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Created September 9, 2013 23:13
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# Copyright (c) 2003, 2007, Paul McGuire
from pyparsing import Word, Optional, OneOrMore, Group, ParseException
# define a simple Python dict of atomic weights, with chemical symbols
# for keys
atomicWeight = {
"O" : 15.9994,
"H" : 1.00794,
"Na" : 22.9897,
"Cl" : 35.4527,
"C" : 12.0107,
"S" : 32.0655,
# define some strings to use later, when describing valid lists
# of characters for chemical symbols and numbers
lowers = caps.lower()
digits = "0123456789"
# Version 1
# Define grammar for a chemical formula
# - an element is a Word, beginning with one of the characters in caps,
# followed by zero or more characters in lowers
# - an integer is a Word composed of digits
# - an elementRef is an element, optionally followed by an integer - if
# the integer is omitted, assume the value "1" as a default; these are
# enclosed in a Group to make it easier to walk the list of parsed
# chemical symbols, each with its associated number of atoms per
# molecule
# - a chemicalFormula is just one or more elementRef's
element = Word( caps, lowers )
integer = Word( digits )
elementRef = Group( element + Optional( integer, default="1" ) )
chemicalFormula = OneOrMore( elementRef )
# try parsing some simple formulas
for formula in ( "H2O", "NaCl", "C6H5OH", "H2SO4" ):
formulaData = chemicalFormula.parseString(formula)
# compute molecular weight
# - the following Python expression is a shorthand for this for loop
# mw = 0
# for sym,qty in formulaData:
# mw += atomicWeight[sym]*int(qty)
mw = sum( [ atomicWeight[sym]*int(qty) for sym,qty in formulaData ] )
# print the results
print formula, "->", formulaData, "(", mw, ")"
# Version 2 - Auto-convert integers, and add results names
def convertIntegers(tokens):
return int(tokens[0])
element = Word( caps, lowers )
integer = Word( digits ).setParseAction( convertIntegers )
elementRef = Group( element("symbol") + Optional( integer, default=1 )("qty") )
# pre-1.4.7, use this:
# elementRef = Group( element.setResultsName("symbol") + Optional( integer, default=1 ).setResultsName("qty") )
chemicalFormula = OneOrMore( elementRef )
for formula in ( "H2O", "NaCl", "C6H5OH", "H2SO4" ):
formulaData = chemicalFormula.parseString(formula)
# compute molecular weight
mw = sum( [ atomicWeight[element.symbol]*element.qty for element in formulaData ] )
# print the results
print formula, "->", formulaData, "(", mw, ")"
# Version 3 - Compute partial molecular weight per element, simplifying
# summing
# No need to redefine grammar, just define parse action function, and
# attach to elementRef
def computeElementWeight(tokens):
element = tokens[0]
element["weight"] = atomicWeight[element.symbol] * element.qty
for formula in ( "H2O", "NaCl", "C6H5OH", "H2SO4" ):
formulaData = chemicalFormula.parseString(formula)
# compute molecular weight
mw = sum( [ element.weight for element in formulaData ] )
# print the results
print formula, "->", formulaData, "(", mw, ")"
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