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Created December 1, 2020 17:26
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import RxSwift
extension ObservableType {
public static func concatEager<S: Sequence>(_ sequence: S) -> Observable<Self.Element>
where S.Element == Observable<Self.Element> {
let multicastedObservables = {
var disposables: [Disposable] = []
return Self
.deferred {
disposables ={ $0.connect() })
return Self.concat(multicastedObservables)
.do(onDispose: { disposables.forEach({ $0.dispose() }) })
public static func concatEager<C: Collection>(_ collection: C) -> Observable<Self.Element>
where C.Element == Observable<Self.Element> {
let multicastedObservables = {
var disposables: [Disposable] = []
return Self
.deferred {
disposables ={ $0.connect() })
return Self.concat(multicastedObservables)
.do(onDispose: { disposables.forEach({ $0.dispose() }) })
public static func concatEager(_ sources: Observable<Self.Element>...) -> Observable<Self.Element> {
let multicastedObservables = {
var disposables: [Disposable] = []
return Self
.deferred {
disposables ={ $0.connect() })
return Self.concat(multicastedObservables)
.do(onDispose: { disposables.forEach({ $0.dispose() }) })
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