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Created December 24, 2011 08:25
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Save wookiehangover/1516805 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a pretty-good build script, with Cake
# Dependencies
fs = require('fs')
{_} = require('underscore')
path = require('path')
tmpl = require('handlebars-jst')
{log} = require('util')
growl = require('growl')
stitch = require('stitch')
uglify = require('uglify-js')
# Configuration
APP_PATH = path.resolve('./assets/app') # <--- Main Application Dir
LIB_PATH = path.resolve('./assets/js/libs') # <--- External Deps Dir
SRC_DIR = 'assets/js/src' # <--- Where compiled output goes
VIEWS_DIR = 'assets/app/views' # <--- Where your templates live
# Helpers for minifying with [uglify]( and
# building with [Stitch](
uglyStick = ( file, minfile, no_squeeze ) ->
jsp = uglify.parser
pro = uglify.uglify
fs.readFile file, 'utf8', (err, fileContents) ->
ast = jsp.parse( fileContents )
ast = pro.ast_mangle( ast )
unless no_squeeze
ast = pro.ast_squeeze( ast )
final_code = pro.gen_code( ast )
fs.writeFile( minfile, final_code )
log "Uglified #{minfile}"
catch e
growl "Uglify ERROR: \n#{e}"
sew = ( filename, paths, deps ) ->
pkg = stitch.createPackage( paths: paths, dependencies: deps || [] )
pkg.compile ( err, src ) ->
fs.writeFile filename, src, ( err ) ->
throw err if err
msg = "Compiled #{filename}"
log( msg )
growl( msg )
uglyStick filename, filename.replace(/\.js/, '.min.js')
# Build Tasks
task 'build', 'create minified application, libraries and templates files', ->
invoke 'build:app'
invoke 'build:libs'
invoke 'build:templates'
task 'build:app', 'concat application with Stitch', ->
paths = [ APP_PATH ]
sew "#{SRC_DIR}/app.js", paths
task 'build:libs', 'concat all external libs with Stitch',->
root = LIB_PATH
paths = []
deps = [
"#{root}/underscore.js" # <---- Right Here
sew "#{SRC_DIR}/libs.js", paths, deps
task 'build:templates', 'compile all Handlebars templates', ->
filename = "#{SRC_DIR}/templates.js" VIEWS_DIR, ( data ) ->
tmpl.process data, SRC_DIR, ->
uglyStick( filename, filename.replace(/\.js/, '.min.js'), true )
# Watch Tasks
task 'watch', 'run appropriate build whenever app or template files change', ->
root = APP_PATH
files = fs.readdirSync( root )
dirs = [ root ]
for f in files
if fs.statSync("#{root}/#{f}").isDirectory() is true
for d in dirs then do (d) ->
handler = (event, filename) ->
if /views/.test( d )
invoke 'build:templates'
invoke 'build:app' d, _.throttle( handler, 50 ) )
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