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Created September 1, 2016 22:51
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Edit Category Box on Dashboard
// Remove default dashboard categories box
add_action( 'wpcrm_system_custom_dashboard_boxes', 'remove_dashboard_categories', 1 );
function remove_dashboard_categories() {
remove_action( 'wpcrm_system_custom_dashboard_boxes', 'wpcrm_system_dashboard_categories_box', 8 );
// Replace with your own dashboard box
add_action( 'wpcrm_custom_dashboard_boxes', 'add_dashboard_categories', 3 );
function add_dashboard_categories() { ?>
<div class="wpcrm-dashboard">
<h2><?php _e( 'Categories', 'wp-crm-system' ); ?></h2>
// Remove any categories from this array that you don't want to show up.
// Example, remove 'organization-type'=>__('Organization Categories','wp-crm-system'), to get rid of the Organization Category link.
$categories = array('organization-type'=>__('Organization Categories','wp-crm-system'),'contact-type'=>__('Contact Categories','wp-crm-system'),'opportunity-type'=>__('Opportunity Categories','wp-crm-system'),'project-type'=>__('Project Categories','wp-crm-system'),'task-type'=>__('Task Categories','wp-crm-system'),'campaign-type'=>__('Campaign Categories','wp-crm-system'));?>
<?php foreach ($categories as $key => $value) { ?>
<li><a href="edit-tags.php?taxonomy=<?php echo $key; ?>"><?php echo $value; ?></a></li>
<?php } ?>
<?php if (defined('WPCRM_INVOICING')) { ?>
<li><a href="edit-tags.php?taxonomy=invoice-type"><?php _e('Invoice Categories','wp-crm-system'); ?></a></li>
<?php } ?>
<?php }
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