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Created July 26, 2017 08:32
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Sass function to merge multiple maps - map-collect
//Map Collect function
// Since the builtin map-merge function in Sass only take 2 arguments, it can only merge 2 maps at a time.
// The map-collect function below allows you to combine multiple maps together in a cleaner way.
@function map-collect($maps...) {
$collection: ();
@each $map in $maps {
$collection: map-merge($collection, $map);
@return $collection;
// Usage
// Set up some maps
$reds: ( red: #CE2F3F, maroon: #931638, pink: #E28190 );
$blues: ( blue: #1381B3, navy: #2c3e50, robin: #B9D9DB );
$greens: ( green: #87A03C, lime: #D4D848, teal: #00818B );
// Now instead of this (ew):
$colors: ( red: #CE2F3F, maroon: #931638, pink: #E28190, blue: #1381B3, navy: #2c3e50, robin: #B9D9DB, green: #87A03C, lime: #D4D848, teal: #00818B );
// or this (tedious if you have more than a few maps):
$colors: map-merge($blues, map-merge($reds, $greens));
//we can simply do the following:
$colors: map-collect($reds, $blues, $greens); // so clean!
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