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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Save woodrush/dc17bc75a49352ce2c3e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Solves the generalized version of the "Make 10 with 4 numbers" game (use for around 4 numbers)
;; Make N Game Solver
;; Naiive version
;; 11.24.2014
;; Settings
(defvar *target* 10)
(defvar *numofnums* 4)
(defvar *ops* '(+ - * div))
(defvar *showallflag* nil)
;; Utils
; Referenced From
; Figure 5-2: Memoizing utility.
(defun memoizefunc (fn)
(let ((cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
#'(lambda (&rest args)
(val win)
(gethash args cache)
(if win
(setf (gethash args cache)
(apply fn args)))))))
(defmacro memoize (func)
`(setf (symbol-function ',func) (memoizefunc #',func)))
;; Basic Functions
(defun binTreeList (n)
(if (= 0 n)
(list :n)
(loop for i from 0 to (- n 1) append
(loop for j in (binTreeList i) append
(loop for k in (binTreeList (- (- n 1) i)) collect
(list :op j k))))))
(memoize binTreeList)
(defun replace-nth (n list val)
(loop for i from 0 for j in list collect (if (= i n) val j)))
(defun replaceOneLeaf (l S)
(if (atom l)
(if (equal :n l) S nil)
(let ((x))
(loop for i from 1 to (length l) do
(setf x (replaceOneLeaf (nth i l) S))
(if x (return-from replaceOneLeaf (replace-nth i l x))))
(defun replaceOneOp (l S)
(cond ((atom l) nil)
((equal :OP (nth 0 l)) (replace-nth 0 l S))
(t (let ((x))
(loop for i from 1 to (length l) do
(setf x (replaceOneOp (nth i l) S))
(if x (return-from replaceOneOp (replace-nth i l x))))
(defun seqlist (n list)
(if (= n 0)
(list nil)
(loop for i in (seqlist (- n 1) list) append
(loop for j in list collect
(cons j i)))))
;; Referenced from:
(defun permute (list)
(if list
#'(lambda (x)
#'(lambda (y) (cons x y))
(permute (remove x list :count 1))))
;; For avoiding zero division errors
(defun div (num den)
(if (= den 0)
(/ num den)))
;; The core functions
(defun printalleqs (ans nums)
(loop for bintree in (binTreeList (1- (length nums))) sum
(loop for oplist in (seqlist (1- (length nums)) *ops*) sum
(loop for numlist in (remove-duplicates (permute nums) :test #'equal) sum
(let ((x (reduce #'replaceOneOp oplist :initial-value
(reduce #'replaceOneLeaf numlist :initial-value bintree))))
(if (= ans (eval x))
(format t "~S~%" x)
(defun findeq (ans nums)
(loop for bintree in (binTreeList (1- (length nums))) do
(loop for oplist in (seqlist (1- (length nums)) *ops*) do
(loop for numlist in (remove-duplicates (permute nums) :test #'equal) do
(let ((x (reduce #'replaceOneOp oplist :initial-value
(reduce #'replaceOneLeaf numlist :initial-value bintree))))
(if (= ans (eval x))
(return-from findeq x)
;; The Main Loop
(defun infloop (S)
(eval S)
(infloop S)))
(defun readnums (n)
(if (= n 0)
(format t "Accepted nums. Calculating...~%")
(let ((x (read)))
(cond ((equal 'exit x) (exit))
((not (typep x 'integer)) (format t "Error: input was not a number~%")))
(if (typep x 'integer)
(cons x (readnums (1- n)))
(readnums n)))))
(format t ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~%")
(format t ";; Make N Game Solver ;;~%")
(format t ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~%")
(format t " N : ~D~%" *target*)
(format t " Num of nums : ~D~%" *numofnums*)
(format t " Operators : ~S~%" *ops*)
(format t "Show all eqs : ~S~%~%" (if *showallflag* "Yes" "No"))
(format t "Insert each number and hit return, or type exit~%")
(if *showallflag*
(format t "Total of ~D equations~%~%" (printalleqs *target* (readnums *numofnums*)))
(format t "Ans: ~S~%~%" (findeq *target* (readnums *numofnums*))))))
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