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Created October 26, 2022 11:37
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a simple implementation of waterfall layout using compositional layout
import UIKit
extension UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout {
static func waterfall(
columnCount: Int,
interItemSpacing: CGFloat = 0,
lineSpacing: CGFloat = 0,
itemCountProvider: @escaping (Int) -> Int,
itemSizeProvider: @escaping (IndexPath) -> CGSize,
sectionConfigurator: @escaping (inout NSCollectionLayoutSection) -> Void = { _ in },
configuration: UICollectionViewCompositionalLayoutConfiguration = .init()
) -> UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout {
sectionProvider: { sectionIndex, environment in
var section = NSCollectionLayoutSection.waterfall(
columnCount: columnCount,
interItemSpacing: interItemSpacing,
lineSpacing: lineSpacing,
itemCountProvider: itemCountProvider,
itemSizeProvider: itemSizeProvider
return section
configuration: configuration
extension NSCollectionLayoutSection {
static func waterfall(
_ sectionIndex: Int,
_ environment: NSCollectionLayoutEnvironment,
columnCount: Int,
interItemSpacing: CGFloat,
lineSpacing: CGFloat,
// contentInset
itemCountProvider: @escaping (Int) -> Int,
itemSizeProvider: @escaping (IndexPath) -> CGSize
) -> NSCollectionLayoutSection {
let groupSize = NSCollectionLayoutSize(
widthDimension: .fractionalWidth(1),
heightDimension: .estimated(environment.container.effectiveContentSize.height)
let group = NSCollectionLayoutGroup.custom(layoutSize: groupSize) { environment in
let columnCount = max(1, columnCount)
let columnCountFloat = CGFloat(columnCount)
let itemWidth = (environment.container.effectiveContentSize.width - (columnCountFloat - 1) * interItemSpacing) / columnCountFloat
return (0..<itemCountProvider(sectionIndex))
.reduce(into: (items: [NSCollectionLayoutGroupCustomItem](), columnHeights: [CGFloat](repeating: 0, count: columnCount))) {
let indexPath = IndexPath(item: $1, section: sectionIndex)
let estimatedItemSize = itemSizeProvider(indexPath)
let itemHeight = itemWidth * estimatedItemSize.height / estimatedItemSize.width
let minColumnHeight = $0.columnHeights.min() ?? 0
let columnIndex = $0.columnHeights.firstIndex(of: minColumnHeight) ?? 0
let columnIndexFloat = CGFloat(columnIndex)
let frame = CGRect(
x: itemWidth * columnIndexFloat + interItemSpacing * columnIndexFloat,
y: minColumnHeight + lineSpacing,
width: itemWidth,
height: itemHeight
$0.items.append(.init(frame: frame))
$0.columnHeights[columnIndex] = frame.maxY
return NSCollectionLayoutSection(group: group)
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