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[rblocks]: Experiments

The rBlocks Experiement

Having fun with Ramnath Vaidyanathan's new package rblocks!

Iris & AirPassengers



Cellular Automata & Pixelation 1

Conway's Game of Life Animated using #rstats #rBlocks #a... on Twitpic p1

Pixelation 2



## Load packages (see
## Sampling with caret (to get exactly two samples from each species)
row_samp <- createDataPartition(iris$Species, p = 0.021, list = F)
## Make block
iris_samp <- iris[row_samp,]
iris_block <- make_block(iris_samp)
## Shorten column names for better display
colnames(iris_block) <- c("Sepal.L", "Sepal.W", "Petal.L", "Petal.W", "Species")
## Update colours for Species (ref:
iris_block[which(iris_samp$Species == "setosa"),]$Species <- "red"
iris_block[which(iris_samp$Species == "versicolor"),]$Species <- "green"
iris_block[which(iris_samp$Species == "virginica"),]$Species <- "blue"
## Update colours for other variables
iris_block[order(iris_samp[,1]), 1] <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(6,"YlGn"))(length(row_samp))
iris_block[order(iris_samp[,2]), 2] <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(6,"Blues"))(length(row_samp))
iris_block[order(iris_samp[,3]), 3] <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(6,"Purples"))(length(row_samp))
iris_block[order(iris_samp[,4]), 4] <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(6,"Greys"))(length(row_samp))
## Plot
## Load packages
## =============================================================================
## rBlocks #1 - AirPassengers with 'YlOrRd' palette
## =============================================================================
## Using the classic AirPassengers dataset
mat_air <- matrix(AirPassengers)
mat_value <- matrix(mat_air, ncol = 12, byrow = TRUE)
## Assign colours to numerical values
colour_value <- matrix(NA, nrow(mat_air))
colour_value[order(mat_air),] <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"YlOrRd"))(nrow(mat_air))
colour_value <- matrix(colour_value, ncol = 12, byrow = TRUE)
## Assign colours to years
mat_year <- matrix(1949:1960)
colour_year <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(6,"Greys"))(nrow(mat_year))
## Create df
df_air <- data.frame(mat_year, mat_value)
colnames(df_air) <- c("Year",
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
## Make block
block_air <- make_block(df_air)
## Update Colours
block_air[, 1] <- as.character(colour_year)
block_air[, -1] <- as.character(colour_value)
## Plot
## =============================================================================
## rBlocks #2 - AirPassengers with funky RSkittleBrewer
## =============================================================================
## Using the RSkittleBrewer
if (!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
if (!require(RSkittleBrewer)) devtools::install_github('RSkittleBrewer', 'alyssafrazee')
## Assign Skittle (original) colours to numerical values
colour_skittle <- RSkittleBrewer('original')
colour_value <- matrix(NA, nrow(mat_air))
colour_value[order(mat_air, decreasing = T),] <- colorRampPalette(colour_skittle)(nrow(mat_air))
colour_value <- matrix(colour_value, ncol = 12, byrow = TRUE)
## Make block
block_air_skittle <- make_block(df_air)
## Update Colours
block_air_skittle[, 1] <- as.character(colour_year)
block_air_skittle[, -1] <- as.character(colour_value)
## Plot
## Load packages
## =============================================================================
## Core Parameters
## =============================================================================
side <- 50 # side - side of the game of life arena (matrix)
steps <- 170 # steps - number of animation steps
skips <- 20 # skips - initial frames to be dropped (burn out)
set.seed(3) # Set seed for reproducible results
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## Original Game of Life Arena Codes
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# the sideXside matrix, filled up with binomially
# distributed individuals
X <- matrix(nrow=side, ncol=side)
X[] <- rbinom(side^2,1,0.4)
# array that stores all of the simulation steps
# (so that it can be exported as a gif)
storage <- array(0, c(side, side, steps))
# the simulation
for (i in 1:steps)
# make the shifted copies of the original array
allW = cbind( rep(0,side) , X[,-side] )
allNW = rbind(rep(0,side),cbind(rep(0,side-1),X[-side,-side]))
allN = rbind(rep(0,side),X[-side,])
allNE = rbind(rep(0,side),cbind(X[-side,-1],rep(0,side-1)))
allE = cbind(X[,-1],rep(0,side))
allSE = rbind(cbind(X[-1,-1],rep(0,side-1)),rep(0,side))
allS = rbind(X[-1,],rep(0,side))
allSW = rbind(cbind(rep(0,side-1),X[-1,-side]),rep(0,side))
# summation of the matrices
X2 <- allW + allNW + allN + allNE + allE + allSE + allS + allSW
# the rules of GoL are applied using logical subscripting
X3 <- X
X3[X==0 & X2==3] <- 1
X3[X==1 & X2<2] <- 0
X3[X==1 & X2>3] <- 0
X <- X3
# each simulation step is stored
storage[,,i] <- X2
# note that I am storing the array of Ni values -
# - this is in order to make the animation prettier
storage <- storage/max(storage) # scaling the results
# to a 0-1 scale
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## End of Original Codes
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## =============================================================================
## Create Animated GIF using 'rBlocks' and 'animation'
## =============================================================================
## unique values and colours
value_unique <- sort(unique(matrix(storage, ncol=1)), decreasing = F)
colour_unique <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"Greys"))(length(value_unique)+1)[-1]
## Create GIF (500 x 500)
for (n_frame in (skips+1):steps){ ## drop the first n frames (burn out)
## Extract from storage
a <- storage[, , n_frame]
block_a <- make_block(a)
## Update Colours
for (n in 1:length(value_unique)) {
block_a[which(a[,] == value_unique[n])] <- colour_unique[n]
## Display
}, = "game_of_life_arena.gif", interval = 0.1, nmax = steps, ani.width = 500,
ani.height = 500)
## =============================================================================
## The #rBlocks Experiement - Pixelation
## =============================================================================
## Load EBImage (install if needed)
if (!suppressMessages(require(EBImage))) {
## Load packages
## Core Parameters
set.seed(1234) # for reproducible results
num_pixel <- 50 # Height and Width (only resize to a square for now)
## Read and resize image
## Download this and put it in the same working directory
img_raw <- resize(readImage("R.png"), w = num_pixel, h = num_pixel)
## Convert into Greyscale 256 (0-255)
img_grey <- channel(img_raw, "grey")
img_mat <- t(round((1-imageData(img_grey)) * 255, digits = 0) + 1)
## need to add 1 for data slicing and then t() to correct rotation
## Create block template
block_template <- make_block(matrix(1, num_pixel, num_pixel))
## Create sets of colours (un-comment to enable more)
set_colour <- list(
#Accent <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8,"Accent"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
#Dark2 <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8,"Dark2"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
#Paired <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(12,"Paired"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
#Set1 <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"Set1"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
#Set2 <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8,"Set2"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
#Set3 <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(12,"Set3"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
#Pastel1 <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"Pastel1"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
#Pastel2 <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8,"Pastel2"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
Blues <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"Blues"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
BuGn <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"BuGn"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
BuPu <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"BuPu"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
GnBu <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"GnBu"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
Greens <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"Greens"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
Greys <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"Greys"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
Oranges <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"Oranges"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
OrRd <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"OrRd"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
PuBu <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"PuBu"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
#PuBuGn <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"PuBuGn"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
PuRd <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"PuRd"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
Purples <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"Purples"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
RdPu <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"RdPu"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
Reds <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"Reds"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
YlGn <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"YlGn"), interpolate = "spline")(256))
#YlGnBu <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"YlGnBu"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
#YlOrBr <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"YlOrBr"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
#YlOrRd <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"YlOrRd"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
#BrBG <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"BrBG"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
#PiYG <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"PiYG"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
#PRGn <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"PRGn"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
#PuOr <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"PuOr"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
#RdBu <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"RdBu"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
#RdGy <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"RdGy"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
#RdYlBu <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"RdYlBu"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
#RdYlGn <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"RdYlGn"), interpolate = "spline")(256),
#Spectral <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"Spectral"), interpolate = "spline")(256))
## Identify unique colours
colour_unique <- sort(unique(as.integer(img_mat)))
## Randomise choices
set_rand <- sample(length(set_colour), length(set_colour))
## Animate it
for (n_frame in 1:length(set_rand)) {
n_set <- set_rand[n_frame]
use_colour <- unlist(set_colour[n_set])
block_temp <- block_template
for (n_colour in 1:length(colour_unique)) {
block_temp[which(img_mat == colour_unique[n_colour])] <- use_colour[as.integer(colour_unique[n_colour])]
}, = "test.gif", interval = 0.25, nmax = length(set_rand), ani.width = 500,
ani.height = 500)
## =============================================================================
## The #rBlocks Experiement - Pixelation 2
## =============================================================================
## Load EBImage (install if needed)
if (!suppressMessages(require(EBImage))) {
## Load packages
## Function - pixelate
pixelate <- function(name_input = NULL,
name_output = "output.gif",
pixel_seq = seq(5, 75, 5),
gif_interval = 0.15,
gif_width = 500,
gif_height = 500,
gif_reverse = TRUE) {
## Read Image
img_raw <- readImage(name_input)
## Add reversed pixel sequence if needed
if (gif_reverse) {
pixel_rev <- sort(pixel_seq[which(pixel_seq != min(pixel_seq) &
pixel_seq != max(pixel_seq))],
decreasing = T)
pixel_seq <- c(pixel_seq, pixel_rev)
## Resize, pixelate and animate
for (n_seq in 1:length(pixel_seq)) {
## Reisze
img_resized <- resize(img_raw, w = pixel_seq[n_seq], h = pixel_seq[n_seq])
## Convert to hex colour and rotate with t()
img_hex <- t(channel(img_resized, "x11"))
## Create rBlocks
block <- make_block(matrix(NA, pixel_seq[n_seq], pixel_seq[n_seq]))
## Update Colours
block[,] <- img_hex[,]
## Display rBlocks for animation
}, = name_output,
interval = gif_interval,
nmax = 100,
ani.width = gif_width,
ani.height = gif_height)
## Example 1 - rCrimemap (
## Example 2 - (converted into jpg without transparent background)
pixelate("slidify_logo_notext.jpg", gif_width = 200, gif_height = 200) # smaller version
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pssguy commented Apr 3, 2014

This is wonderful. I am trying to adapt test_04
a) Are there possibilities of resizing other than to a square
b) I would like to run the animation for a while and then stop. I'm unfamiliar with the options
and when trying loop=FALSE got the error
convert.exe: invalid argument for option `-loop': FALSE @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/1998.

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woobe commented Apr 18, 2014

Hi Pssguy,

Thanks! I didn't get email notification for gist so I missed your comment until now.
For now, my short answers are:

a) Yes. The EBImage package is more flexible than just a square. It can resize the image to pre-defined height and width.
b) I am also new to the animation package. If I find the answer, I will let you know.

I am busy working on two papers right now but I will get back to this later!


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woobe commented May 23, 2014

Hi Pssguy,

Re (a) I just had a quick look at the EBImage::resize(). It is actually super easy to resize while preserving proportion. Just omit either the "h" or "w" parameter and it will do the rest.

Re (b) still no idea why the "loop = FALSE" failed. Which operation system did you run your test on?


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