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Last active November 18, 2024 18:06
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  • Save wolph/42024a983e4dfb0bc1dcbe6882979d21 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wolph/42024a983e4dfb0bc1dcbe6882979d21 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ESPHome Sonoff TX Ultimate T5-3C-86 Custom button component
- platform: neopixelbus
type: GRB
variant: WS2812
pin: GPIO1
num_leds: 1
name: "NeoPixel 1"
internal: true
- platform: neopixelbus
type: GRB
variant: WS2812
pin: GPIO3
num_leds: 1
name: "NeoPixel 3"
internal: true
- platform: neopixelbus
type: GRB
variant: WS2812
pin: GPIO5
num_leds: 1
name: "NeoPixel 5"
internal: true
- platform: neopixelbus
type: GRB
variant: WS2812
pin: GPIO13
num_leds: 1
name: "NeoPixel 13"
internal: true
- platform: neopixelbus
type: GRB
variant: WS2812
pin: GPIO32
num_leds: 1
name: "NeoPixel 32"
internal: true
- platform: neopixelbus
type: GRB
variant: WS2812
# pin: GPIO20
pin: GPIO33
num_leds: 28
name: "Ambience Nightlight"
id: rgb_light
- addressable_twinkle:
- addressable_random_twinkle:
- addressable_rainbow:
name: 'rainbow slow'
speed: 5
- addressable_rainbow:
name: 'rainbow fast'
speed: 50
- addressable_rainbow:
name: 'rainbow superfast'
speed: 100
# - platform: partition
# id: light_left_top
# name: "light left top"
# segments:
# - id: rgb_light
# from: 20
# to: 20
# - platform: partition
# id: light_middle_top
# name: "light middle top"
# segments:
# - id: rgb_light
# from: 23
# to: 23
# - platform: partition
# id: light_right_top
# name: "light right top"
# segments:
# - id: rgb_light
# from: 26
# to: 27
# - platform: partition
# id: light_left_bottom
# name: "light left bottom"
# segments:
# - id: rgb_light
# from: 6
# to: 7
# - platform: partition
# id: light_middle_bottom
# name: "light middle bottom"
# segments:
# - id: rgb_light
# from: 8
# to: 10
# - platform: partition
# id: light_right_bottom
# name: "light right bottom"
# segments:
# - id: rgb_light
# from: 11
# to: 12
- platform: partition
id: light_left_both
name: "light left both"
- id: rgb_light
from: 11
to: 21
- addressable_twinkle:
- addressable_random_twinkle:
- addressable_rainbow:
speed: 5
- platform: partition
id: light_middle_both
name: "light middle both"
- id: rgb_light
from: 22
to: 24
- id: rgb_light
from: 8
to: 10
- addressable_twinkle:
- addressable_random_twinkle:
- addressable_rainbow:
speed: 5
- platform: partition
id: light_right_both
name: "light right both"
- id: rgb_light
from: 0
to: 7
- id: rgb_light
from: 25
to: 27
- addressable_twinkle:
- addressable_random_twinkle:
- addressable_rainbow:
speed: 5
- platform: partition
id: light_right
name: "light right"
- id: rgb_light
from: 0
to: 5
# - platform: partition
# id: light_bottom
# name: "light bottom"
# segments:
# - id: rgb_light
# from: 6
# to: 12
- platform: partition
id: light_left
name: "light left"
- id: rgb_light
from: 13
to: 19
# - platform: partition
# id: light_top
# name: "light top"
# segments:
# - id: rgb_light
# from: 20
# to: 26
switch.is_on: ${switch}
- light.turn_on:
id: ${light}
brightness: ${on_brightness}
red: ${on_red}
green: ${on_green}
blue: ${on_blue}
transition_length: 500ms
- if:
- lambda: |-
return id(htime).now().hour < ${nightlight_on_hour};
- lambda: |-
return id(htime).now().hour > ${nightlight_off_hour};
- light.turn_off:
id: ${light}
transition_length: 500ms
- light.turn_on:
id: ${light}
brightness: ${nightlight_brightness}
red: ${nightlight_red}
green: ${nightlight_green}
blue: ${nightlight_blue}
transition_length: 500ms
name: 'sonoff_tx_ultimate_00'
on_brightness: 50%
on_red: 100%
on_green: 40%
on_blue: 0%
nightlight_brightness: 20%
nightlight_red: 100%
nightlight_green: 40%
nightlight_blue: 0%
nightlight_on_hour: '19' # turn on at 7 in the evening
nightlight_off_hour: '9' # turn off at 9 in the morning
name: $name
platform: ESP32
board: esp32dev
priority: -100.0
- script.execute: light_relays
- touch_panel.hpp
- touch_panel.cpp
id: uart_bus
tx_pin: GPIO19
rx_pin: GPIO22
baud_rate: 115200
- id: light_relays
- if: !include
file: relays_light.yaml
switch: relay1
light: light_left_both
- if: !include
file: relays_light.yaml
switch: relay2
light: light_middle_both
- if: !include
file: relays_light.yaml
switch: relay3
light: light_right_both
- platform: custom
lambda: |-
auto touch_panel = new touch_panel::TouchPanel(id(uart_bus));
return {
- id: button_left
name: "Left Button"
- switch.toggle: relay1
- switch.turn_on: haptics
- id: button_middle
name: "Middle Button"
- switch.toggle: relay2
- switch.turn_on: haptics
- id: button_right
name: "Right Button"
- switch.toggle: relay3
- switch.turn_on: haptics
- id: button_two_finger
name: "Two Fingers"
- id: button_dragged_ltr
name: "Dragged Left to Right"
- id: button_dragged_rtl
name: "Dragged Right to Left"
- platform: gpio
name: "relay left"
pin: GPIO18
id: relay1
script.execute: light_relays
script.execute: light_relays
- platform: gpio
name: "relay middle"
pin: GPIO17
id: relay2
script.execute: light_relays
script.execute: light_relays
- platform: gpio
name: "relay right"
pin: GPIO27
id: relay3
script.execute: light_relays
script.execute: light_relays
- platform: gpio
name: "relay right"
pin: GPIO23
id: relay4
script.execute: light_relays
script.execute: light_relays
- platform: gpio
name: "sound amplifier power"
pin: GPIO26
id: pa_sw
- platform: gpio
name: "touch panel power"
number: GPIO5
inverted: true
id: ca51_pow
restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON
- platform: gpio
pin: GPIO21
name: "Haptics"
id: "haptics"
restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
- delay: 300ms
- switch.turn_off: haptics
#include "touch_panel.hpp"
#include <stdio.h>
namespace esphome
namespace touch_panel
#define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
const uint8_t PREFIX[] = {0xAA, 0x55, 0x01, 0x02};
const unsigned int PREFIX_LENGTH = sizeof(PREFIX) / sizeof(PREFIX[0]);
// Messages consist of a prefix, a type of action and a position.
// There's probably other stuff but that's not relevant for us
const unsigned int MESSAGE_SIZE = PREFIX_LENGTH + 4;
const unsigned int BUFFER_SIZE = 32;
TouchPanel::TouchPanel(uart::UARTComponent *parent) : uart::UARTDevice(parent) {}
void TouchPanel::setup()
for (int i = 0; i < button_map.size(); i++)
button_map[i]->publish_state(i < TwoFinger);
void TouchPanel::loop()
static uint8_t buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
while (available() >= MESSAGE_SIZE)
read_array(buffer, MIN(available(), BUFFER_SIZE));
bool match = true;
if (memcmp(buffer, PREFIX, PREFIX_LENGTH) != 0)
if (match)
TouchEvent event = static_cast<TouchEvent>(buffer[4]);
uint8_t released_position = buffer[5];
uint8_t pressed_position = buffer[6];
if (event == Pressed)
// ESP_LOGD("custom", "Pressed: %d", pressed_position);
// Always trigger the two-fingered and drag events since we can only detect when they are released
else if (event == Released || event == Dragged)
// Make sure to reset all buttons
for (int i = 0; i < TwoFinger; i++)
ESP_LOGD("custom", "Unknown event: %d", event);
} // namespace touch_panel
} // namespace esphome
#pragma once
#include "esphome/core/component.h"
#include "esphome/components/uart/uart.h"
#include "esphome/components/binary_sensor/binary_sensor.h"
#include <vector>
namespace esphome
namespace touch_panel
enum TouchEvent
Released = 1,
Pressed = 2,
Dragged = 3
enum TouchPosition
Left = 1,
Middle = 4,
Right = 7,
TwoFinger = 11,
DraggedLTR = 12,
DraggedRTL = 13
class TouchPanel : public Component, public uart::UARTDevice
TouchPanel(uart::UARTComponent *parent);
void setup() override;
void loop() override;
float get_setup_priority() const override { return esphome::setup_priority::BUS; }
binary_sensor::BinarySensor *left = new binary_sensor::BinarySensor();
binary_sensor::BinarySensor *middle = new binary_sensor::BinarySensor();
binary_sensor::BinarySensor *right = new binary_sensor::BinarySensor();
binary_sensor::BinarySensor *two_finger = new binary_sensor::BinarySensor();
binary_sensor::BinarySensor *dragged_ltr = new binary_sensor::BinarySensor();
binary_sensor::BinarySensor *dragged_rtl = new binary_sensor::BinarySensor();
// For positional tracking
std::vector<binary_sensor::BinarySensor *> button_map = {
left, // 0 never occurs but is here for completeness
left, // 1-3 is left
middle, // 4-6 is middle
right, // 7-10 is right
two_finger, // 11 is two fingers (released only)
dragged_ltr, // 12 is drag left to right
dragged_rtl, // 13 is drag right to left
} // namespace adalight
} // namespace esphome
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Thanks for this it works well after a few personalisations. Any chance you will be looking at getting the sound working?

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I've been trying out the code on a 1 gang version but I always get touch press trigger together with two finger or drag gestures.

Do you have any notes on the UART protocol used?

Sound is working but it's quite terrible

On the other hand you can use the motor as a buzzer ;)

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@blakadder I got the motor working perfectly. Just want to add a bit of sarcasm to the switch.
When user turns on the toilet light a breaking wind sound. Not essential, just me being quirky.

As like you with the swipe left & swipe right I also get the left or right button on my 3 gang

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I've been trying out the code on a 1 gang version but I always get touch press trigger together with two finger or drag gestures.

Do you have any notes on the UART protocol used?

Sound is working but it's quite terrible

On the other hand you can use the motor as a buzzer ;)

Hi blakadder,

I'm currently trying to make the sound work. Can you share you code snippet for the sound? Thanks!!

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wolph commented May 26, 2023

I've been trying out the code on a 1 gang version but I always get touch press trigger together with two finger or drag gestures.

Do you have any notes on the UART protocol used?

As far as I've been able to decode, all UART messages start with the same prefix and after that you get an event with value 1, 2 or 3 for released, pressed or dragged respectively.

The pressed event is always sent when you touch the device and depending on what you do after that you either get a released or dragged event.

Additionally the released event can either return a position from 1 to 10, or 11 for two fingered release.
When dragging it's 12 or 13 for left-to-right or right-to-left respectively.

Sound is working but it's quite terrible

Awesome! I'd love to see how you got it working. I don't have any specific use for the sounds currently but it could be fun :)

Thanks for this it works well after a few personalisations. Any chance you will be looking at getting the sound working?

I don't have any concrete plans for it yet. But if blakadder shares his code (I'm assuming he's using tasmota) I might be able to port it.

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There is no code, I'm not really a coder. I have difficulties reading this one 😃

Here's the sound snippet. It sounds equally terrible in Tasmota and esphome. I have no idea what Sonoff did extra to make it sound good. Maybe its just that the volume is too high and its clipping af but I can't lower it

# I2S audio component
  i2s_bclk_pin: GPIO2   # BCK
  i2s_lrclk_pin: GPIO4  # WS

# Player component for I2S
  - platform: i2s_audio
    name: Speaker
    dac_type: external
    mode: mono
    i2s_dout_pin: GPIO15

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Thank you, i'll give it a try!

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wolph commented May 26, 2023

There's still something that I need to figure out about the device though... for some reason it mostly stopped working for me now.

That is... with the original firmware it works great, with the esphome version the touchpanel doesn't respond and the lights won't go on. It is fully repeatable as well. I've gone back and forth between the firmwares and I have even reverted to earlier versions of my esphome configuration and it does nothing...

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wolph commented May 27, 2023

Here's the sound snippet. It sounds equally terrible in Tasmota and esphome. I have no idea what Sonoff did extra to make it sound good. Maybe its just that the volume is too high and its clipping af but I can't lower it

This might be related but I'm not sure. I don't notice any real difference with different encodings: esphome/issues#4106

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Can somebody with the original firmware verify how much the volume can be pushed to?
I've been able to play music in the TX, but volume is a little bit too low:

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wolph commented Jun 4, 2023

Can somebody with the original firmware verify how much the volume can be pushed to? I've been able to play music in the TX, but volume is a little bit too low:

I've got a backup of the original firmware that I can restore, but I'm not entirely sure what you want me to do. I have a sound level meter that I can keep at a fixed distance before I click the button but I'm not sure it's loud enough to give any useful results at 1 meter

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Can somebody with the original firmware verify how much the volume can be pushed to? I've been able to play music in the TX, but volume is a little bit too low:

I've got a backup of the original firmware that I can restore, but I'm not entirely sure what you want me to do. I have a sound level meter that I can keep at a fixed distance before I click the button but I'm not sure it's loud enough to give any useful results at 1 meter

Not sure either... hahaha
I will try to finish the modifications in the esphome branch and push a PR with the new config option

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If you want to test, I've pushed a PR with enables a new yaml parameter to be able to use the sound output.

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blakadder commented Jun 4, 2023


have you tried setting i2s to stereo

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wolph commented Jun 4, 2023


have you tried setting i2s to stereo

Very nice! Can you share your configuration so I can try as well? I'm planning to install these permanently in about a week or so and I would like to have them include sound as well :)

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I've been trying out the code on a 1 gang version but I always get touch press trigger together with two finger or drag gestures.

Do you have any notes on the UART protocol used?

Sound is working but it's quite terrible

On the other hand you can use the motor as a buzzer ;)

I got the sound working ok and commented on
Copy his i2saudio and media player settings, then add "i2s_comm_fmt: lsb"

  • platform: i2s_audio
    i2s_comm_fmt: lsb

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does this work with the 4 gang switch?

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wolph commented Dec 18, 2023

does this work with the 4 gang switch?

You'll have to modify it slightly to do that. Currently it goes up to relay3 but relay4 is already defined because I suspected that they would come out with a 4-relay version. To modify it you'll have to adjust which section of the lights you want to turn on and what part of the button it should respond to.

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Can somebody with the original firmware verify how much the volume can be pushed to? I've been able to play music in the TX, but volume is a little bit too low:

I've got a backup of the original firmware that I can restore, but I'm not entirely sure what you want me to do. I have a sound level meter that I can keep at a fixed distance before I click the button but I'm not sure it's loud enough to give any useful results at 1 meter

Please, please could you share your backup with me. I wasn't able to make a backup before I flashed my test unit and would like to go back to factory for a bit.

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wolph commented Apr 11, 2024

@MantasGSXR sorry to tell you but that backup won't help you. The firmwares are locked to the mac address so the backup won't work on your device unless it was made by your device

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0xAhmed commented Nov 16, 2024

@wolph Mind giving me a hint on how to actually backup the stock firmware? I tried the read_flash command of esptool but it keeps throwing me the same error, even though I made sure that I'm in boot mode:

$ -p /dev/cu.usbserial-210 -b 460800 read_flash 0 ALL tx-ultimate-stock.bin v4.8.1
Serial port /dev/cu.usbserial-210
Detecting chip type... Unsupported detection protocol, switching and trying again...
Detecting chip type... ESP32
Chip is ESP32-D0WDR2-V3 (revision v3.1)
Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, 240MHz, VRef calibration in efuse, Coding Scheme None
Crystal is 40MHz
MAC: fe:b4:67:b8:f6:11
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Changing baud rate to 460800
Configuring flash size...
Detected flash size: 8MB

A fatal error occurred: Invalid head of packet (0x7F): Possible serial noise or corruption.

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wolph commented Nov 16, 2024

@0xAhmed You can try lowering the baud rate, I've found that 460800 (or higher) only works with short high quality USB cables and even in those cases it's not guaranteed to work.
Try it with 115200 and see if you still get the error.

Alternatively... it could be that the flash size is detected incorrectly, but I think I remember the tx ultimate having 8MB so it should be correct.

You can read the flash size with this command: -p /dev/cu.usbserial-210 flash_id

I just remember another potential issue with these... they draw quite a bit of power so it could be that you need an extra/external 5v power supply. I can't get the tx ultimate to work reliably off my usb2serial adapter alone.

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0xAhmed commented Nov 16, 2024

Thank you so much @wolph. I completed overlooked the fact that the baud rate might be the problem. I just tried with an ESP32-WROOM chip (was getting the same error message on it) and it worked fine. Shall try with another TX Ultimate switch later.

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xHirscHx commented Nov 18, 2024

Anybody ever get the sound to be as loud as the stock firmware. mine works but its very , very low.

  • platform: i2s_audio
    id: media_out
    name: ${friendly_name} Player
    dac_type: external
    i2s_dout_pin: ${audio_sdata_pin}
    i2s_audio_id: audio_i2s
    i2s_comm_fmt: lsb
    mode: mono

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