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Last active June 23, 2018 15:16
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[Membership] - Resend welcome e-mail
* Plugin Name: [Membership] - Resend welcome e-mail
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Allows to resend the Welcome email
* Author: Panos Lyrakis @ WPMUDEV
* Author URI:
* License: GPLv2 or later
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
if ( ! class_exists( 'WPMUDEV_MS_Resend_Welcome_Email' ) ) {
class WPMUDEV_MS_Resend_Welcome_Email {
private static $_instance = null;
public static function get_instance() {
if ( is_null( self::$_instance ) ) {
self::$_instance = new WPMUDEV_MS_Resend_Welcome_Email();
return self::$_instance;
private function __construct() {
add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpmudev_ms_resend_welcome_email', array( $this, 'resend_welcome_email' ), 20 );
add_action( 'admin_footer', array( $this, 'admin_footer' ), 20 );
add_filter( 'ms_view_member_editor_fields_edit', array( $this, 'filter_member_fields' ), 20 );
add_action( 'show_user_profile', array( $this, 'additional_profile_fields' ) );
add_action( 'edit_user_profile', array( $this, 'additional_profile_fields' ) );
public function resend_welcome_email() {
check_ajax_referer( 'wpmudev_ms_resend_welcome_email', 'security' );
$return = array(
'success' => false,
$user_id = isset( $_POST['user_id'] ) ? (int) $_POST['user_id'] : null;
if( ! is_null( $user_id ) ){
// Since we will update user pass, WP will attempt to send a notification about pass change to user. Lets not send
add_filter( 'send_password_change_email', '__return_false', 50 );
$member = MS_Factory::load( 'MS_Model_Member', $user_id );
$comm = MS_Model_Communication::get_communication( MS_Model_Communication::COMM_TYPE_SIGNUP );
$comm_vars = $comm->get_comm_vars( null, $member );
$user_password = wp_generate_password();
$comm_vars['%password%'] = $user_password;
if ( ! wp_update_user( array( 'ID' => $user_id, 'user_pass' => $user_password ) ) ) {
wp_send_json( $return );
$headers = array();
$message = str_replace(
array_keys( $comm_vars ),
array_values( $comm_vars ),
stripslashes( $comm->message )
$subject = str_replace(
array_keys( $comm_vars ),
array_values( $comm_vars ),
stripslashes( $comm->subject )
$subject = strip_tags( $subject );
$content_type = $comm->get_mail_content_type();
$headers[] = sprintf(
'Content-Type: %s; charset="UTF-8"',
// Pre-process the message according to content-type.
if ( 'text/html' == $content_type ) {
$message = wpautop( $message );
$message = make_clickable( $message );
} else {
$message = preg_replace(
'/\<a .*?href=["\'](.*?)["\'].*?\>(.*?)\<\/a\>/is',
'$2 [$1]',
$message = strip_tags( $message );
$sent = wp_mail( $member->email, $subject, $message, $headers );
if ( $sent ) {
$return = array(
'success' => true,
public function admin_footer() {
$screen = get_current_screen();
if( ! isset( $screen->base ) ||
( 'membership-2_page_membership2-add-member' != $screen->base && 'user-edit' != $screen->base )
) {
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#resend_welcome_email').on('click', function(e){
let me = $(this),
user_id ='member'),
conf = confirm("Are you sure you want to resend the Weclome email?\n\nThis will create a new password for the user. The new password will be included in the email if it contains `%password%` in it's content");
if ( ! conf ) {
let data = {
action: 'wpmudev_ms_resend_welcome_email',
security: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce( "wpmudev_ms_resend_welcome_email" ); ?>',
user_id: user_id
$.post(ajaxurl, data, function(response) {
if( response.success ){
alert( 'Welcome message has been sent! A new Password has been created for user' );
alert( 'Error in request' );
public function additional_profile_fields( $user ) {
<h3>Resend Welcome Email</h3>
<a id="resend_welcome_email" title="Resend Welcome email" class="wpmui-link button wpmui-field-input ms=welcome-email-resend" href="" target="_self" data-member="417"><i class="dashicons dashicons-email"></i>Resend Welcome email</a>
public function filter_member_fields( $fields ) {
foreach ( $fields as $field_key => $field_items ) {
// We are targeting the subscription fields not member fields
if( isset( $field_items['username'] ) ) {
$member_id = (int) $_GET['user_id'];
$new_field_item = array(
'id' => 'resend_welcome_email',
'type' => 'html_link',
'value' => '<i class="dashicons dashicons-email"></i>Resend Welcome email',
'class' => 'button wpmui-field-input ms=welcome-email-resend',
'config' => array(
'data-member' => $member_id
$fields[$field_key][] = $new_field_item;
return $fields;
if ( ! function_exists( 'wpmudev_ms_resend_welcome_email' ) ) {
function wpmudev_ms_resend_welcome_email() {
return WPMUDEV_MS_Resend_Welcome_Email::get_instance();
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'wpmudev_ms_resend_welcome_email', 10 );
Copy link

Adds a "Resend Welcome Email" in the Edit Member page and in Edit User.

It regenerates user password

It includes the password in the email if the email contains %password%

Requires the Additional Automated Messages addon

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