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Created September 25, 2013 00:44
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usePromises: true
# Mocha options
reporter: 'spec'
timeout: 30e3
slow: 10e3
src: ['www/spec/functional/sanity.js']
app: path.resolve('./platforms/ios/build/')
device: 'iPhone Simulator'
platform: 'MAC'
version: '6.1'
var assert = require('chai').assert;
var helpers = require('../helpers');
var wdquery = require('wd-query');
describe('Playing a quiz', function(){
var browser, $;
var user = {
email: '',
password: 'password'
browser = this.browser;
$ = wdquery(browser);
assert.ok(handles.length > 0);
return browser.window(handles[0]);
it('logs in', function(done){
return $('.auth .email-btn').click();
return $('#signin-email').val(;
return $('#signin-password').val(user.password);
return $('.signin button').click();
it('selects a venue', function(done){
// venue selection
return $('.venues li:nth-of-type(2)').tap();
it('assembles a team', function(done){
// team selection
$('.recent-teams li:nth-of-type(1)').tap()
return $('#build-team .start-quiz').tap();
return $('.modal-cancel-action').click();
it('waits for the quiz to start', function(done){
// quiz start, round 1
browser.waitForElementByCssSelector('.modal-footer button', 30e3)
return $('.modal-footer button').click();
return $('#welcome-message .dismiss').click();
return browser.waitForElementByCssSelector('.modal-footer button', 30e3);
return $('.modal-footer button').click();
it('answers some questions', function(done){
$('.rounds .active .answer-sheet .control-group:nth-of-type(1) input').val('hello')
return $('.rounds .active .answer-sheet .control-group:nth-of-type(2) input').val('world');
return $('.rounds .active .answer-sheet .control-group:nth-of-type(3) input').val('these');
return $('.rounds .active .answer-sheet .control-group:nth-of-type(4) input').val('are');
return $('.rounds .active .answer-sheet .control-group:nth-of-type(5) input').val('the');
return $('.rounds .active .answer-sheet .control-group:nth-of-type(6) input').val('answers');
return $('.rounds .active .answer-sheet .control-group:nth-of-type(7) input').val('check');
return $('.rounds .active .answer-sheet .control-group:nth-of-type(8) input').val('yoself');
return browser.waitForElementByCssSelector('.modal-footer button', 30e3);
return $('.modal-footer button').click();
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