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Created March 23, 2017 18:29
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<title>Logs Viewer</title>
<style media="screen">
body {
font-family: sans-serif;
.log_container {
display: flex;
.log_menu {
width: 350px;
.left-menu {
bottom: 0;
height: 100%;
overflow: scroll;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
width: 350px;
.log_content {
margin: 0 auto;
height: 100vh;
width: calc( 100% - 550px );
.log_code {
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 2em;
.jstree-default .jstree-leaf .jstree-themeicon {
background-position: -102px -68px;
.hljs {
height: calc( 100vh - 300px );
.accesslog ol {
padding: 0 10px;
</style> </head> <body>
define( 'LOG_PATH', '/var/log/' );
define( 'DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR', '/' );
function get_log_files( $dir, &$results = array() ) {
$files = scandir( $dir );
foreach ( $files as $key => $file ) {
$path = realpath( $dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file );
if ( ! is_dir( $path ) ) {
$files_list[] = $path;
} elseif ( $file != "." && $file != ".." ) {
$dirs_list[] = $path;
foreach ( $files_list as $path ) {
preg_match( "/^.*\/(\S+)$/", $path, $matches );
$name = $matches[ 1 ];
$results[ $dir ][ $name ] = array( 'name' => $name, 'path' => $path );
foreach ( $dirs_list as $path ) {
get_log_files( $path, $results );
return $results;
$files = get_log_files( LOG_PATH );
ksort( $files );
foreach ( $files as $dir_name => $file_array ) {
ksort( $file_array );
foreach ( $file_array as $key => $val ) {
$default = $key;
$log_files[ $key ] = $val;
$log = (!isset($_GET['p'])) ? $default : urldecode($_GET['p']);
$lines = (!isset($_GET['lines'])) ? '50': $_GET['lines'];
//$file = $log_files[$log]['path'];
$file = $log;
$title = substr($log, (strrpos($log, '/')+1));
function tail($filename, $lines = 50, $buffer = 4096) {
$output = '';
$chunk = '';
if ( 'gz' == substr( $filename, -2 ) ) {
$gz = gzopen( $filename, "rb" );
gzseek( $gz, -1, SEEK_END );
if ( gzread( $gz, 10000 ) != "\n" ) $lines -= 1;
while( gztell( $gz ) > 0 && $lines >= 0 ) {
// Figure out how far back we should jump
$seek = min( gztell( $gz ), $buffer );
// Do the jump (backwards, relative to where we are)
gzseek( $gz, -$seek, SEEK_CUR );
// Read a chunk and prepend it to our output
$output = ( $chunk = gzread( $gz, $seek ) ) . $output;
// Jump back to where we started reading
gzseek( $gz, -mb_strlen( $chunk, '8bit' ), SEEK_CUR );
// Decrease our line counter
$lines -= substr_count( $chunk, "\n" );
} else {
$f = fopen( $filename, "rb" );
fseek( $f, -1, SEEK_END );
if ( fread( $f, 1 ) != "\n" ) $lines -= 1;
while( ftell( $f ) > 0 && $lines >= 0 ) {
// Figure out how far back we should jump
$seek = min( ftell( $f ), $buffer );
// Do the jump (backwards, relative to where we are)
fseek( $f, -$seek, SEEK_CUR );
// Read a chunk and prepend it to our output
$output = ( $chunk = fread( $f, $seek ) ) . $output;
// Jump back to where we started reading
fseek( $f, -mb_strlen( $chunk, '8bit' ), SEEK_CUR );
// Decrease our line counter
$lines -= substr_count( $chunk, "\n" );
while( $lines++ < 0 ) {
// Find first newline and remove all text before that
$output = substr( $output, strpos( $output, "\n" ) + 1 );
if ( 'gz' == substr( $filename, -2 ) ) {
gzclose( $gz );
} else {
fclose( $f );
// Close file and return
return $output;
<div class="log_container">
<div class="log_menu">
<div id="tree_container" class="left-menu">
$current_file = isset($_GET['k']) ? $_GET['k'] : '';
// Generate a menu
foreach ( $files as $dir => $files_array ) {
if ( isset( $files_array[$current_file] ) ) {
echo '<li class="jstree-open">' . $dir;
echo '<li>' . $dir;
echo '<ul>';
foreach( $files_array as $k => $f ) {
if ( ! is_file( $f['path'] ) ){
// File does not exist, remove it from the array, so it does not appear in the menu.
unset( $files_array[ $k ] );
$active = ( $f['path'] == $log ) ? 'class="jstree-clicked"' : '';
echo '<li class="file"><a ' . $active . ' href="?p=' . urlencode( $f['path'] ) . '&lines=' . $lines . '&k='.$k.'">' . $f['name'] .
echo '</ul>';
echo '</li>';
<div class="log_content">
<div class="log_header">
<h1><?php echo $title;?></h1>
<h2>The last <?php echo $lines ?> lines of <?php echo $file ?>.</h2>
<p>How many lines to display?</p>
<form action="" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="p" value="<?php echo $log ?>">
<select name="lines" onchange="this.form.submit()">
<option value="10" <?php echo ($lines=='10') ? 'selected':'' ?>>10</option>
<option value="50" <?php echo ($lines=='50') ? 'selected':'' ?>>50</option>
<option value="100" <?php echo ($lines=='100') ? 'selected':'' ?>>100</option>
<option value="500" <?php echo ($lines=='500') ? 'selected':'' ?>>500</option>
<option value="1000" <?php echo ($lines=='1000') ? 'selected':'' ?>>1000</option>
<div class="log_code">
<code class="accesslog">
<ol reversed>
$output = tail( $file, $lines );
$output = explode( "\n", $output );
// Latest first
$output = array_reverse( $output );
$output = implode( '<br>', $output );
echo $output;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#tree_container').jstree().bind('select_node.jstree', function(e, data) {
var href = data.node.a_attr.href;
document.location.href = href;
</script> </body> </html>
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