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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Game of Life
function life($i){foreach($i as$j=>$a)foreach($a as$k=>$b){$l=array_sum([($r=!!@$i[$x=$y=$j-1])&&$i[$x][$k],($R=!!@$i[$y+=2])&&$i[$y][$k],($u=$i[$j])&&($c=isset($u[$z=$k-1]))&&$u[$z],$c&&$r&&$i[$x][$z],$c&&$R&&$i[$y][$z],($C=isset($u[$z+=2]))&&$u[$z],$C&&$r&&$i[$x][$z],$C&&$R&&$i[$y][$z]]);$o[$j][$k]=$b?(!($l<2||$l>3)):($l==3);}return$o;}
include '1-life.php';
// util
function show($world) {
foreach ($world as $r) {
foreach ($r as $c) {
echo ($c ? 'x' : ' ');
echo PHP_EOL;
// create world (30x30) is almost the max the
// terminal can cope with at a reasonable speed.
$world = [];
$size = 30;
for ($s = 0; $s < $size; $s++) {
for ($ss = 0; $ss < $size; $ss++) {
$world[$s][$ss] = floor(pow(lcg_value(), 40)*2);
// output first generation
echo 'Generation 1'.PHP_EOL,
// outputting all further generations
for ($g = 1; true; $g++) {
$prevWorld = $world;
$world = life($world);
echo chr(27)."[".($size + 2)."A\r",
'# Generation '.$g.PHP_EOL,
if ($prevWorld == $world) {
function life($i) {
// $i: input world
// $o: output world
foreach ($i as $j => $a)
// $a: row of world
foreach($a as $k => $b) {
// $l: living neighbours
$l = array_sum([
// calculate living cells (true = 1 and false = 0 when using the + operator)
// !!@ behaves like isset() when you know the item won't be a falsey value (a filled array isn't considered falsey)
// $r: not first row
// above middle
($r = !!@$i[$x = $y = $j-1]) && $i[$x][$k],
// $R: not last row
// $y = $j+1 = ($j-1) + 2 = $x + 2
// below middle
($R = !!@$i[$y += 2]) && $i[$y][$k],
// $c: not first column
// left
($u = $i[$j]) && ($c = isset($u[$z = $k-1])) && $u[$z],
// above left
$c && $r && $i[$x][$z],
// below left
$c && $R && $i[$y][$z],
// $C: not last column
// right
($C = isset($u[$z+=2])) && $u[$z],
// above right
$C && $r && $i[$x][$z],
// below right
$C && $R && $i[$y][$z]
$o[$j][$k] = $b
// a living cell remains alive if it has 2 or 3 living neighbours
? (!($l < 2 || $l > 3))
// a dead cell becomes alive if it has exactly 3 living neighbours
: ($l == 3)
return $o;
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