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Last active February 22, 2022 08:38
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[Forminator] - Store Fields In Cookie. Useful for huge forms with several pages, so member can come back later and continue from where he stopped
* Plugin Name: [Forminator] - Store Fields In Cookie
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Useful for huge forms with several pages, so member can come back later and continue from where he stopped
* Author: Panos Lyrakis @ WPMUDEV
* Author URI:
* License: GPLv2 or later
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
if ( defined( 'WP_CLI' ) && WP_CLI ) {
function() {
* This is an array of form ids that will apply this script
* In order to make it applicable for all forms you can leave the array empty:
* $allowed_form_ids = array();
$allowed_form_ids = array( 6, 11, 12, 345, 6434 );
* Accepted values can be
* "button" : With button, the script will store form's inputs in cookies when then Next/Previous buttons are clicked
* "focusout" : With focusout, the script will store only the
// $store_trigger = 'button'; // OR 'focusout'
$store_trigger = 'focusout'; // OR 'button'
global $post;
if ( ! $post instanceof WP_Post || ! has_shortcode( $post->post_content, 'forminator_form' ) ) {
<script type="text/javascript">
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
if ( window.wpmudev_forminator_saved_fields ) {
window.wpmudev_forminator_saved_fields = {
cform_ajax_action : 'forminator_load_cform',
cookie_name : 'wpmudev_forminator_saved_fields',
cookie_expire_days : 15,
saved_fields : [],
allowed_form_ids : <?php echo json_encode( $allowed_form_ids ); ?>,
store_trigger : '<?php echo $store_trigger; ?>',
path : window.location.pathname,
excluded_fields : [ 'forminator_nonce' ],
init : function() {
$(d).ajaxComplete( function( event, xhr, settings ) {
let _this = wpmudev_forminator_saved_fields,
action = _this.get_query_var( 'action', );
if ( action === _this.cform_ajax_action ) {
if ( 'button' === this.store_trigger ) {
$( d ).on( 'click', '.forminator-button', wpmudev_forminator_saved_fields.record_fields );
} else {
$( d ).on( 'focusout', '.forminator-custom-form input, .forminator-custom-form select, .forminator-custom-form textarea', wpmudev_forminator_saved_fields.record_fields );
load_cookie_values : function() {
const forms = $( 'form.forminator-custom-form' );
forms.each( this.fill_in_form );
fill_in_form : function() {
let _this = wpmudev_forminator_saved_fields,
form_id = $(this).attr( 'id' ),
_form_id = form_id.replace( 'forminator-module-', '' ),
form_cookie = wpmudev_forminator_saved_fields.get_cookie( form_id ),
if ( form_cookie != null ) {
form_fields = form_cookie.split('&');
$.each( form_fields, function( k, v ) {
let field = v.split('='),
value = decodeURIComponent( field[1] );
// Let's skip nonce
if ( _this.excluded_fields.includes( field[0] ) ) {
if ( field[0].startsWith( 'radio' ) || field[0].startsWith( 'checkbox' ) ) {
$(`#${form_id} [name="${field[0]}"]`).filter(`[value="${value}"]`).prop( 'checked', true );
}else if ( field[0].startsWith( 'select' ) ) {
// For Select fields we need to trigger `fui:change`
$( `#${form_id} [name="${field[0]}"]` ).val( value ).trigger('fui:change');
}else {
// For another fields
$( `#${form_id} [name="${field[0]}"]` ).val( value ).trigger('change');
if ( _this.allowed_form_ids.length !== 0 && ! _this.in_json( _form_id, _this.allowed_form_ids ) ) {
if ( form_cookie ) {
let cookie_json = JSON.parse( `[${form_cookie}]` ),
form_json = cookie_json[0];
Object.keys( form_json ).forEach( function( key ) {
let field = $( `#${form_id} #${key}` );
if ( '' != form_json[key] ) {
field.val( form_json[key] );
record_fields : function() {
let _this = wpmudev_forminator_saved_fields,
form_id = $( this ).closest( 'form' ).attr( 'id' ),
form = $( `#${form_id}` );
_this.set_cookie( form_id, _this.serialize( form ) );
$(document).on( 'response.success.load.forminator', );
form.on( 'submit', function(){
let _this = wpmudev_forminator_saved_fields
_this.delete_cookie( $( this ).attr( 'id' ) );
} );
get_cookie : function( form_id ) {
let _this = wpmudev_forminator_saved_fields,
name = _this.cookie_name + '_' + form_id + "=",
ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for( var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++ ) {
var c = ca[i];
while ( c.charAt(0) == ' ' ) {
c = c.substring(1);
if ( c.indexOf( name ) == 0 ) {
return c.substring( name.length, c.length );
return "";
set_cookie: function( form_id, cvalue ) {
let _this = wpmudev_forminator_saved_fields,
current_date = new Date(),
cookie_name = _this.cookie_name + '_' + form_id,
expires = '';
current_date.setTime( current_date.getTime() + ( _this.cookie_expire_days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ) );
expires = `expires=${current_date.toUTCString()}`;
d.cookie = `${cookie_name}=${cvalue}; ${expires} ;path=${_this.path};`;
delete_cookie: function( form_id ) {
let _this = wpmudev_forminator_saved_fields,
cookie_name = _this.cookie_name + '_' + form_id;
d.cookie = `${cookie_name}=; max-age=0; path=${_this.path}; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT;`;
serialize: function( form ){
return $.map( form.serializeArray(), function(val) {
return [, encodeURIComponent(val.value)].join('=');
in_json: function( needle, haystack ) {
var length = haystack.length;
for( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
if( haystack[i] == needle ) {
return true;
return false;
get_query_var: function( name, url ) {
if ( ! url ) {
return false;
name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&");
var regex = new RegExp(name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"),
results = regex.exec(url);
if (!results) return false;
if (!results[2]) return false;
return decodeURIComponent( results[2].replace(/\+/g, " ") );
$( d ).ready( function(){
} );
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Is this plugin still working with forminator? I have added it in my wp-content/mu-plugins and it doesn't seem to be working for my forms.

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askags commented Jun 23, 2020


I tried this plugin, but nothing works. I have uploaded it in the mu-plugins folder (my site is not a multi-site) and got no option to enable/disable it in the WP plugins dashboard.

Assuming it will work automatically, my form are still not saving data in cookie.

Any idea how to make it work!

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Hi! I've made an update and should be working now. Could you give it another spin?

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Hi! I've made an update and should be working now. Could you give it another spin?

Hey, thanks for updating! It still doesn't seem to be working. I'm testing it on radio buttons which are selected (I have about 200 of them to be completed in a form). Upon returning to the form, the radio buttons are no longer selected which means they aren't being cached

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askags commented Jun 24, 2020

Will surely test it out.
I have a small query though. How will this plugin work?
Like, will it automatically save the data the that user is feeding in the form or the user has to click a save/submit button?

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wpmudev-sls commented Jun 24, 2020

That should store form data in cookie when the Next/Previous buttons are clicked. I did another update just now with an option to store data on button click or on focusout of an input. You can set those in these lines:

	* Accepted values can be
	*	"button" : With button, the script will store form's inputs in cookies when then Next/Previous buttons are clicked
	* 	"focusout" : With focusout, the script will store only the 
	$store_trigger = 'button'; // OR 'focusout'

You can also set the form ids this snippet should apply to in these lines

	* This is an array of form ids that will apply this script
	* In order to make it applicable for all forms you can leave the array empty:
	* $allowed_form_ids = array();
	$allowed_form_ids = array( 6, 12, 345, 6434 );

You can leave the array empty so the snippet gets applied on all forms

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askags commented Jun 25, 2020

I was testing this plugin. It is working perfectly now. This plugin will save a lot of time of my users.

However, while testing it I came across an issue. The plugin is not considering the value of the pre-filled text.Like if I have submitted the form, that this plugin will ignore the pre-filled text queries and will still show the value stored in the cookie.

Is there anyway I can bypass this?

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I've added a method to delete the cookie upon submit. Could you clone/downlowd and try once more?

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askags commented Jun 30, 2020

Can you put another feature where user can define the form ids for which the submit button should remove cookies.

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Could you make an WPForms version ? :)

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askags commented Jan 12, 2021


I have been using this work-around since quite a long time.

However, after recent update in forminator, this plugin has stopped working and the cookies are no longer storing anything.

Can you please check once from your end?

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