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Created May 25, 2017 13:53
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migrate dc to deployment
readonly tempdir="/tmp/templates"
mkdir -p "$tempdir"
oc project logging
readonly dcs=( $(oc get dc | awk 'NR > 1 {print($1)}') )
for dc in ${dcs[@]}; do
oc get dc "$dc" -o yaml |
sed 's/^apiVersion: v1/apiVersion: extensions\/v1beta1/' |
sed 's/DeploymentConfig/Deployment/' |
awk '/strategy:/{l=0}/.*/{if(l){print(" "$0)}else{print($0)}} / selector:/{print " matchLabels:";l=1}' |
sed 's/type: Rolling/type: RollingUpdate/' |
awk '/rollingParams:/{rp=1} /type:/{rp=0} /.*/{if(rp==0){print($0)}}' > "$tempdir/$dc".yaml
for dc in ${dcs[@]}; do
echo "scale down $dc"
oc scale deploymentconfig "$dc" --replicas=0
for dc in ${dcs[@]}; do
oc delete dc "$dc"
readonly rcs=( $(oc get replicationcontroller | awk 'NR > 1 {print($1)}') )
for rc in ${rcs[@]}; do
oc delete replicationcontroller "$rc"
for dc in /tmp/templates; do
oc create -f "$dc"
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