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Created April 25, 2023 19:37
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AHK PixelWatcher

Pixel Watcher

Basic script to monitor a specific pixel on your screen. You can perform different actions depending on the detected colour. Can be used for basic game automation or low quality motion detection (with minor changes).


Recommendations for Development

  • you can use scoop to install AHK
    • scoop install autohotkey
  • if notepad is not enough
    1. get VSCode for syntax highlighting and formatting
    2. get the extension AutoHotkey v2 Language Support
    3. add AHK interpreter path to your extension config
    4. run and compile scripts directly from VSCode's command palette
  • you can compile your finished script to a binary with Ahk2Exe
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force ; run script only once
; ------ CONFIG AND VARS ------
A_ScriptName := "PixelWatcher"
LogFile := A_ScriptDir . "/" . A_ScriptName . ".log"
DebugEnabled := true
ClientTitle := "Target Application Window Title"
TimerDelay := 5000 ; delay between SetTimer() function calls, in ms
TimerOff := 0 ; calling SetTimer() with 0ms delay disables it
TrayWarnIcon := 2
TrayErrorIcon := 3
TrayTipNoSound := 16 ; option value to disable notification sound
; set coordinate system to screen, with x=0,y=0 being the top left corner
CoordMode("Pixel", "Screen") ; set coordinate context (absolute)
; use AHK Window Spy to get desired coordinates
OffsetX := 1 ; leftmost pixel of application
OffsetY := 1 ; topmost pixel of application
ColorTarget := 0xff0000 ; target color in hex 0xRRGGBB
ColorPrevious := 0x000000
; example for logging to a file
if ( not (DebugEnabled))
try FileAppend(Format('[{1}:{2}]: {3}`n', FormatTime(A_NowUTC, "hh:mm:ss"), A_MSec, msg), LogFile)
IsEnabled := false ; current watcher status
^+a:: ; Ctrl+Shift+A to toggle timer
; global vars have to be declared as such to allow RW in local scope
global IsEnabled
; skip if target application is not running
if ( not (WinExist(ClientTitle)))
IsEnabled := false
local msg := "'" . ClientTitle . "' not running"
TrayTip(msg, A_ScriptName, TrayWarnIcon)
SetTimer(WatchThatPixel, TimerOff)
IsEnabled := not (IsEnabled) ; toggle state
if (IsEnabled) {
local msg := "Starting watcher thread."
TrayTip(msg, A_ScriptName, TrayTipNoSound)
try FileDelete(LogFile)
LogMsg(msg . " Delay: " . TimerDelay . "ms")
; start timer thread with fixed delay between function calls
SetTimer(WatchThatPixel, TimerDelay)
} else {
local msg := "Stopping watcher thread."
TrayTip(msg, A_ScriptName, TrayTipNoSound)
SetTimer(WatchThatPixel, TimerOff) ; exit timer thread
if ( not (WinExist(ClientTitle)))
local msg := "'" . ClientTitle . "' has been closed"
TrayTip(msg, A_ScriptName, TrayErrorIcon)
SetTimer(WatchThatPixel, TimerOff)
; get absolute position of target application (xy: top left corner)
WinGetClientPos(&x, &y, &w, &h, ClientTitle)
global ColorPrevious
; get color of pixel relative to the target application window
local color := PixelGetcolor(x + OffsetX, y + OffsetY)
if (ColorPrevious = color)
; no change in color, skip
; otherwise react to color change, for instance to detect movement
ColorPrevious := color
LogMsg(Format("x={1},y={2},w={3},h={4},color={5}", x, y, w, h, color))
; check for one or more specific colors
if (color = ColorTarget) {
LogMsg("Color match!")
; react to specific color
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