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Created April 1, 2024 16:39
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Moya async request with handling cancellation
import Foundation
import Moya
struct AsyncRequestError: Error {
// TODO: add Description
extension MoyaProvider {
// method #1 - using AsyncThrowingStream
func request(_ target: Target) async throws -> Response {
let stream = AsyncThrowingStream<Response, Error> { continuation in
var didFinish = false
let cancellable = request(target) {
switch $0 {
case .success(let response):
didFinish = true
case .failure(let error):
didFinish = true
continuation.finish(throwing: error)
@Sendable func cancel() {
continuation.onTermination = { [didFinish] termination in
switch termination {
case .cancelled where !didFinish:
let response = try await {
var response: Response?
for try await element in stream {
guard response == nil else { continue }
response = element
return response
// NOTE: should handle this optional case properly since the sequence can be empty
guard let response else { throw AsyncRequestError() }
return response
// method #2 - using withTaskCancellationHandler & withCheckedThrowingContinuation
func request(_ target: Target) async throws -> Response {
let lock = NSLock()
var checkedContinuation: CheckedContinuation<Response, Error>?
var result: Result<Response, MoyaError>?
let cancellable = request(target) {
if let checkedContinuation {
checkedContinuation.resume(with: $0)
} else {
result = $0
@Sendable func cancel() {
return try await withTaskCancellationHandler {
try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in
if let result {
continuation.resume(with: result)
} else {
checkedContinuation = continuation
} onCancel: { cancel() }
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