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//PImage pupil;
Pupil p1;
Pupil p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7;
PImage img1;
PVector eye = new PVector(300, 300);
void setup(){
size(1000, 1000);
img1 = loadImage("weird guy.png");
PImage img1, img2, img3;
int rotationCount = 0;
static final color BG = -4;
int picSize;
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
// noSmooth();
// ((PGraphicsOpenGL)g).textureSampling(2);
PImage img1, img2, img3;
float x1, x2, y1, y2;
float angle1 = 0, angle2 = 15;
float scalar = 15;
int flapvalue = 1;
int bee = 1;
void setup() {
size(200, 120);
* PolygonPShapeOOP.
* Wrapping a PShape inside a custom class
* and demonstrating how we can have a multiple objects each
* using the same PShape.
// A list of objects
int x1 = 0; // always stays the same
int xDistance = 200;
int y1 = 0; //should grow with each addition
int x2 = 0; //shouldn't change either
int y2 = 0;
int lineLength = 0;
int circSize;
int arcWidth, arcHeight, lineLength2;
int quadHeight, quadWidth, qx2, qy2, qx3, qy3, qx4, qy4, coin, coin2, circWidth;
int randTen;
int x, y;
int numberOfArcs = 20;//int(random(100));
float rotation = - (HALF_PI / random(0, 2)); //(HALF_PI / 3);
int arcSize;
int step = 180;
float start, stop;
int strokeSize = 15;
void setup()
* Space Junk
* by Ira Greenberg (zoom suggestion by Danny Greenberg).
* Rotating cubes in space using a custom Cube class.
* Color controlled by light sources. Move the mouse left
* and right to zoom.
// Used for oveall rotation
PImage img1, img2, img3, img4, img5, img6, img7;
int rotationCount = 0;
int picSize;
int countValue = 1;
int delay = 70;
static final color BG = -4;
void setup() {
Letter letterg, lettere;
PImage img1, img2, img3;
float i = 0;
float j = 0;
float count = 0;
float rotationValue = 40;
float rotationCount = 0;
float rotationTest = 0;
int delay = 10;
int f;
Rain r1;
PImage img1, img2, img3, img4, img5, img6, img7, img8, img9, img10, img11, img12, img13, img14, img15, img16, img17, img18, img19, img20, img21, img22, img23, img24, img25, img26, img27, img28, img29, img30, img31, img32, img33, img34, img35, img36;
int dice;
int speed;
int numDrops = 40;
Rain[] drops = new Rain[numDrops]; // Declare and create the array
void setup() {