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Created January 19, 2014 12:58
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Penn Treebank Tokenizer in JavaScript. Based on both the Sed script by Robert McIntyre ([][1]), and the Python port by Edward Loper and Michael Heilman ([][2]). [1]: [2]:
* Author: Titus Wormer <>
* URL:
* The Treebank tokenizer uses regular expressions to tokenize text as in
* Penn Treebank. This implementation is a based on both the Sed script
* written by Robert McIntyre (available at
* []), and the Python port
* by Edward Loper and Michael Heilman (available at
* []).
* This method assumes that the text has already been segmented into
* sentences.
* This tokenizer performs the following steps:
* 1. Split standard contractions, e.g. `don't` => `do n't`, and
* `they'll` => `they 'll`;
* 2. Treat most punctuation characters as separate tokens;
* 3. Split off commas and single quotes, when followed by whitespace;
* 4. Separate periods that appear at the end of line.
* NOTE: Most of the tokenization is documented (a description of what is
* happening), and almost all expressions come with an example. These
* examples are given as follows:
* "{input}" => "{output}"
* Where `input` refers to the value given to the function, and `output`
* refers to the contents of `value` JUST AFTER the expression is
* evaluated.
* == MODIFICATIONS ===========================================================
* - An array is returned instead of a string (by splitting on space
* characters);
* - A while loop is used to break up the contractions not matched by general
* regular expressions, and these expressions are made case insensitive
* (where the Sed script only sometimes allows the starting letter to be
* uppercase).
* == EXAMPLES ================================================================
* => treebankTokenizer("Good muffins cost $3.88 in New York")
* <= ["Good", "muffins", "cost", "$", "3.88", "in", "New", "York"]
* => treebankTokenizer("Please buy me two of them, thanks.")
* <= ["Please", "buy", "me", "two", "of", "them,", "thanks", "."]
* => treebankTokenizer("I've had a number of interesting conversations")
* <= ["I", "'ve", "had", "a", "number", "of", "interesting", "conversations"]
* => treebankTokenizer("He's an ex--Intel engineer")
* <= ["He", "'s", "an", "ex", "--", "Intel", "engineer"]
window.treebankTokenizer = ( function () {
// List of contractions adapted from Robert MacIntyre's tokenizer.
/\b(wan)(na) /i,
/\ ('t)(is)\b/i,
/\ ('t)(was)\b/i
return function ( value ) {
var iterator, length;
value = value
// == STARTING QUOTES =============================================
// Attempt to get correct directional quotes.
// Replace quotes at the sentence start position, with double
// ticks.
// '"Sure", he said.' => '``Sure", he said.'
.replace( /^\"/, '``' )
// When a single quote appears just after the previously inserted
// double ticks, replace it with a space character.
// "\"'Good morning, Dave,' said Hal \" recalled Frank." =>
// "`` Good morning, Dave,' said Hal \" recalled Frank."
// .replace( /(``)'/, '$1 ' )
// Wrap spaces around a double quote preceded by opening brackets.
// '<> denotes an inequation ("not equal to")' =>
// '<> denotes an inequation ( `` not equal to")'
.replace( /([ (\[{<])"/g, '$1 `` ' )
// == PUNCTUATION =================================================
// Wrap spaces around an ellipsis (not the unicode character, but
// three actual full stops).
// 'She is secure, but he is...' => 'She is secure, but he is ... '
.replace( /\.\.\./g, ' ... ' )
// Wrap spaces around some punctuation signs (semicolon, at sign,
// hash sign, dollar, percent, and ampersand).
// 'AT&T' => 'AT & T'
.replace( /[;@#$%&]/g, ' $& ' )
// Wrap spaces around a full-stop and zero or more closing brackets
// (or quotes), WHEN NOT preceded by a full-stop and WHEN followed
// by the end of the string.
// Here we assume sentence tokenization has been done first, so we
// only split final periods.
// '<> denotes an inequation ("not equal to.")' =>
// '<> denotes an inequation ( `` not equal to .") '
.replace( /([^\.])(\.)([\]\)}>"\']*)\s*$/g, '$1 $2$3 ' )
// However, we may as well split ALL question marks and exclamation
// points. We wrap spaces around exclamation and question marks.
// 'Wait, what?' => 'Wait, what ? '
.replace( /[?!]/g, ' $& ' )
// == PARENTHESES, BRACKETS, ETC. =================================
// Wrap closing and opening brackets in spaces.
// '<> denotes an inequation ("not equal to")' =>
// ' < > denotes an inequation ( `` not equal to" ) '
.replace( /[\]\[\(\)\{\}<>]/g, ' $& ' )
// Wrap two dashes (hyphen-minus characters) in spaces.
// 'The years 2001--2003' => 'The years 2001 -- 2003'
.replace( /--/g, ' -- ' )
// great, since you might someday want to know how the words
// originally fit together -- but it's too late to make a better
// system now, given themillions of words we've already done
// "wrong".
value =
// First off, add a space to the beginning and end of each line, to
// reduce necessary number of regular expressions.
// 'Alright' => ' Alright '
( ' ' + value + ' ' )
// == ENDING QUOTES ===============================================
// Replace remaining double quotes with double single quotes
// wrapped in spaces.
// '"Sure", he said' => ' ``Sure \'\' , he said '
.replace( /"/g, ' \'\' ' )
// Wrap possessive or closing single quotes: A single quote (not
// preceded by another single quote) followed by a space.
// "'Surely'" => " 'Surely ' "
.replace( /([^'])' /g, '$1 \' ' )
// == CONTRACTIONS ================================================
// Add a space before a single quote followed by `s`, `m`, or `d`
// (case-insensitive) and a space.
// "It's awesome" => " It 's awesome "
.replace( /'([sSmMdD]) /g, ' \'$1 ' )
// Add a space before occurances of `'ll`, `'re`, `'ve`, or `n't`
// (or their uppercase variants).
.replace( /('ll|'LL|'re|'RE|'ve|'VE|n't|N'T) /g, ' $1 ' )
iterator = -1;
length = CONTRACTIONS.length;
// Break up other contractions (not matched by general regular
// expressions) with a space and wrap in spaces.
// "Really, I cannot." => " Really, I can not . "
while ( iterator++ < length ) {
value = value.replace( CONTRACTIONS[ iterator ], ' $1 $2 ' );
value = value
// Concatenate double (or more) spaces.
.replace( /\ \ +/g, ' ' )
// Remove starting and ending spaces.
.replace( /^\ |\ $/g, '' )
// Finally, we return the value, split on spaces, as an array.
return value.split( ' ' );
} )();
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