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Last active October 14, 2021 06:19
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Custom POIs and hotels list for Stay22

You can add a set of POIs (points of interests) and/or a set of your own hotels in case you have a group deal, sponsorship deal, or whatnot.

Implementation for POIs and Hotels

Insert the JSON into the poi or hotels parameter. You have to make sure the JSON is valid, then minify the JSON, and finally URL encode it before pasting it into the query param. Take note of the max characters in a URL bug, since encoded JSON tends be long..

Custom POIs example

    "lat": latitude,
    "lng": longitude,
    "desc": "optional, description displays on pin hover",
    "img": "optional, this is the pin image url in SSL (https), a default one will be used if omitted",
    "url": "optional, the url where it should redirect when clicked. Make sure the http(s):// is included"
    "lat": 40.748239,
    "lng": -73.990597,
    "desc": "Resto-Bar where the party will be held",
    "img": "",
    "url": ""

Example: (and preview)

Extra per POI parameter:

disableeta // defaults to false, to disable the directions and estimation for the POI
disablehover // defaults to false, to completely disable hover card
hasCustomImg // defaults to false, in case you want to use your own custom pins
hideFromMenu // defaults to false, to hide it from the left hand side menu but still show it on the map
size // defaults to 1, the size of the poi pin from 1 to 5

Custom Hotels example

    "lat": latitude,
    "lng": longitude,
    "price": the starting price per night in USD,
    "expiration": optional, when does the deal expire in unix timestamp,
    "url": "optional, if no bookinginfo is present, the url where it should redirect when clicked",
    "logo": "optional, to have a custom url logo next to the pin",
    "desc": "optional, supports html, displayed on hover",
    "bookinginfo": "optional, supports html, if no url is present, describe the way to book and a modal will drop down on click"
    "lat": 40.752536,
    "lng": -73.996386,
    "price": 175,
    "desc": "My Airbnb",
    "bookinginfo": "call 1800-222-2222 to reserve and mention EVENT code"

Example: (and preview)

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