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Created November 21, 2013 09:08
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  • Save wookiecooking/7578264 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wookiecooking/7578264 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[Coffeescript/Javascript] Clones all of a users gists as repos
# Description #
Pulls all from a user as a git repos, and creates a markdown file with list.
# OSX Users will have issues due to limitations. #
run: ulimit -n 1024
more here:
# Instructions #
npm install coffee-script
npm install async
npm install request
coffee <username>
async = require("async")
request = require("request")
exec = require("child_process").exec
# How many pages
counter = [1, 2, 3]
# username example: wookiecooking
username = process.argv[2]
# Errors
errdor = (err, echo) -> if err then console.log err else console.log echo
# Git pull each gist and write description to a file via async
pull = (url) ->
request url, (err, res, c) ->
if not err and res.statusCode is 200
async.each JSON.parse(c), (gh) ->
exec "git clone " + gh.html_url + ".git ", errdor
exec "echo \" - " + + " - " + gh.description + "\" >>", errdor
# Run counter array
exec "echo \"#Gists\" >>", errdor
async.eachLimit counter, 10000, (count) ->
pull "" + username + "/gists?page=" + count
# Description #
Pulls all from a user as a git repos, and creates a markdown file with list.
# OSX Users will have issues due to limitations. #
run: ulimit -n 1024
more here:
# Instructions #
npm install async
npm install request
node app.js <username>
var async, counter, errdor, exec, pull, request, username;
async = require("async");
request = require("request");
exec = require("child_process").exec;
counter = [1, 2, 3];
username = process.argv[2];
errdor = function(err, echo) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
} else {
return console.log(echo);
pull = function(url) {
return request(url, function(err, res, c) {
if (!err && res.statusCode === 200) {
return async.each(JSON.parse(c), function(gh) {
exec("git clone " + gh.html_url + ".git " +, errdor);
return exec("echo \" - " + + " - " + gh.description + "\" >>", errdor);
exec("echo \"#Gists\" >>", errdor);
async.eachLimit(counter, 10000, function(count) {
return pull("" + username + "/gists?page=" + count);
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