<a> |
transparent, except that no descendant may be interactive content or an <a> element, and no descendant may have a specified tabindex attribute. |
<abbr> |
phrasing content |
<acronym> |
<address> |
flow content, but with no nested <address> element, no heading content (<hgroup> , <h1> -<h6> ), no sectioning content (<article> , <aside> , <section> , <nav> ), and no <header> or <footer> element. |
<area> |
None; it is a void element. |
<article> |
flow content. |
<aside> |
flow content. |
<audio> |
If the element has a src attribute: zero or more <track> elements followed by transparent content that contains no <audio> or <video> media elements. Else: zero or more <source> elements followed by zero or more <track> elements followed by transparent content that contains no <audio> or <video> media elements. |
<b> |
phrasing content. |
<base> |
None; it is a void element. |
<bdi> |
phrasing content. |
<bdo> |
phrasing content. |
<big> |
<blockquote> |
flow content. |
<body> |
flow content. |
<br> |
None; it is a void element. |
<button> |
phrasing content but there must be no interactive content |
<canvas> |
transparent but with no interactive content descendants except for <a> elements, <button> elements, <input> elements whose type attribute is checkbox, radio, or button. |
<caption> |
flow content. |
<center> |
<cite> |
phrasing content. |
<code> |
phrasing content. |
<col> |
None; it is a void element. |
<colgroup> |
If the span attribute is present: none. If the attribute is not present: zero or more <col> element |
<data> |
phrasing content. |
<datalist> |
Either phrasing content or zero or more <option> elements. |
<dd> |
flow content. |
<del> |
transparent. |
<details> |
One <summary> element followed by flow content. |
<dfn> |
phrasing content, but no <dfn> element must be a descendant. |
<dialog> |
flow content |
<dir> |
<div> |
flow content. Or (in WHATWG HTML): If the parent is a <dl> element: one or more <dt> elements followed by one or more <dd> elements, optionally intermixed with <script> and <template> elements. |
<dl> |
Either: Zero or more groups each consisting of one or more <dt> elements followed by one or more <dd> elements, optionally intermixed with <script> and <template> elements. Or: (in WHATWG HTML, W3C HTML 5.2 and later) One or more <div> elements, optionally intermixed with <script> and <template> elements. |
<dt> |
flow content, but with no <header> , <footer> , sectioning content or heading content descendants. |
<em> |
phrasing content. |
<embed> |
None; it is a void element. |
<fencedframe> |
None. |
<fieldset> |
An optional <legend> element, followed by flow content. |
<figcaption> |
flow content. |
<figure> |
A <figcaption> element, followed by flow content; or flow content followed by a <figcaption> element; or flow content. |
<font> |
<footer> |
flow content, but with no <footer> or <header> descendants. |
<form> |
flow content, but not containing <form> elements |
<frame> |
<frameset> |
<head> |
If the document is an <iframe> srcdoc document, or if title information is available from a higher level protocol (like the subject line in HTML email), zero or more elements of metadata content. Otherwise, one or more elements of metadata content where exactly one is a <title> element. |
<header> |
flow content, but with no <header> or <footer> descendant. |
<h1> -<h6> |
phrasing content. |
<hgroup> |
Zero or more <p> elements, followed by one <h1> , <h2> , <h3> , <h4> , <h5> , or <h6> , followed by zero or more <p> elements. |
<hr> |
None; it is a void element. |
<html> |
One <head> element, followed by one <body> element. |
<i> |
phrasing content. |
<iframe> |
None. |
<img> |
None; it is a void element. |
<input> |
None; it is a void element. |
<ins> |
transparent. |
<kbd> |
phrasing content. |
<label> |
phrasing content, but no descendant label elements. No labelable elements other than the labeled control are allowed. |
<legend> |
phrasing content and headings (h1–h6 elements). |
<li> |
flow content. |
<link> |
None; it is a void element. |
<main> |
flow content. |
<map> |
Any transparent element. |
<mark> |
phrasing content. |
<marquee> |
<menu> |
Zero or more occurrences of <li> , <script> , and <template> . |
<meta> |
None; it is a void element. |
<meter> |
phrasing content, but there must be no <meter> element among its descendants. |
<nav> |
flow content. |
<nobr> |
<noembed> |
<noframes> |
<noscript> |
When scripting is disabled and when it is a descendant of the <head> element: in any order, zero or more <link> elements, zero or more <style> elements, and zero or more <meta> elements. When scripting is disabled and when it isn't a descendant of the <head> element: any transparent content, but no <noscript> element must be among its descendants. Otherwise: flow content or phrasing content. |
<object> |
zero or more <param> elements, then transparent. |
<ol> |
Zero or more <li> , <script> and <template> elements. |
<optgroup> |
Zero or more <option> elements. |
<option> |
Text, possibly with escaped characters (like é). |
<output> |
phrasing content. |
<p> |
phrasing content. |
<param> |
None; it is a void element. |
<picture> |
Zero or more <source> elements, followed by one <img> element, optionally intermixed with script-supporting elements. |
<plaintext> |
<portal> |
<pre> |
phrasing content. |
<progress> |
phrasing content, but there must be no <progress> element among its descendants. |
<q> |
phrasing content. |
<rb> |
As a child of a <ruby> element. |
<rp> |
Text |
<rt> |
phrasing content. |
<rtc> |
phrasing content or <rt> elements. |
<ruby> |
phrasing content. |
<s> |
phrasing content. |
<samp> |
phrasing content. |
<script> |
Dynamic script such as text/javascript. |
<search> |
flow content. |
<section> |
flow content. |
<select> |
Zero or more <option> , <optgroup> or <hr> elements. |
<slot> |
transparent |
<small> |
phrasing content |
<source> |
None; it is a void element. |
<span> |
phrasing content. |
<strike> |
<strong> |
phrasing content. |
<style> |
Text content matching the type attribute, that is text/css. |
<sub> |
phrasing content. |
<summary> |
phrasing content, optionally intermixed with heading content |
<sup> |
phrasing content. |
<table> |
In this order: an optional <caption> element; zero or more <colgroup> elements; an optional <thead> element; either one of the following, zero or more <tbody> elements, or one or more <tr> elements; and an optional <tfoot> element |
<tbody> |
Zero or more <tr> elements. |
<td> |
flow content. |
<template> |
No restrictions |
<textarea> |
Text |
<tfoot> |
Zero or more <tr> elements. |
<th> |
flow content, but with no header, footer, sectioning content, or heading content descendants. |
<thead> |
Zero or more <tr> elements. |
<time> |
phrasing content. |
<title> |
Text that is not inter-element whitespace. |
<tr> |
Zero or more <td> and/or <th> elements; script-supporting elements (<script> and <template> ) are also allowed. |
<track> |
None; it is a void element. |
<tt> |
phrasing content. |
<u> |
phrasing content. |
<ul> |
Zero or more <li> , <script> and <template> elements. |
<var> |
phrasing content. |
<video> |
If the element has a src attribute: zero or more <track> elements, followed by transparent content that contains no media elements–that is no <audio> or <video> . Else: zero or more <source> elements, followed by zero or more <track> elements, followed by transparent content that contains no media elements–that is no <audio> or <video> . |
<wbr> |
Empty |
<xmp> |