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Last active May 14, 2022 17:09
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[Forminator] - Submit Form before PayPal payment. This snippet allows to submit the form before PayPal payment.
* Plugin Name: [Forminator] - Submit Form before PayPal payment
* Plugin URI:
* Description: This snippet allows to submit the form before PayPal payment
* Author: Panos Lyrakis @ WPMUDEV
* Author URI:
* License: GPLv2 or later
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
if ( ! class_exists( 'WPMUDEV_Forminator_Submit_Before_PayPal' ) ) {
class WPMUDEV_Forminator_Submit_Before_PayPal {
private static $_instance = null;
private $forminator_entry_meta_tbl = null;
* This is a prefix for the class field element that will hold the calculated amount
private $form_pp_amount_holder_prefix = "forminator-paypal-amount-";
* We set the id of the form that is being loaded localy available
* so we can use it when filtering PayPal's markup (form id not directly available there)
private $form_id = null;
public static function get_instance() {
if( is_null( self::$_instance ) ){
self::$_instance = new WPMUDEV_Forminator_Submit_Before_PayPal();
return self::$_instance;
private function __construct() {
global $wpdb;
$this->forminator_entry_meta_tbl = "{$wpdb->prefix}frmt_form_entry_meta";
add_filter( 'forminator_render_form_markup', [ $this, 'prepare_form_markup' ], 20, 6 );
add_action( 'forminator_custom_form_submit_before_set_fields', [ $this, 'temporize_entry_id' ], 20, 3 );
add_filter( 'forminator_custom_form_ajax_submit_response', [ $this, 'inject_entry_to_response' ], 20 );
add_action( 'forminator_custom_form_before_save_entry', [ $this, 'validate_entry_inserted' ], 20, 2 );
add_action( 'wp_footer', [ $this, 'footer_js' ], 99 );
add_filter( 'forminator_custom_form_submit_field_data', [ $this, 'set_payment_initial_status' ], 20, 2 );
public function set_payment_initial_status( $field_data_array, $form_id ) {
$form = Forminator_Custom_Form_Model::model()->load( $form_id );
if ( ! $form->has_paypal_field() ) {
return $field_data_array;
$paypal_key = false;
foreach ( $form->fields as $key => $field ) {
$field = $field->to_formatted_array();
if ( isset( $field['type'] ) && 'paypal' === $field['type'] ) {
$paypal_key = $field[ 'element_id' ];
if ( ! ! $paypal_key ) {
$data_key = array_search( $paypal_key, array_column( $field_data_array, 'name' ) );
if ( isset( $field_data_array[ $data_key ][ 'value' ][ 'status' ] ) ) {
$field_data_array[ $data_key ][ 'value' ][ 'status' ] = "pending";
return $field_data_array;
** Prepares the form's html. Hides the PayPal buttons and injects the Submit button.
** Also provides some js to print a dynamic field containing the entry_id submitted before PayPal Payment button is shown
public function prepare_form_markup( $html, $form_fields, $form_type, $form_settings, $form_design, $render_id ) {
if ( 'custom-form' != $form_type ) {
return $html;
$form_id = $form_settings['form_id'];
$form = Forminator_Custom_Form_Model::model()->load( $form_id );
if ( ! $form->has_paypal_field() ) {
return $html;
// Add an element outside the form that will hold the calculated amount so that is not removed on ajax submit
$form_openning = "<form";
$caclulations_holder = "<div id=\"{$this->form_pp_amount_holder_prefix}{$form_id}\"><input type=\"hidden\" id=\"{$this->form_pp_amount_holder_prefix}{$form_id}-field\" name=\"{$this->form_pp_amount_holder_prefix}{$form_id}\" /></div>";
$form_openning_new = "{$caclulations_holder}<form";
$buttons_field = "forminator-button-paypal";
$new_buttons_field = 'forminator-button-paypal forminator-hidden_" style="height: 0px; overflow:hidden;" ';
$form_closure = "</form>";
$new_form_closure = '<div class="forminator-row injected_confirmation_button"><div class="forminator-col"><div id="submit" class="forminator-field"><button class="forminator-button forminator-button-submit">Confirm</button></div></div></div></form>';
$replace_keys = array( $form_openning, $buttons_field, $form_closure );
$replace_values = array( $form_openning_new, $new_buttons_field, $new_form_closure );
$html = str_replace( $replace_keys , $replace_values, $html );
// Settings some fields outside form
// 1st is the new PayPal wrapper div which PP buttons will use to render
// 2nd is a fields outside form so it's value doesn't get affected by form submission
$html .= "<div id=\"wpmudev_forminator_pp_wrap-{$form_id}\" style=\"display:none;\"></div>";
$html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"wpmudev_forminator_pp_amount-{$form_id}\" value=\"17\" />";
return $html;
public function footer_js() {
global $post;
if ( ! $post instanceof WP_Post || ! has_shortcode( $post->post_content, 'forminator_form' ) ) {
<script type="text/javascript">
if ( window.forminator_manage_paypal_payment ) {
window.forminator_manage_paypal_payment = {
form_id: '',
render_element_id: "wpmudev_forminator_pp_wrap",
pp_buttons_shown: false,
amount_holder: '',
pluginName: "forminatorFrontPayPal",
defaults: {
type: 'paypal',
paymentEl: null,
paymentRequireSsl: false,
generalMessages: {},
run: function( form_id ) {
this.form_id = form_id;
this.render_element_id = `${this.render_element_id}-${form_id}`;
this.amount_holder = $( `#wpmudev_forminator_pp_amount-${form_id}` );
},100 );
$(d).ajaxComplete( function( event, xhr, settings ) {
let _this = forminator_manage_paypal_payment,
response_text = JSON.parse( xhr.responseText );
if ( ! _this.pp_buttons_shown ) {
_this.pp_buttons_shown = true;
// After confirmation submitted
if (
typeof !== 'undefined' &&
typeof !== 'undefined'
) {
let entry_id =
form_id =,
form = $( `form#forminator-module-${form_id}` ),
field = $( '<input />', {
type: 'hidden',
name: '_forminator_entry_id_paypal_paid',
value: entry_id
} );
form.append( field );
// Set the calculated price in the new hidden field which will be used by PayPal buttons to render
if ( typeof !== 'undefined' && ! isNaN( ) ) {
_this.amount_holder.val( Number( ) );
$( `#${_this.render_element_id}` ).fadeIn( 300 );
// After payment response.
if (
typeof !== 'undefined' && === 'remove_paypal_buttons'
) {
$( `#${_this.render_element_id}` ).fadeOut( 300, function(){ $(this).remove(); } );
toggle_config_button: function(){
let form = $(d).find( `#forminator-module-${forminator_manage_paypal_payment.form_id}` ),
confirmation_button = form.find( '.injected_confirmation_button' );
confirmation_button.removeClass( 'forminator-hidden' );
confirmation_button.find( '.forminator-hidden' ).removeClass( 'forminator-hidden' );
if ( $( `#forminator-module-${forminator_manage_paypal_payment.form_id} .forminator-pagination-footer` ).length ) {
if ( form.find( '#forminator-submit' ).length ) {
confirmation_button.removeClass( 'forminator-hidden' );
confirmation_button.find( '.forminator-hidden' ).removeClass( 'forminator-hidden' );
} else {
confirmation_button.addClass( 'forminator-hidden' );
$(d).on( 'click', '.forminator-pagination-footer button', forminator_manage_paypal_payment.toggle_config_button );
} else {
confirmation_button.removeClass( 'forminator-hidden' );
confirmation_button.find( '.forminator-hidden' ).removeClass( 'forminator-hidden' );
show_pp_buttons: function() {
$.fn[forminator_manage_paypal_payment.pluginName] = function (options) {
return this.each(function () {
if (!$.data(this, forminator_manage_paypal_payment.pluginName)) {
$.data(this, forminator_manage_paypal_payment.pluginName, new WPMUDEV_ForminatorFrontPayPal(this, options));
forminator_front_paypal: function () {
// Avoid Plugin.prototype conflicts
$.extend( WPMUDEV_ForminatorFrontPayPal.prototype, {
init: function () {
if (!this.settings.paymentEl) {
var self = this;
this.paypalData = self.settings.paymentEl;
is_data_valid: function() {
var paypalData = this.configurePayPal(),
requireSsl = this.settings.paymentRequireSsl
if ( paypalData.amount <= 0 ) {
return false;
if ( requireSsl && 'https:' !== location.protocol ) {
return false;
return true;
is_form_valid: function() {
var validate = this.$el.validate(); // Get validate instance
var isValid = validate.checkForm(); // Valid?
validate.submitted = {}; // Reset immediate form field checking mode
return isValid;
render_paypal_button: function () {
var $form = this.$el,
self = this,
paypalData = this.configurePayPal(),
$target_message = $form.find('.forminator-response-message'),
error_msg = ForminatorFront.cform.gateway.error,
requireSsl = this.settings.paymentRequireSsl,
generalMessage = this.settings.generalMessages,
style_data = {
shape: paypalData.shape,
color: paypalData.color,
label: paypalData.label,
layout: paypalData.layout,
height: parseInt( paypalData.height ),
if( paypalData.layout !== 'vertical' ) {
style_data.tagline = paypalData.tagline;
onInit: function(data, actions) {
if ( paypalData.amount_type === 'variable' && paypalData.variable !== '' ) {
paypalData.amount = self.get_field_calculation( forminator_manage_paypal_payment.amount_holder );
// Listen for form field changes
$form.find('input, select, textarea').change( function() {
if ( self.is_data_valid() && self.is_form_valid() ) {
// Check if the form is valid on init
if ( self.is_data_valid() && self.is_form_valid() ) {
env: paypalData.mode,
style: style_data,
onClick: function () {
if( ! $form.valid() && paypalData.amount <= 0 ) {
$target_message.removeClass('forminator-accessible').addClass('forminator-error').html('').removeAttr( 'aria-hidden' );
$target_message.html('<label class="forminator-label--error"><span>' + generalMessage.payment_require_amount_error + '</span></label>');
} else if ( requireSsl && 'https:' !== location.protocol ) {
$target_message.removeClass('forminator-accessible').addClass('forminator-error').html('').removeAttr( 'aria-hidden' );
$target_message.html('<label class="forminator-label--error"><span>' + generalMessage.payment_require_ssl_error + '</span></label>');
if ( paypalData.amount_type === 'variable' && paypalData.variable !== '' ) {
paypalData.amount = self.get_field_calculation( forminator_manage_paypal_payment.amount_holder );
createOrder: function(data, actions) {
return actions.order.create({
purchase_units: [{
amount: {
value: paypalData.amount
onApprove: function(data, actions) {
if( typeof self.settings.has_loader !== "undefined" && self.settings.has_loader ) {
// Disable form fields
$target_message.html('<p>' + self.settings.loader_label + '</p>');
.prop("tabindex", "-1")
.removeClass('forminator-success forminator-error')
.addClass('forminator-loading forminator-show');
return actions.order.capture().then(function(details) {
var transaction_id = details['purchase_units'][0]['payments']['captures'][0]['id'];
if( typeof transaction_id === 'undefined' ) {
return false;
var get_nonce = $form.find('input[name="forminator_nonce"]').val(),
payment_data = {
details: details,
payment_id: transaction_id,
forminator_nonce: get_nonce,
action: 'forminator_submit_form_custom-forms'
type: 'POST',
url: ForminatorFront.ajaxUrl,
data: jQuery.param(payment_data),
success: function (response) {
if ( response && === true ) {
$form.find('.forminator-paypal-input').val( transaction_id );
} else {
error_msg = ? : error_msg;
$target_message.removeClass('forminator-accessible').addClass('forminator-error').html('').removeAttr( 'aria-hidden' );
$target_message.html('<label class="forminator-label--error"><span>' + error_msg + '</span></label>');
error: function (response) {
error_msg = ? response.error_message : error_msg;
$target_message.removeClass('forminator-accessible').addClass('forminator-error').html('').removeAttr( 'aria-hidden' );
$target_message.html('<label class="forminator-label--error"><span>' + error_msg + '</span></label>');
onCancel: function (data, actions) {
if( typeof self.settings.has_loader !== "undefined" && self.settings.has_loader ) {
// Enable form fields
$form.removeClass('forminator-fields-disabled forminator-partial-disabled');
return actions.redirect();
onError: function () {
if( typeof self.settings.has_loader !== "undefined" && self.settings.has_loader ) {
// Enable form fields
$form.removeClass('forminator-fields-disabled forminator-partial-disabled');
$target_message.removeClass('forminator-accessible').addClass('forminator-error').html('').removeAttr( 'aria-hidden' );
$target_message.html('<label class="forminator-label--error"><span>' + error_msg + '</span></label>');
}).render( '#' + forminator_manage_paypal_payment.render_element_id );
configurePayPal: function () {
var self = this,
paypalConfig = {
form_id: this.getPayPalData('form_id'),
sandbox_id: this.getPayPalData('sandbox_id'),
currency: this.getPayPalData('currency'),
live_id: this.getPayPalData('live_id'),
amount: 0
paypalConfig.color = this.getPayPalData('color') ? this.getPayPalData('color') : 'gold';
paypalConfig.shape = this.getPayPalData('shape') ? this.getPayPalData('shape') : 'rect';
paypalConfig.label = this.getPayPalData('label') ? this.getPayPalData('label') : 'checkout';
paypalConfig.layout = this.getPayPalData('layout') ? this.getPayPalData('layout') : 'vertical';
paypalConfig.tagline = this.getPayPalData('tagline') ? this.getPayPalData('tagline') : 'true';
paypalConfig.redirect_url = this.getPayPalData('redirect_url') ? this.getPayPalData('redirect_url') : '';
paypalConfig.mode = this.getPayPalData('mode');
paypalConfig.locale = this.getPayPalData('locale') ? this.getPayPalData('locale') : 'en_US';
paypalConfig.debug_mode = this.getPayPalData('debug_mode') ? this.getPayPalData('debug_mode') : 'disable';
paypalConfig.amount_type = this.getPayPalData('amount_type') ? this.getPayPalData('amount_type') : 'fixed';
paypalConfig.variable = this.getPayPalData('variable') ? this.getPayPalData('variable') : '';
paypalConfig.height = this.getPayPalData('height') ? this.getPayPalData('height') : 55;
var amountType = this.getPayPalData('amount_type');
if (amountType === 'fixed') {
paypalConfig.amount = this.getPayPalData('amount');
} else if( amountType === 'variable' && paypalConfig.variable !== '' ) {
paypalConfig.amount = this.get_field_calculation( forminator_manage_paypal_payment.amount_holder );
return paypalConfig;
getPayPalData: function (key) {
if (typeof this.paypalData[key] !== 'undefined') {
return this.paypalData[key];
return null;
get_field_calculation: function (element) {
value = Number(element.val());
return isNaN(value) ? 0 : value;
focus_to_element: function ($element, fadeout) {
fadeout = fadeout || false;
if( fadeout ) {
fadeout = this.settings.fadeout;
var fadeout_time = this.settings.fadeout_time;
// force show in case its hidden of fadeOut
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: ($element.offset().top - ($(window).height() - $element.outerHeight(true)) / 2)}, 500, function () {
if (!$element.attr("tabindex")) {
$element.attr("tabindex", -1);
if (fadeout) {
$ fadeout_time ).fadeOut('slow');
$(d).on( 'after.load.forminator', function( e, form_id ){ form_id );
} );
// The actual plugin constructor
function WPMUDEV_ForminatorFrontPayPal(element, options) {
this.element = element;
this.$el = $(this.element);
// jQuery has an extend method which merges the contents of two or
// more objects, storing the result in the first object. The first object
// is generally empty as we don't want to alter the default options for
// future instances of the plugin
this.settings = $.extend({}, forminator_manage_paypal_payment.defaults, options);
this._defaults = forminator_manage_paypal_payment.defaults;
this._name = forminator_manage_paypal_payment.pluginName;
this.paypalData = null;
** Sets the entry id in a temporary $_POST key, _forminator_temp_entry_id
** By default it is not available. Setting it to the $_POST Global Var we can add it to ajax
** response on forminator_custom_form_ajax_submit_response filter
public function temporize_entry_id( $entry, $form_id, $field_data_array ) {
$form = Forminator_Custom_Form_Model::model()->load( $form_id );
if ( ! $form->has_paypal_field() ) {
$paypal_field = $this->get_form_paypal_field( $form );
$key = array_search( $paypal_field[ 'element_id' ], array_column( $field_data_array, 'name' ) );
$amount = isset( $field_data_array[ $key ][ 'value' ][ 'amount' ] ) ? $field_data_array[ $key ][ 'value' ][ 'amount' ] : false;
if ( ! $amount ) {
$_POST[ '_forminator_temp_entry_id' ] = $entry->entry_id;
$_POST[ '_forminator_temp_form_id' ] = $form_id;
$_POST[ '_forminator_temp_amount' ] = $amount;
** Inject the form id and entry id in ajax response
public function inject_entry_to_response( $response ) {
if (
isset( $_POST[ '_forminator_temp_entry_id' ] ) && is_numeric( $_POST[ '_forminator_temp_entry_id' ] ) &&
isset( $_POST[ '_forminator_temp_form_id' ] ) && is_numeric( $_POST[ '_forminator_temp_form_id' ] )
) {
$response['amount'] = number_format( $_POST[ '_forminator_temp_amount' ], 2 );
$response['entry_id'] = (int) $_POST[ '_forminator_temp_entry_id' ];
$response['form_id'] = (int) $_POST[ '_forminator_temp_form_id' ];
$response['message'] = __( "Your information has been submitted. In order to verify please complete payment bellow.", Forminator::DOMAIN );
return $response;
public function get_form_paypal_field ( $form ) {
$fields = $form->fields;
foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
$field = $field->to_formatted_array();
if ( isset( $field['type'] ) && 'paypal' === $field['type'] ) {
return $field;
* Check if paid entry has been inserted
public function validate_entry_inserted( $form_id, $key ) {
if ( isset( $_POST[ '_forminator_entry_id_paypal_paid' ] ) && is_numeric( $_POST[ '_forminator_entry_id_paypal_paid' ] ) ) {
$form = Forminator_Custom_Form_Model::model()->load( $form_id );
if ( ! $form->has_paypal_field() ) {
global $wpdb;
$fields = $form->get_fields();
$entry_id = intval( $_POST[ '_forminator_entry_id_paypal_paid' ] );
foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
$field = $field->to_formatted_array();
if ( isset( $field['type'] ) && 'paypal' === $field['type'] ) {
$paypal_key = $field['element_id'];
if ( ! isset( $_POST[ $paypal_key ] ) ) {
$transaction_id = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ $paypal_key ] );
$meta_result = $wpdb->get_results(
"SELECT `meta_value` FROM {$this->forminator_entry_meta_tbl} WHERE `entry_id`=%d AND `meta_key`=%s",
$entry_id, $paypal_key
$meta = ( is_object( $meta_result[0] ) && isset( $meta_result[0]->meta_value ) ) ? $meta_result[0]->meta_value : null;
if ( ! is_null( $meta ) ) {
$meta_value = maybe_unserialize( $meta );
$meta_value[ 'transaction_id' ] = $transaction_id;
$meta_value[ 'status' ] = 'success';
$meta_value = maybe_serialize( $meta_value );
"UPDATE {$this->forminator_entry_meta_tbl} SET `meta_value`=%s WHERE `entry_id`=%d AND `meta_key`=%s",
$meta_value, $entry_id, $paypal_key
$response = array(
'message' => __( "Thank you! Payment was successful!", Forminator::DOMAIN ),
'action' => 'remove_paypal_buttons',
'success' => true
wp_send_json_success( $response );
if ( ! function_exists( 'wpmudev_forminator_submit_before_payPal' ) ) {
function wpmudev_forminator_submit_before_payPal() {
return WPMUDEV_Forminator_Submit_Before_PayPal::get_instance();
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'wpmudev_forminator_submit_before_payPal', 10 );
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FJTrax commented Jan 5, 2021

Hi There
I want to know where do i put the above code to get forminator to submit first and the pay via Paypal?

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