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Created September 3, 2014 04:33
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load memorable feature slider js on all other page except for home
add_action( 'woothemes_add_javascript' , 'woo_load_featured_slider_on_all_other_pages_js' );
function woo_load_featured_slider_on_all_other_pages_js() {
if ( !is_home() ) {
//Slider settings
$settings = array(
'featured_speed' => '7',
'featured_hover' => 'true',
'featured_action' => 'true',
'featured_touchswipe' => 'true',
'featured_animation_speed' => '0.6',
'featured_animation' => 'fade'
$settings = woo_get_dynamic_values( $settings );
if ( $settings['featured_speed'] == '0' ) { $slideshow = 'false'; } else { $slideshow = 'true'; }
if ( 'true' == $settings['featured_touchswipe'] ) { $touchSwipe = 'true'; } else { $touchSwipe = 'false'; }
if ( 'true' == $settings['featured_hover'] ) { $pauseOnHover = 'true'; } else { $pauseOnHover = 'false'; }
if ( 'true' == $settings['featured_action'] ) { $pauseOnAction = 'true'; } else { $pauseOnAction = 'false'; }
if ( ! in_array( $settings['featured_animation'], array( 'fade', 'slide' ) ) ) { $settings['featured_animation'] = 'fade'; }
$slideshowSpeed = (int) $settings['featured_speed'] * 1000; // milliseconds
$animationDuration = (int) $settings['featured_animation_speed'] * 1000; // milliseconds
$manualControls = '';
$data = array(
'animation' => $settings['featured_animation'],
'controlsContainer' => '.controls-container',
'smoothHeight' => 'true',
'directionNav' => 'false',
'controlNav' => 'false',
'manualControls' => $manualControls,
'slideshow' => $slideshow,
'pauseOnHover' => $pauseOnHover,
'slideshowSpeed' => $slideshowSpeed,
'animationDuration' => $animationDuration,
'touch' => $touchSwipe,
'pauseOnHover' => $pauseOnHover,
'pauseOnAction' => $pauseOnAction
wp_localize_script( 'featured-slider', 'woo_localized_data', $data);
wp_enqueue_script( 'featured-slider' );
} // End woo_load_featured_slider_js()
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