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Last active April 22, 2016 04:11
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Powershells script to launch iisexpress. Allows user to specify process env variables, use a unique applicationhost.config and more
"name": "testapp",
"path": "wwwroot",
"variables": {
"something": null,
"foo": "bar"
Param (
[switch] $open
function CreateNewConfig($configPath, $name, $root, $port, $hostname) {
#configure a default config
if ($hostname -eq $null) {
$hostname = "localhost"
cp "$env:ProgramFiles\IIS Express\config\templates\PersonalWebServer\applicationhost.config" "$configPath\${name}\applicationHost.config" -Force
. "$env:ProgramFiles\IIS Express\appcmd.exe" set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites /-"[id='1']" /commit:apphost /AppHostConfig:"$configPath\${name}\applicationHost.config" | Out-Null
. "$env:ProgramFiles\IIS Express\appcmd.exe" set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites /+"[name='$name',id='2']" /commit:apphost /AppHostConfig:"$configPath\${name}\applicationHost.config" | Out-Null
. "$env:ProgramFiles\IIS Express\appcmd.exe" set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites /+"[name='$name',id='2'].bindings.[protocol='http',bindingInformation=':${port}:${hostname}']" /commit:apphost /AppHostConfig:"$configPath\${name}\applicationHost.config" | Out-Null
. "$env:ProgramFiles\IIS Express\appcmd.exe" set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites /+"[name='$name',id='2'].[path='/']" /commit:apphost /AppHostConfig:"$configPath\${name}\applicationHost.config" | Out-Null
. "$env:ProgramFiles\IIS Express\appcmd.exe" set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites /+"[name='$name',id='2'].[path='/'].[path='/', physicalPath='$root']" /commit:apphost /AppHostConfig:"$configPath\${name}\applicationHost.config" | Out-Null
return "$configPath\${name}\applicationHost.config"
function WriteExistingConfig($rcpath, $name, $root, $port, $hostname) {
if ($hostname -eq $null) {
$hostname = "localhost"
$ctpath = [io.path]::combine($rcpath, "applicationhost.config")
cp "$ctpath" "$configPath\${name}\applicationHost.config" -force
#configure the provided config's path and port number
. "$env:ProgramFiles\IIS Express\appcmd.exe" set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites "/site[name='$name'].bindings.[protocol='http'].bindingInformation::${port}:${hostname}" /AppHostConfig:"$configPath\${name}\applicationHost.config" | Out-Null
. "$env:ProgramFiles\IIS Express\appcmd.exe" set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites "/site[name='$name'].application[path='/'].virtualDirectory[path='/'].physicalPath:$root" /AppHostConfig:"$configPath\${name}\applicationHost.config" | Out-Null
return "$configPath\${name}\applicationHost.config"
function CreateRcConfig($configFilePath, $rcconfigpath, $rcpath, $rcconfig) {
$min = 10000
$max = 40000
$port = $min + [System.Math]::Abs("$rcconfigpath".GetHashCode()) % ($max-$min)
$root = [io.path]::Combine($rcpath, $rcconfig.path)
$hostname = $rcconfig.hostname
if ($hostname -eq $null) {
$hostname = "localhost"
$config = [pscustomobject]@{
variables = $rcconfig.variables
port = $port
root = $root
name = $
hostname = $hostname
new-item -itemtype file $configFilePath -force | Out-Null
sc $configFilePath (ConvertTo-Json $config) | Out-Null
return $config
function ResolveRcPath () {
$rcpath = Get-Location
while (!(Test-Path ([io.path]::combine($rcpath, ".iisexpressrc"))) -and !($rcpath -eq "")) {
$rcpath = Split-Path -Path $rcpath -Parent
return $rcpath
$configPath = "$env:UserProfile\.iisexpress"
if (!(Test-Path $configPath)) {
mkdir $configPath
$rcpath = ResolveRcPath
if ($rcpath -eq "") {
Write-Host "no rc found"
exit 1
$rcconfigpath = [io.path]::combine($rcpath, ".iisexpressrc")
$rcconfig = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Gc $rcconfigpath -Raw)
$name = $
$configFilePath = [io.path]::combine($configPath, $name, "." + $name + "rc")
$config = $null
if (Test-Path ($configFilePath)) {
$config = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Gc $configFilePath -Raw)
else {
$config = CreateRcConfig $configFilePath $rcconfigpath $rcpath $rcconfig
$appHostPath = $null
if (Test-Path ([io.path]::combine($rcpath, "applicationhost.config"))) {
$appHostPath = WriteExistingConfig $rcpath $ $config.root $config.port $config.hostname
else {
$appHostPath = CreateNewConfig $configPath $ $config.root $config.port $config.hostname
$process = new-object System.Diagnostics.Process
Get-Member -inputObject $config.variables -memberType Properties | foreach {
$value = $config.variables | select -exp $
$process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables.Set_Item("$($name):$($", $value)
$process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = $false
$process.StartInfo.FileName = "$env:ProgramFiles\IIS Express\iisexpress.exe"
$process.StartInfo.Arguments = "/config:`"$appHostPath`" /site:$name"
$started = $process.Start()
if ($started) {
if ($open) {
start "http://$($config.hostname):$($config.port)/"
rm $appHostPath
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this script will look in the cwd and walk up the parents till it finds a file called .iisexpressrc. it will then read the config in that to launch iisexpress. it will also look for an applicationhost.config file in the same folder and use that otherwise it creates a new one based on the installed config template.

the config file is copied to ~/.iisexpress/{name}/.{name}rc

This is the copy that the configuration settings will be read from and can be customised for the current users needs (such as overriding the variable defaults)

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