(win_mon.height / 2))
if direction == 'bottom-left':
win_mon.x, win_mon.y + int(win_mon.height / 2),
int(win_mon.width / 2), int(win_mon.height / 2))
elif direction == 'left':
win_mon.x, win_mon.x,
int(win_mon.width / 2), win_mon.height)
elif direction == 'top-left':
win_mon.x, win_mon.y,
int(win_mon.width / 2), int(win_mon.height / 2))
elif direction == 'left-display':
0, 0,
win_mon.width, win_mon.height)
elif direction == 'right-display':
win_mon.width + 1, 0,
dimension.width, dimension.height)
elif direction == 'fullscreen':
win_mon.x, win_mon.y,
win_mon.width - 10, win_mon.height)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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