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Created July 16, 2015 08:32
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Sublime Text plugin to insert a tag
import sublime, sublime_plugin
def get_tab_size(view):
return int(view.settings().get('tab_size', 8))
def normed_indentation_pt(view, sel, non_space=False):
tab_size = get_tab_size(view)
pos = 0
ln = view.line(sel)
for pt in range(ln.begin(), ln.end() if non_space else sel.begin()):
ch = view.substr(pt)
if ch == '\t':
pos += tab_size - (pos % tab_size)
elif ch.isspace():
pos += 1
elif non_space:
return pos
def line_and_normed_pt(view, pt):
return ( view.rowcol(pt)[0],
normed_indentation_pt(view, sublime.Region(pt)) )
def pt_from_line_and_normed_pt(view, p, insertLength=0):
ln, pt = p
pt += insertLength
i = start_pt = view.text_point(ln, 0)
tab_size = get_tab_size(view)
pos = 0
for i in range(start_pt, start_pt + pt):
ch = view.substr(i)
if ch == '\t':
pos += tab_size - (pos % tab_size)
pos += 1
i += 1
if pos == pt: break
return i
def save_selections(view, selections=None):
return [ [line_and_normed_pt(view, p) for p in (sel.a, sel.b)]
for sel in selections or view.sel() ]
def region_from_stored_selection(view, stored, insertLength):
return sublime.Region(*[pt_from_line_and_normed_pt(view, p, insertLength) for p in stored])
def restore_selections(view, lines_and_pts, insertLength):
for stored in lines_and_pts:
view.sel().add(region_from_stored_selection(view, stored, insertLength))
class insertMyTagCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
view = self.view
sels = save_selections(view)
for sel in view.sel():
sel.start = sel.a if (sel.a < sel.b) else sel.b
sel.end = sel.b if (sel.a < sel.b) else sel.a
insert1Length = view.insert(edit, sel.start, '<MYTAG>')
view.insert(edit, sel.end + insert1Length, '</MYTAG>')
restore_selections(view, sels, insert1Length)
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Creates tags on cursor position or wraps them around selected text. A lot of overhead lifted from the default plugin just to move the cursor between the tags after inserting them (if you know better how to do that please tell me).

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