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Created May 26, 2020 04:48
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말뭉치 ngram counter
from collections import Counter
from itertools import chain
def ngram_count(docs_tokenized, n, n_display=50):
docs : 토큰 뭉치 2d list
예시 :[['문재인', '원전', '국민', '혈세', '물어내', '문재인', '대통령', '물어내'],
['전쟁', '제일', '먼저', '아가리', '대통령', '특수', '부대', '실미'],
n : n-gram 선택. e.g., unigram : 1, bigram : 2
n_display : 출력할 개수
# get bigram
ngrams = []
for doc in docs_tokenized:
for b in range(0, len(doc) - n + 1):
if n==1:
ngram_dic = dict(Counter(ngrams))
keys = sorted(ngram_dic.items(), key = lambda x: x[1], reverse = True)
for word, count in keys[:n_display]:
print("{0}({1}) ".format(word, count), end = "")
# [] 없애주는 코드
words = set(chain(*docs_tokenized))
n_vocab = len(words)
print("Total Vocab: ", n_vocab)
return keys, n_vocab
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