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Created January 9, 2019 20:29
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import math
import json
# Generates glsl shader file based on visual calibration file
calib = json.load(open("visual.json"))
def v(n):
return calib[n]['value']
views_x = 5
views_y = 9
# Panel resolution
size = (int(v('screenW')), int(v('screenH')))
# Physical image width
screenInches = size[0]/v('DPI')
pitch = v('pitch') * screenInches * math.cos(math.atan(1.0/v('slope')))
tilt = size[1]/(size[0]*v('slope'))
subp = 1.0 / (3*size[0]) * pitch
center = v('center')
shader_text = '''
//!DESC Looking Glass Quilt renderer
//!WIDTH ''' + str(size[0]) + '''
//!HEIGHT ''' + str(size[1]) + '''
const float pitch = '''+str(pitch)+''';
const float center = '''+str(center)+''';
const float tilt = '''+str(tilt)+''';
const float subp = '''+str(subp)+''';
const vec2 tiles = vec2('''+str(views_x)+''','''+str(views_y)+''');
vec2 quilt_map(vec2 pos, float a) {
// Y major positive direction, X minor negative direction
vec2 tile = vec2(tiles.x-1,0), dir=vec2(-1,1);
a = fract(a)*tiles.y;
tile.y += dir.y*floor(a);
a = fract(a)*tiles.x;
tile.x += dir.x*floor(a);
return (tile+pos)/tiles;
vec4 hook() {
vec4 res;
float a;
a = (HOOKED_pos.x + (1.0 - HOOKED_pos.y)*tilt)*pitch - center;
res.x = HOOKED_tex(quilt_map(HOOKED_pos, a)).x;
res.y = HOOKED_tex(quilt_map(HOOKED_pos, a+subp)).y;
res.z = HOOKED_tex(quilt_map(HOOKED_pos, a+2*subp)).z;
res.w = 1.0;
return res;
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