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Last active February 15, 2020 08:46
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Knp Menu Bundle with the Metronic Admin Theme 4 sidebar menu Couldn't have done it without this earlier, successful, attempt for Twitter Bootstrap: Rendered example: If you are going to use this, make sure you have a valid license for the template!
<div class="page-sidebar navbar-collapse collapse">
{{ knp_menu_render('main', {
'currentClass': 'active open',
'ancestorClass': 'active open'
}) }}
# KnpMenuBundle configuration parameters.
# use "twig: false" to disable the Twig extension and the TwigRenderer
# Use custom template by default.
template: :Menu:knp_menu.html.twig
# if true, enables the helper for PHP templates
templating: false
# the renderer to use, list is also available by default
default_renderer: twig
Metronic Admin Theme 4 sidebar menu template.
Many thanks to Niels Mouthaan for a version for generic twitter bootstrap
Thanks to Nate Evans for posting Niels' solution on GitHub.
Thanks to KnpMenuBundle team for their documentation.
Niels' version altered by W. Sanders to make it compatible with Metronic template.
{% extends 'knp_menu.html.twig' %}
{% block item %}
{# Make some functionality of bundle available within this block. #}
{% import "knp_menu.html.twig" as macros %}
{% if item.displayed %}
{# Fetch all attributes of the item. #}
{%- set attributes = item.attributes %}
{# Determine if item is a dropdown one with a sub menu. #}
{%- set is_dropdown = item.attribute('dropdown')|default(false) %}
{# Determine if item is a small, intermediate, heading to separate multiple menu sections. #}
{%- set is_heading = item.attribute('heading')|default(false) %}
{# Unset the checkmarks we've used above. #}
{%- set attributes = attributes|merge({'dropdown': null, 'heading': null }) %}
{# Set custom classes and/or automatic ones from the bundle (like first and last) #}
{%- set classes = item.attribute('class') is not empty ? [item.attribute('class')] : [] %}
{%- if matcher.isCurrent(item) %}
{%- set classes = classes|merge([options.currentClass]) %}
{%- elseif matcher.isAncestor(item, options.depth) %}
{%- set classes = classes|merge([options.ancestorClass]) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if item.actsLikeFirst %}
{%- set classes = classes|merge([options.firstClass]) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if item.actsLikeLast %}
{%- set classes = classes|merge([options.lastClass]) %}
{%- endif %}
{# Build classes of the child <ul></ul> element #}
{%- set childrenClasses = item.childrenAttribute('class') is not empty ? [item.childrenAttribute('class')] : [] %}
{%- set childrenClasses = childrenClasses|merge(['menu_level_' ~ item.level, 'sub-menu']) %}
{# Add one (or more) specific class(es) for correctly rendering a dropdown menu. #}
{%- if is_dropdown %}
{%- set classes = classes|merge(['nav-item']) %}
{%- endif %}
{# Add one (or more) specific class(es) for correctly rendering an intermediate menu heading. #}
{%- if is_heading %}
{%- set classes = classes|merge(['heading']) %}
{% endif %}
{# Melt all the classes together. #}
{%- if classes is not empty %}
{%- set attributes = attributes|merge({'class': classes|join(' ')}) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- set listAttributes = item.childrenAttributes|merge({'class': childrenClasses|join(' ') }) %}
{# Put the item on display. #}
<li{{ macros.attributes(attributes) }}>
{%- if is_dropdown %}
{# Render dropdown item. #}
{{ block('dropdownElement') }}
{%- elseif item.uri is not empty and (not item.current or options.currentAsLink) %}
{# Render <a></a> link item. #}
{{ block('linkElement') }}
{%- elseif is_heading is not empty %}
{# Render an intermediate heading for specifying sections. #}
{{ block('smallHeading') }}
{%- else %}
{# Render a piece of text (no link). #}
{{ block('spanElement') }}
{%- endif %}
{# Render the list of children #}
{{ block('list') }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{# Renders an item with a clickable link. #}
{% block linkElement %}
<a href="{{ item.uri }}"{{ macros.attributes(item.linkAttributes) }}>
{% if item.attribute('icon') is not empty %}
<i class="{{ item.attribute('icon') }}"></i>
{% endif %}
<span class="title">{{ block('label') }}</span>
{% endblock %}
{# Renders an item with text only (no link). #}
{% block spanElement %}
<span {{ macros.attributes(item.labelAttributes) }}>
{% if item.attribute('icon') is not empty %}
<i class="{{ item.attribute('icon') }}"></i>
{% endif %}
<span class="title">{{ block('label') }}</span>
{% endblock %}
{# Renders the dropdown item (which has children). #}
{% block dropdownElement %}
{# Set a break condition to exit the loop ASAP. #}
{%- set break = 0 %}
{# Set a variable which will determine the position of the arrow icon. #}
{%- set unfoldedIcon = false %}
{# Loop as long as the break is 0. #}
{% for attrGroup in attributes if break == 0 %}
{# If we've found the open class... #}
{% if 'open' in attrGroup %}
{%- set unfoldedIcon = true %}
{%- set break = 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{# Add custom classes as perhaps defined within the built menu item. #}
{%- set classes = item.linkAttribute('class') is not empty ? [item.linkAttribute('class')] : [] %}
{# Make sure these two mandatory classes are molded in there as well. #}
{%- set classes = classes|merge(['nav-link','nav-toggle']) %}
{# Reset the attributes variable to the current item's link attributes (<a> tag). #}
{%- set attributes = item.linkAttributes %}
{# Mold all the classes in between the other attributes (separated by a space). #}
{%- set attributes = attributes|merge({'class': classes|join(' ')}) %}
{# Now, build the damn thing! #}
<a href="javascript:;"{{ macros.attributes(attributes) }}>
{% if item.attribute('icon') is not empty %}
<i class="{{ item.attribute('icon') }}"></i>
{% endif %}
<span class="title">{{ block('label') }}</span>
<span class="arrow nav-toggle {% if unfoldedIcon %}open{% endif %}"></span>
{% endblock %}
{# Renders the contents of the small menu sub-heading. #}
{% block smallHeading %}
<h3 class="uppercase">{{ block('label') }}</h3>
{% endblock %}
{# Enable translation on menu items. #}
{% block label %}{{ item.label|trans }}{% endblock %}
namespace AppBundle\Menu;
use Knp\Menu\FactoryInterface;
/* Please note, this is a test with made up items */
class MenuBuilder {
private $factory;
* @param FactoryInterface $factory
* Add any other dependency you need
public function __construct(FactoryInterface $factory) {
$this->factory = $factory;
* Builds the main menu.
* @param array $options
* @return \Knp\Menu\ItemInterface The complete menu.
public function createMainMenu(array $options) {
// Create root <ul> node and add a few attributes to that.
$menu = $this->factory->createItem('root', array(
'childrenAttributes' => array(
'class' => 'page-sidebar-menu',
'data-keep-expanded' => 'false',
'data-auto-scroll' => 'false',
'data-slide-speed' => '100',
$menu->addChild('Dashboard', array(
'route' => 'app_dashboard',
'attributes' => array(
'icon' => 'icon-home',
$menu->addChild('Demo heading', array(
'attributes' => array(
'heading' => true,
// create another menu item
$menu->addChild('About Me', array(
'attributes' => array(
'dropdown' => true,
'icon' => 'icon-user',
// you can also add sub level's to your menu's as follows
$menu['About Me']->addChild('Edit profile', array(
'uri' => '',
'attributes' => [
'icon' => 'fa fa-car',
'dropdown' => true,
$menu['About Me']->addChild('Set Password', array(
'uri' => '',
# $menu['About Me']['Edit profile']->setCurrent(true);
# $menu['Dashboard']->setCurrent(false);
$menu['About Me']['Edit profile']->addChild('Stairs 2', [
'attributes' => [
'dropdown' => true,
// access services from the container!
//$em = $this->container->get('doctrine')->getManager();
// findMostRecent and Blog are just imaginary examples
//$blog = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Blog')->findMostRecent();
//$menu->addChild('Latest Blog Post', array(
// 'route' => 'blog_show',
// 'routeParameters' => array('id' => $blog->getId())
// ... add more children
return $menu;
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<container xmlns=""
<service id="app.menu_builder" class="AppBundle\Menu\MenuBuilder">
<tag name="knp_menu.menu_builder" method="createMainMenu" alias="main"/>
<argument type="service" id="knp_menu.factory"/>
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