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Last active June 19, 2023 22:12
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Current usage:

createCanvas(100, 100, WEBGL)
shader = createShader(vert, frag)
filter(shader) // error, only expects THRESHOLD|GRAY|OPAQUE... 

Proposed usage:

createCanvas(100, 100, WEBGL)

oldPixels = pixels

shader = createShader(vert, frag)
filter(shader)  // this will be feature parity with desktop processing


newPixels = pixels

// oldPixels !== newPixels

// later
 * @param {Constant|p5.Shader} either THRESHOLD, GRAY, ...
 *                             or a shader object that's been made
 *                             from vert/frag files or strings
filter(filterConstantOrShaderObj) {...}

* WEBGL mode only, at least for now

Current architecture:

Only one graphics layer, the main p5.RendererGL that the user sees and draws on:

                 sketch/drawing     ┌────────────────────┐                  
                 functions          │ renderer           │ where all the
               > > > > > > > > > >  │  coupled with      │ rendering logic         
         USER                       │  the canvas        │ happens      
               < < < < < < < < < <  │  and the user      │                               
                     view           │  inputs            │                       
                    pixels          ┕────────────────────┘  

Won't work (probably):

Using current architecture and doing filters on the main graphics layer

                 sketch/drawing     ┌────────────────────┐                  
                 functions          │ renderer           │                                
               > > > > > > > > > >  │1.sketch/drawing    │                         
         USER                       │  functions applied to             
                 <   <   <   <   <  │  main canvas pixels│                               
           ^        pixels          │                    │  problem: pixels have to be processed
  then     ^         are            │2.grab pixels       │  somewhere behind the scenes
processed  ^        drawn           │  for post processing   
pixels are ^                        │                    │                              
 drawn     ^                        │                    │                          
           ^ < < < < < < < < < < <  │3.draw new pixels   │  bad: two drawing operations 
                                    │  onto this same    │  in one frame / draw loop    
                                    │  canvas            │                               

A second graphics layer is required somewhere in order to enable post processing, whether that's through p5 objects or webgl textures.

Proposed architecture with adding a p5.Graphics:

Post-processing by copying pixels to a secondary p5 renderer, like a p5.Graphics:

                functions           ┌────────────────────┐                  
                                    │ first renderer     │ main rendering logic           
         USER  > > > > > > > > > >  │  invisible         │ onto its own canvas     
                                    │  graphics context  │          
           ^                        ┕────────────────────┘          
           ^                              v                 readPixelsWebGL()
 view      ^                              v   copy pixels
processed  ^                              v                    
 pixels    ^                        ┌────────────────────┐           
           ^                        │secondary renderer  │  where new                   
            < < < < < < < < < < < < │ visible canvas     │  post-processing  
                                    │                    │  occurs

some challenges:

  • Where does the secondary renderer live in the code? As a property of the first renderer, eg _renderer.secondaryGraphics?

  • Will settings like camera, image mode, positioning, antialiasing be easily preserved between renderers?

  • Performance might suffer, passing pixels from CPU to GPU

Proposed architecture with p5.Framebuffer (preferred imo):

Using a framebuffer as the primary renderer, taking advantage of webgl texture targets and staying in the GPU:

                functions           ┌────────────────────┐                  
                                    │ framebuffer renderer   gl.bind(fbo.texture)         
         USER  > > > > > > > > > >  │                    │              
                                    │  webgl texture     │   // apply user drawing       
           ^                        │     v              │                                 
           ^                        │     v              │   // run post processing shaders 
 view      ^                        │     v              │
processed  ^                        │     v              │   gl.bind(mainCanvas/null)  
 pixels    ^                        │     v              │   render fbo.texture
           ^                        │                    │                              
            < < < < < < < < < < < < │ visible canvas     │                   
                                    │                    │                    

See a rough demo, changing line 67 to see the other layer:

some challenges:

  • Where does the p5.Framebuffer live? Maybe _renderer.mainFramebuffer? Compare with existing _renderer.framebuffers[].

  • Framebuffer already manages and preserves most (all?) settings like camera and antialiasing from its parent renderer, so less challenge there

Other challenges overall

  • Backwards compatibility; will it break any existing features?

  • Arguing for accessibility

    • Does this help any other features besides filter(shaders)?
    • Worth the architecture change?
  • Creating unit tests

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